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Apr 2013 · 219
"Just getting by"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I will barely get by this week,
Or maybe even two,
Knowing I'm still blessed,
To have a loving boyfriend like you.
Apr 2013 · 162
"Just you"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
After a long, hard day,
I only wish one thing from you,
That is a text knowing you're thinking of me,
The way I'm always thinking of you.
Apr 2013 · 261
"What's done is done"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
When I count to three,
My past will stop haunting me,
I will open my eyes,
and willingly rome free.
Apr 2013 · 457
"Deeply in Love"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I miss our long and detailed phone chats,
The soothing tone of your voice,
My tiny hand resting in yours,
Where we'd smile and rejoice.
My heart cannot bear,
Hardly ever seeing you,
I'm more timid and lost,
So sorrow and blue.
My eyes water uncontrolably,
My face has turned pale,
I'm a shadow to you,
So weak and frail.
You saved me from this cold life once,
I only pray you can do it once more,
Because I am madly in love with you,
With still much to explore. <3
Apr 2013 · 227
"Love Hurts"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I cannot fall asleep,
Without at least seeing,
A picture of *you
Apr 2013 · 250
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Success** and achievement
are the two best words ever said.
Apr 2013 · 538
Shari Forman Apr 2013
It's unfair how I feel isolated,
From the world around me,
Even though I'm assiduous and an athlete,
I'm heart-broken as can be.
Apr 2013 · 880
"A Devastating Loss"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
I heard a cry from deep inside,
That told me I had regret,
For a woman so uplifting,
And the most considerate yet.
I assumed you were relentless,
Endless phone calls after ten,
But I was irrational and overly critical,
Ranting and raving in my den.
I didn't fully understand,
That one stroke could change a life forever,
Living life to its fullest extent,
Carries the greatest treasures.
Living and learning every day,
How much she really meant to me,
Realizing how short of a life she had,
Helping her with old and new remedies.
Now that she is able to let go of me,
I feel heartless and alone,
I will forever see a considerate woman,
That she has so beautifully shown.
Apr 2013 · 115
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Nothing can get in the way
of pure happiness.
Apr 2013 · 232
"My Sweet Love"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
There is no other boy like you,
Such brilliance and warmth you hold,
There is no other human,
I'd rather unfold.
My heart cries out for your love,
That only you carry,
I breathe the same air as you,
Whom I'd gratefully love to marry.
You understand me better than my peers,
And greatly inspire me to think open-mindedly,
You've proven in many ways the respect you have,
Speaking and acting both beautifully and kindly.
You were conspicuously present at my tennis match,
A day I'd never forget,
My dreams magically became reality,
Cutting out everything, as both our eyes met.
Nothing can ever surpass the beauty you were born with,
That appears both inside and out,
For you are the only boy out there,
I constantly dream about.
Apr 2013 · 148
Shari Forman Apr 2013
ALL* you need is
Apr 2013 · 686
Shari Forman Apr 2013
It was my father who left me,
To discover a place of his own,
Lonely, but dishearten I felt,
For a place called “unknown.”
Baffled was I,
As to why he suddenly left me,
I trembled alone in fear,
Was I a goner soon to be?
Where have my hopes gone,
Withered away to stone,
Leaving nothing but the past,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Why do I feel resentment?
My father had a horrifying tone,
Had left me heartbroken,
For a place called, “unknown.”
My heart beats like thunder,
As I shiver to the bone,
My father ruined me,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Where will I go from here?
Too much my father had shown,
A martyr my father will always be,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
"The truth"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Do not change who you are,
Just for the attention seekers and haters,
Because they plant their jealousy inside of you,
Newly and freshly thought out,
Like vicious alligators.
Apr 2013 · 127
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Nothing can ever hold you back,
When you've entered a world of forgiveness.
Apr 2013 · 155
Shari Forman Apr 2013
There is no better meaning to life,
Than the deepest of them all,
Apr 2013 · 235
"Aching Heart"
Shari Forman Apr 2013
The endless days that hurt deep inside,
Are the best days yet to come.
Mar 2013 · 532
"Stress at its highest"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
My head is spinning,
I can't concentrate,
I haven't the slightest idea of a stress doll,
For could it be too late?
Mar 2013 · 232
Shari Forman Mar 2013
My face is always itchy,
I live in beautiful hell
Mar 2013 · 411
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Someone once told me I was gifted,
That I had a kind heart,
But I started recieving bad luck,
I felt unhappy from the start.
Mar 2013 · 220
"It was fate"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Plans change,
Because of the unexpeted,
A piece of my heart has flown away,
For results I never expected...
Mar 2013 · 330
"Everlasting Days"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I stood atop a hill motionless,
As I greatly suffered in my own distress,
I looked further out to the darkened, dreary clouds above,
And viewed life as a complete mess.
I felt the heavy rain trickle down my face,
Isolated in the midst of despair,
All I felt were forceful gushes of wind,
And implanted wounds, everywhere.
I wanted to scream and run,
But nothing would allow me to,
So I stood atop a hill motionless,
Frozen and inferior to you.
Mar 2013 · 714
Shari Forman Mar 2013
It was my father who left me,
To discover a place of his own,
Lonely, but dishearten I felt,
For a place called “unknown.”
Baffled was I,
As to why he suddenly left me,
I trembled alone in fear,
Was I a goner soon to be?
Where have my hopes gone?
Withered away to stone,
Leaving nothing but the past,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Why do I feel resentment?
My father had a horrifying tone,
Had left me heartbroken,
For a place called, “unknown.”
My heart beats like thunder,
As I shiver to the bone,
My father ruined me,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Where will I go from here?
Too much my father had shown,
A martyr my father will always be,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Mar 2013 · 532
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I can’t quite comprehend your role,
The pros and cons vary,
I am quite baffled,
For should I be weary?

