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Oct 2012 · 724
The Archer
Sheeda Oct 2012
Standing up tall
Bow at the ready
Eyes glued to the target
Steady, steady
Leaving no time
To hesitate
For fear of getting
Just an eight
Straight and true
The arrow flies
Hits dead center
She's on the rise.
The last line of this kinda bugs me :/ also, I do know how to shoot :]
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Pray, man, pray (10.12.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
Sit in your church and pray, man, pray.
Convince your god, yourself, your wife and kids
That no... of course I didn't do that.
Tell the cops, the social workers, the police.
No, it never happened, I'm not like that.

Tell yourself and think, man, think.
I've always been a good Christian
but know what you did.
I've always helped others,
I took her into my house for pete's sake.

Play your guitar and sing, man, sing.
Drown out the voice of your conscience
How could you do that to a child?
But she's a Black Magic Woman and
she's trying to make a devil out of me~

Look at this and read, man, read.
You told them I was never alone with you in the house.
You told them that you never touched me or made me touch you.
You told them I was a liar, a storyteller, a troubled child.
Look into your wife's eyes, let untruth slither from your mouth.

You may have escaped conviction,
you may have saved face,
you may have shoved what you did
into the deepest, darkest part of your mind,
but it's there and it's not leaving.

So sit in your church and pray, man, pray
that your god doesn't really exist
because hell's fire is burning for you.
And even if there is no god
The truth will always come out.
When I was younger, I was molested by a family member over a period of four or five years. I waited six years to tell someone and it ended up flipping my life upside down and backwards. He didn't go to jail because there wasn't any evidence. If you are in any situation like that, please don't keep it a secret. Tell someone who is in a place to do something because people like this shouldn't be allowed to go free while we suffer in silence.
Sheeda Oct 2012
I was excited to see you today
I really was... It's just that I was a little scared.
Crowds scare me. So do tall people.
I'm sorry my past showed up,
But, then again you are a part of it
(hopefully not for much longer,
I'd much rather you in the present).
First impressions can be tough, but
What about seconds?
Nothing in my poems lie.
I speak loudly, boldly through my pen
Because sometimes my voice fails me,
Or my words do.
Or maybe I fail them.
I have never been asked to dance...
Nervousness and awkwardness >.< apprehension.
Sheeda Oct 2012
If only someone would call my name,
But no.
Instead, the ducks call to each other,
The lake calls to the duck,
The river calls to the lake,
And from the river is called muck.
If only someone were beside me on this bench,
But no.
Instead, The greedy birds stand side by side,
Rushing the child with the bread,
Near to a lady, looking on,
At the seagulls wings outspread.
I would like to enjoy my own company,
But no.
They say that solitude is nice,
But I'm lonely when I'm alone.
An insignificant piece of dust,
Gone when the wind has blown.
I was alone at the park for the first time in my life. It was strange...
Oct 2012 · 482
10 words
Sheeda Oct 2012
writing poetry
is like painting a rainbow
in grayscale.
Oct 2012 · 863
Undefined (10.04.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
I am undefined
I live off blank pages
I will be remembered
By future ages
I'm the most innocent of babes
The most wizened of sages
The calmest of oceans
The most violent of rages
I am the words
Between the lines
I am rhythm
and almost-rhymes
I am society's
I form the beat
and keep no time.
Oct 2012 · 593
Seek me not (10.07.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
