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Sheeda Dec 2012
A conversation of depths so deep
Where thoughts are free to swim
An all-encompassing embrace
Ideas and Imagination
Where the significance of human life
And contemplation of of the future alike
are discussed and sunk in memory.

A conversation of depths so deep
that open and intoxicate the mind
with the loftiest of realizations
and cradle it gently in epiphany after epiphany.
That quench the thirst for knowledge
with oceans.

How I long for one.

Would you care to talk?
595 · Dec 2012
Sheeda Dec 2012
Seize me by the waist
Hold me tightly in your arms
And make me cry a sweet surrender.
Steal kisses that would have been gladly bestowed
And consume my body with bites of fire
Mark red trails down my back
And leave me shivering not from cold
But heated pleasure of the flesh
Condemn me to a hell
Become heaven by your touch
And hold me on the edge of precious release
Where I shall beg to be spared
The wait
Gripping the sheets
For you
To take me
And let me have
My sweet surrender.
581 · Oct 2012
The Scales
Sheeda Oct 2012
The world is unfair, I tell you it’s true
The world’s always crying, the skies never blue
But in the world of my dreams, we all have a smile
We all work hard to make life worth while
But what we want never comes, without a fair price
And usually people give up being nice

So I'm sitting there with you, trying to solve
Why the world can still revolve
With all the worry, with all the pain
Has it thought, I can’t spin again
But then I remember all the good happenings
The rainbow after rain, the bird that sings

Then I realize the world isn’t so bad
Some things happy, some things sad
I sit there and weigh out the bad and the good
It turns out they’re equal, and with that I stood
I thought, I can change the balance of this
So I got up and gave you one, sweet kiss

Now the good outweighs the bad
I wrote this a really long time ago :]
579 · Oct 2012
Seek me not (10.07.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
Love, you *******. Love, you *****.
I shall not seek you anymore.
I'll avert my eyes when you come by,
You are the place dreams go to die.
If you're never there, I'll never lose
I'll never get another bruise
Love and lust - so far apart
One breaks the body, the other the heart.
My trust in you is dead, so Love seek me not
For in this broken soul you will rot.
570 · Nov 2012
Thanksgiving 2012
Sheeda Nov 2012
Thank you for this broken home
And for a broken night
For every single argument
And every single fight.
Thank you for every punch
And every stone that has been thrown
For every single insult hurled
For leaving me alone.
Thank you for every single
Tear that I have cried
And for every part of me
That has been lost or died.
Thank you for all my weaknesses
For every weight I've had to pull
For every single failure
And every time I've been a fool.
Thank you for helping me
Find my strengths inside
For showing me the silver lining
The dark clouds have belied.
Thank you for showing me
That nothing is out of reach
That everyone I meet in life
Has something to teach.
Thank you for showing me
That I could do it on my own
And that with my friends, my family
I will never be alone.
Just something I threw together... oh well
569 · Mar 2013
Sheeda Mar 2013
I want to be an artist's muse
And sit in sunlit hallways
As she draws me in the ****.
Her eyes wandering across my body
Cartographers of the flesh
Mapping every shadow
that every curve casts upon itself
As she paints me beautiful
In colors never fading.
545 · Mar 2013
I Am A River (01.09.13)
Sheeda Mar 2013
For you I am a river
Ever changing, ever moving.
Give your troubles in to me
And watch them sink and be forgotten.
Build a boat and float it
Move with me.
I will carry you
Bear you off to foreign shores.
Then someday when you can take me no longer
Build a bridge over these troubled waters
Walk over them
And move on.
540 · Dec 2012
To Swim, To Fly
Sheeda Dec 2012
To swim, to fly
In your deep blue eyes
The ocean and sky
Is all I ask of you.
Sheeda Sep 2012
Write these words upon my heart
and seal them with a kiss.
Send them on the wings of time
and hope they shan't be missed.

Tie your soul onto your thoughts
and throw them out to sea.
Let them float a thousand leagues
until they come to me.

