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There's a vision in the lightning of a springtime thunderstorm,
a thought to be rekindled one cold evening to stay warm.
The sun was drinking clouds away, the last few droplets flow,
and far away, a lady chasing rainbows.

She ran to where one started but just as she drew near,
the first would melt away to mist.  Another would appear.
She sought in vain to see the colors' origins unfold
which meant much more to her than pots of gold.

I watched the prisms tease her, saw her fall and fall again
until the clouds reclaimed her, and I lost her to the rain.
To this day I wonder...and for all that this man knows,
somewhere there's a lady chasing rainbows.

Should her flight be finished one fine day she'll comprehend
no gold nor truth is to be found by chasing rainbow's end.
There's beauty in the doing, not in the wondering how.
Expressions of the future are created here and now.
So in another vision of that bright and stormy show -
there will be a lady making rainbows.
Nothin' to it but to do it...right, Hildy??
We've heard the tales of eyes and smiles a hundred times before,
but for this one I write about, I'll have to add one more.
Though songs of faces say so much, they cannot tell the all,
so I shall sing of one who wears the golden waterfall.

The signals of her hatred for this world of little lies
is registered within the tell-tale candor of her eyes.
On this plane of human falsehood, such honesty stands tall,
and so I sing of one who wears the golden waterfall.

The poetry of words alone has not the grace to give
her passion to discover all the love she wants to live.
A warmth too great to be contained in her body, largely small
flows through the hair of she who wears the golden waterfall.

So from aside I watch, a half-read book upon her shelf
as she throws light upon the unkind mirror of her self
and wonders if the things she seeks will listen to her call -
look!  See them run to one who wears the golden waterfall.
The beautiful soul from "She Never Knew" strikes again...only, this one she got to hear way back when.
1978 JMF
God granted me a gentle friend
to grieve my growing with me.
Of all the gifts in all the world,
He chose the best to give me.

God granted me a gentle friend
to cheer the changes coming;
to add the music to the words,
the chording with the strumming.

God granted me a gentle friend,
and when the doubts came creeping,
he sent me friends and friends again.
My heart was filled to weeping.

God granted me some gentle friends
who love me in my anger.
They hear the faith within the fire -
the care within the clangor.

God granted me some gentle friends
who show me they respect me.
They share the man they see in me;
I learn how to accept me.

God granted me some gentle friends,
each visit a thanks-giving.
Each friend a vision of Himself
to guide me in my living.
(c) 1985 Joel M Frye

I don't necessarily see my Higher Power as male any more...but I will honor the place I was in at this point in my life and not revise the poem.
A heart exists within me,
It just never comes out,
Afraid to be broken.
Afraid that if it believes in something
That doesn't come true,
It might never be able
To mend itself back together again.

So instead it hides away,
Safe behind its armor,
Hoping that if it stays there,
It will forever be protected.
The problem is,
The heart does not realize
What it is giving up,
By removing itself from chance,
From possibility.

Maybe someday it will realize this,
Before it is too late, and the heart
Regrets not breaking out
When it had the chance.

Perhaps in time,
It will realize
That to experience trust,
Love, life...
The heart must
Be able to break
Free of those metal cages,
It has built around

To experience
True life,
It cannot hide away
As it does.
It cannot sit,
Hoping for something;
To come break it free.
© 2010 Meg McCluskey
By Christ,
that scented Flower
that once favored bloom
I gathered from the garden
Ever brought so much doom,
For love it is curse
when not shared by another
but cast upon an empty heart
leaving mine alone to smother,
Where tears fall silently
and hearts break completely
I curse that Bloom if disarray
That Rose...UNIQUELY

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
When words no longer hold
invite or excite
that inward response
That once so gathered deep
within ones keep
of the visions of the mind.

There's a loss
a disappearance of sorts
that winged upon a fancy flies
then dies
deep inside the mellow chamber
of dreams.

The tears
that once as years
fades upon the old framed image
that like a crust surrounds
the only affordable expanse
the on vestige of what once
were little filters of oneself.

And here in photos are but the images
that once skirted as the dreams within
between and through
and true
the soft textured rolls
of film and paper, that now
rests upon the tables, the mantels
as reflections of what was.

And the words
still unapproachable
fails to grasp
or gasp
the meaning of the visions
that here once clouded a mind bright and full
those promises of  days,  nights
To rest, now forever humble
To memories long gone.

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
My heart is beating, but i am not alive.
Being alive is but a mere memory to me.

I cry, I feel pain, I hate no longer.
I laught, I feel joy, I love no longer.

For you cannot have one, without the other.
I am a corps, waisting through life.
Only existing.

I long to have these feelings back.
without these i am not human.
When i dream, I am alive.
I see him, I see us.

We live together till we're old.
We die together, everythings by his side.

But its too late for that now,
too late for me.
And so I go on, long after I should.

When I wake, I come crashing back to reality,
and so sleep, is the only place i can live...

With the stars as my witnesses,
I shall enter eternal sleep.
Once again, a love wrecked life shall  
end the easy way out.

'o happy dagger ! this thy sheath,
there rust, and let me die.'
'o happy dagger ! this thy sheath,
there rust, and let me die.' is from romeo an juliet.... (contstuctive critism... welcome)

— The End —