Love, you *******. Love, you *****.
I shall not seek you anymore.
I'll avert my eyes when you come by,
You are the place dreams go to die.
If you're never there, I'll never lose
I'll never get another bruise
Love and lust - so far apart
One breaks the body, the other the heart.
My trust in you is dead, so Love seek me not
For in this broken soul you will rot.
Sheeda Oct 2012
Words, words, words
Yours set fire to my mind
with candle-like subtleties.
Punishment for all the sins
that haven't been committed... yet.
Call me a *******,
but it hurts in the best way.
Make me writhe in the inferno of my thoughts
Burn your touch into my memory
and set my skin blazing
The hellish flames licking enticingly
at my throat and the spaces between my toes.
Make this unforgettable.
Flickering embers swirling
through the confines of body and mind
to be remembered forevermore.
Oct 2012 · 732
I want this (10.05.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
Parted lips and dancing tongues
Closed eyes and airless lungs
Fingers twined and toe to toe
Heads tilted and hearts aglow
Fireworks, trumpets, and deep bliss
Filled the air that day we kissed.
Oct 2012 · 376
Sheeda Oct 2012
One day I decided to give you my heart
I was told that was not very smart
I didn't listen
Now with tears a-glisten
It lays in my hands broken apart.
My very first limerick :] an experiment in simplicity
Oct 2012 · 861
Sheeda Oct 2012
Whisper sweetly into my ear
and let your breath caress my neck
as your words lap at my mind and flood it.
Run your hands gently through my hair
and down my spine
to rest on the small of my back.
Lay your head upon my breast
and feel the beat of the wings of
a million butterflies on your temples.
Mark a path of light touch
from my neck and along my collarbone
and let your lips follow closely after.
Leave blooms of purple roses
across my hips and pink half-moons
down my thighs.
Breathe me in deeply, and feel me
taking the place of oxygen,
and swimming through your veins.
Making your head spin giddily
with fancies surreal
as I dance in your heart's meadow
and set the butterflies free.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Monster (10.02.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
Souleater, heartbreaker
Send me spiraling into despair
Take my dignity and wear it on your chest
like a medal of corrupted honor.
Show them that you've won this game,
This race among sewer rats
Of whom you are king.
Leave the spent shell of my body
On the ground.
It is of no more use to you.
You are a monster.
The type that hides in shadow
That is shadow
The shadow of darkness on the blackest of nights.
Consume the beings that pass you by,
Drain them of every good thought.
Leave a trail of their hollow husks
With empty eyes and ravaged souls,
To rustle in the wind as you pass.
Collect them not,
For you have the ultimate prize
Burning a hole in your heartless chest,
And walk this vile earth
Leaving terror in your wake.
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Would you care?
Sheeda Oct 2012
Would you care to know...
that my favorite color is green?
that good music sends a tingle up my spine?
that I love the ocean passionately?
that I always take cold showers and I love them?
that I collect mugs of all shapes and sizes and
that my recent favorite says "grouch" on it?
that I am loving and caring?
that stepping on crunchy leaves makes me smile?
that looking at my toes does too?
that my favorite places to get kissed are on my cheek, nose, and forehead?
that I sing and play the ukulele?
that I love to cuddle?
that I write poetry?
that my cookies and pancakes are the bomb diggety?
that I say bomb diggety?
the word "pudding" makes me laugh?
that I write quotes on my bathroom mirror?
that I sleep with a teddy I've had for 16 years?
that I'm stronger than you think I am?
that you don't know me in the least?