I shall do the same for you
with heart and soul and mind.
And if it all turns for the best,
I am yours and you are mine.
520 · Sep 2012
Sheeda Sep 2012
My burden is heavy;
My soul, it tires,
As I'm forced to march
Through these hellfires.
How much I long
To let all go
And float to a heaven
I have yet to know
Sheeda Oct 2012
Every song brings back the pain
Makes me die inside
Over and over again
510 · Dec 2012
Goodbye. (12.13.12)
Sheeda Dec 2012
Goodbye memories of the future we planned
Goodbye thoughts of you
Goodbye every promise, broken or not.
And every said, "I love you."
Goodbye to us and what we once were.
And hello to the future of you with her.
506 · Feb 2013
Sheeda Feb 2013
Broken within, broken without
Broken within broken without
SAnity is but a dream
Row your boat to a merry place
And move move move on
Find the sunrise and abandon sunsets
Move move move east
Around and around circles
No relief
Row Row
Never stop
I hate the life I'm living now.
491 · Dec 2012
I wrote you a letter.
Sheeda Dec 2012
I wrote you a letter,
but I never sent it.
All of my energy,
on you I spent it.
You said you loved me,
but you never meant it.
You said you gave me your heart,
but you only lent it.

Then you took it back.

Like a smack
Across the face.
488 · Oct 2012
To Love (10.01.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
I wish that you would find me
I have sought you for so long
I caught a glimpse of you in ocean waves,
Heard your twinkle in a song.

I thought I found you many times
You never proved me right
So in the shadows I shall stay
While others linger in your light.

Oh Love, why do you treat me so
And hide away so well?
Please just come and stay with me;
I'll never kiss and tell.

Make my heart into your home
And in its chambers rest
I promise to hold you, oh so dear,
My Love, I shall attest.

And when the day has come to end
My life's fire turn to embers
Love, you will be free to go
But I shall always remember.
485 · Dec 2012
Sheeda Dec 2012
Tired and torn
Wearied and worn
The life that you had
Treated you bad

Broken apart
Lost all your heart
Solace in weeping
As death comes a-creeping

One look and you'll find
That you've lost your mind
To the depths of despair
So you search for repair

Forever and ever
held to the tether
Of who you once were
The whole one, her.
*badly <--- for the grammar police :]
477 · Oct 2012
Messages. (10.29.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
to be completely honest.. it hurt. really badly.
i really liked you, like you.. and it hurts.
what did i do wrong?
when you told me that we were thinking the same thing
i actually thought i had a chance
and i couldnt help but smile
even after my cheeks hurt.
466 · Oct 2012
10 words
Sheeda Oct 2012
writing poetry
is like painting a rainbow
in grayscale.
Sheeda Oct 2012
|                                                                ­ |
|                                                                ­ |
|                                                                ­ |
|                             Huh.                           |
|       I always imagined writer's block    |
|                   To look like this.                   |
|                                                                ­ |
|                                                                ­ |
|                                                                ­ |
10 words :]
454 · Oct 2012
Sheeda Oct 2012
Why can't you take me as I am,
Or take me not at all?
Why do you hold me up so high
Just to let me fall?
Why do you ignore my voice
Until you see me cry?
Why do you treat me like you do;
Please just tell me why?
Why do you steal my words
and throw them in my face?
Why do you make me feel alone,
As if I've got no place?
Why do you never keep your words,
The promises you make?
Why do I have to give my all
If all you do is take?
Sheeda Nov 2012
I should step more carefully
while walking on
the precipice.
419 · Jan 2013
Sheeda Jan 2013
What happens on the theater of life when the curtain closes?
Does the main character give one more bow
One more sweep of the audience through the opaque curtains
And then walk out stage left to a different reality?
This is kinda a muddled thought. No editing, just something that popped into my head.
364 · Oct 2012
Sheeda Oct 2012
One day I decided to give you my heart
I was told that was not very smart
I didn't listen
Now with tears a-glisten
It lays in my hands broken apart.
My very first limerick :] an experiment in simplicity

— The End —