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Sharon Carpenter Jun 2014
Scars have a way
As memories they bring,
Not always fond,
Reminiscence takes wing.
The story told
Gives a glimpse of a life,
Hidden before
From a now new friend’s eyes.

“This one happened
When I fell from my bike.
The one up here
From a dangerous hike.
This one is from
A mishap with our goat.”
Two tousled heads
Exam scars and take note.

Nothing is felt,
Not a glimmer of pain,
But the mem’ry
Of affliction remains.
Lessons are learned,
And now shared with a friend,
Scars bear witness
That wounds can heal and mend.

Wounds to the heart
Can heal and mend as well.
Christ the healer
Takes away pain once felt.
Giving others
A glimpse of now healed scars,
Yields a lesson
And draws closer our hearts.
  May 2014 Sharon Carpenter
The coldness, in it creeps
nightmares, disturb my sleep
all is magnified without you

The heaviness, holding me
it's grip so menacing
lost is the sunlight I once knew

The darkness, settling in
fighting before it begins
not sure if I am strong enough

The silence, so loud inside
fearing, there's nowhere to hide
Is this what it's like without love?
  May 2014 Sharon Carpenter
Mike Hauser
Did you hear me say that I love you
Did you hear me say until the very end
Well if you heard that I take it all back
You will never hear me say it again

Did you hear me say that you are precious
Did you hear me say you're all I need in life
Well now that I know everything about you girl
Let's just say it was a lie

Did you hear me say it in a moment of passion
Did you hear me say it out of ignorance
Well if it is I did you can believe on this
It will never again pass these lips

Did you hear me say we'd stay together
Did you hear me say until the bitter end
Well the bitter taste in my mouth I'm spitting out
And will never taste of it again
MAY God be praised for woman
That gives up all her mind,
A man may find in no man
A friendship of her kind
That covers all he has brought
As with her flesh and bone,
Nor quarrels with a thought
Because it is not her own.
Though pedantry denies,
It's plain the Bible means
That Solomon grew wise
While talking with his queens.
Yet never could, although
They say he counted grass,
Count all the praises due
When Sheba was his lass,
When she the iron wrought, or
When from the smithy fire
It shuddered in the water:
Harshness of their desire
That made them stretch and yawn,
pleasure that comes with sleep,
Shudder that made them one.
What else He give or keep
God grant me -- no, not here,
For I am not so bold
To hope a thing so dear
Now I am growing old,
But when, if the tale's true,
The Pestle of the moon
That pounds up all anew
Brings me to birth again --
To find what once I had
And know what once I have known,
Until I am driven mad,
Sleep driven from my bed.
By tenderness and care.
pity, an aching head,
Gnashing of teeth, despair;
And all because of some one
perverse creature of chance,
And live like Solomon
That Sheba led a dance.
Sharon Carpenter Apr 2014
What did I do to make Him desire me?
Even my best that I could do
Was filthy rags and not enough to please
A Holy God Who could not view
All of the sin that covered me.

There was nothing in me to draw His heart to mine
But yet He sought to make a way
That I’d commune with His heart tho divine
He made a way that He could rain
His love down on fallen mankind
Sharon Carpenter Mar 2014
She never noticed the love He offered
She never knew His Heart
He wanted more of Her
What She performed wasn’t enough
She just never spent time in His Presence
Doing all the right things
She had tried to please Him
but yet...
Saddest words ever
“I never knew You”
Now read the lines backwards... I saw someone else had shared a poem that could be read forward and backwards not too long ago.  So I decided to try it too.  Its harder than it sounds :)
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