Or, would you rather care to know...
that I am vulnerable?
that I'm a great kisser?
that I have "experience"?
that I can make your night?
or would you rather not?
And just take me
No questions asked,
No exchange but that of the body
Then none forever after?
If those are your wishes, then you don't deserve me in the least.
And I am not making you pancakes.
Oct 2012 · 4.0k
Sheeda Oct 2012
Ethereal being
Made of jelly and light
Move through the deep sea's everlasting night
With a pump and a swish and a beat of five hearts
The jellyfish
Is a work of fine art.
Oct 2012 · 497
To Love (10.01.12)
Sheeda Oct 2012
I wish that you would find me
I have sought you for so long
I caught a glimpse of you in ocean waves,
Heard your twinkle in a song.

I thought I found you many times
You never proved me right
So in the shadows I shall stay
While others linger in your light.

Oh Love, why do you treat me so
And hide away so well?
Please just come and stay with me;
I'll never kiss and tell.

Make my heart into your home
And in its chambers rest
I promise to hold you, oh so dear,
My Love, I shall attest.

And when the day has come to end
My life's fire turn to embers
Love, you will be free to go
But I shall always remember.
Oct 2012 · 590
The Scales
Sheeda Oct 2012
The world is unfair, I tell you it’s true
The world’s always crying, the skies never blue
But in the world of my dreams, we all have a smile
We all work hard to make life worth while
But what we want never comes, without a fair price
And usually people give up being nice

So I'm sitting there with you, trying to solve
Why the world can still revolve
With all the worry, with all the pain
Has it thought, I can’t spin again
But then I remember all the good happenings
The rainbow after rain, the bird that sings

Then I realize the world isn’t so bad
Some things happy, some things sad
I sit there and weigh out the bad and the good
It turns out they’re equal, and with that I stood
I thought, I can change the balance of this
So I got up and gave you one, sweet kiss

Now the good outweighs the bad
I wrote this a really long time ago :]
Oct 2012 · 462
Sheeda Oct 2012
Why can't you take me as I am,
Or take me not at all?
Why do you hold me up so high
Just to let me fall?
Why do you ignore my voice
Until you see me cry?
Why do you treat me like you do;
Please just tell me why?
Why do you steal my words
and throw them in my face?
Why do you make me feel alone,
As if I've got no place?
Why do you never keep your words,
The promises you make?
Why do I have to give my all
If all you do is take?
Sep 2012 · 956
Hold, hold shh (09.28.12)
Sheeda Sep 2012
That moment right before a kiss
Brings suspense before the bliss
hold, hold shhh
That one last look before eyes close
All the world is bathed in rose
look deep, shhh
One beat skips in two hearts
Lips move just slightly apart
breathe in, shhh
Not a sound is heard for miles
Crickets too pause for a while
closer, shhh
Soul to soul and hand in hand
A love across all times spanned
kiss me, hold
Sheeda Sep 2012
To look, or not to look: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to forsake
The entertaining of such fanciful thoughts of love or lust
Or to pursue them against all odds of a benign response,
And by seeking, obtain? To look: to see:
Maybe more; And by a sight to find
In the glitter of an lined eye the interest and wanting
That impels said actions; ‘tis a reciprocation
Devoutly sought. To look: to see:
To see: perchance to lose: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that subtle glance what times may follow after
Whether the ice is broken or the heart instead,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of a choice to peek;
For who would bear the hurt of a scornful return,
A finding that the goddess is a medusa,
A turning of the fancies to stone,
A realization of disinterest, a knitting of the brows
A frown’s beginnings on a face so fair,
When she herself might her peace make
By refraining to meet the intended’s eye? Who would want
To face a rejection that is in all chance,
But for the regret that comes with a chance not taken,
Leaving what could be as what could have been
Forevermore, which makes us turn
And face the one to one million
Than never to face it at all?
Thus fear of rejections makes regretters of us all,
And thus the resolve to be one of a million
Is weakened by weighty o’erthought,
And an attempt to contemplate her soul through her eyes
With this regard are abandoned,
And lost to remain as fanciful thought.
Written for my english class on 09.27.12
Sep 2012 · 530
Sheeda Sep 2012
My burden is heavy;
My soul, it tires,
As I'm forced to march
Through these hellfires.
How much I long
To let all go
And float to a heaven
I have yet to know
Sheeda Sep 2012
Meet me in our secret place,
A meeting we shall hold,
Of hearts and hands and lips and face
Until the day grows old.
Then steal away into a field
Underneath the stars
And contemplate our place on Earth
And E.T. life on Mars.
In the morn, at the rising sun
We'll stretch and rub our eyes
Then brace ourselves 'gainst the coming day
For life's next big surprise.
Sheeda Sep 2012
Write these words upon my heart
and seal them with a kiss.
Send them on the wings of time
and hope they shan't be missed.

Tie your soul onto your thoughts
and throw them out to sea.
Let them float a thousand leagues
until they come to me.

I shall do the same for you
with heart and soul and mind.
And if it all turns for the best,
I am yours and you are mine.
Sep 2012 · 629
Sheeda Sep 2012
Sing me a song that makes me weep,
makes me smile, makes me sleep.

Fashion me a dream of silver and gold,
of thunderclouds, of heat and cold.

Hold me as you would your heart,
your favorite bear, a work of art.

Love me with a passion fierce,
like one whose heart blind Cupid pierced.

Just look into my eyes to see
my love for you, sincerity.

Know that I am yours to keep,
but are you mine outside of sleep?

— The End —