The friendly looks you present to me,
Transition to a ridiculous, yet peculiar look,
I’m not yet satisfied with being in your presence,
I’m a bit worried,
For your foe’s life you took.

I don’t know yet,
If I’m your worst foe,
Or your closest female friend,
Oh, please let me know.

It’s absurd how smart you are,
But the bafflement I experience,
I’m turning to dust,
I’d rather die without absurdity haunting me.
Mar 2013 · 251
"Sick as a dog"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Give me MORE pills you beast?
As if I don't have enough problems already
Just tear out my insides,
Come on...I'M READY!
Mar 2013 · 506
"Bleeding Heart"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I tried my hardest to love you,
But you unknowingly pushed me away,
So I sit and pander about my past,
Baffled and frustrated, every day.
You slowly ripped my heart out,
As it transitions from red to black,
Its bright colors darken by the second,
Ardor and livliness, it lacks.
You unwrapped each and every layer,
My heart desperately yearns for,
You've sought out to be fierce and intimidating,
Disheartening, unloving, and nothing more.
Mar 2013 · 404
"The singing breeze"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
As a gush of wind passes over me,
A hear a high-pitch sound,
I envision blurriness,
From all around.
I feel a gentle touch,
From the almighty wind's power,
I'm alone with the wind,
As high as a tower.
The singing breeze captures my attention,
As my curiosity rises,
I'm at ease with the wind,
Of various shapes and sizes.
I see a shadow up ahead,
Feel the winds' breath on my cool skin,
I'm relaxed and content,
From my conscious within.
Let the singing breeze wave to me,
Let it hug my body and speak,
Let it become alive and nature's friend,
Let it find its highest peak.
It has much to show,
Of its beauty and gift,
Let the singing breeze sing,
Let it convey how swift.
Mar 2013 · 373
"Two Hearts"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Two hearts form as one,
In the m'st of daylight, we run.
Far away to a place called home,
Through the wildflowers and daisies, we rome.
Our place called home is like no other,
Gracious love, we have discovered.
Two hearts call out to say,
I've found you, from far away.
You have opened up my eyes,
To its maximum size.
I've learned the true meaning of love,
From God, up above.
My heart aches when we're apart,
For every day, is a new start.
Nothing can ever compare,
To the endless love we share.
You've touched my heart so fast,
Our love will forever last. <3
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
Shari Forman Mar 2013
"You are beautiful, nomatter what they say."
You are here to learn, each and every day.
You are born with a heart,
You are kind, from the start.
You try your absolute best,
To keep up with the rest.
You seek new places,
With various faces.
You always thought to smile,
And easily became all the worth while.
Mar 2013 · 901
"Ice cold March"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
It felt bitter cold out today,
As I viewed the snowflakes with dismay.
I noticed slush covering the streets,
O where was the glorious heat?
Although white symbolized pureness in life,
I believed it was a lie
So I stood atop a hill speechless,
Just barely trying to get by.
Coldness symbolized the bitter rivalry of seasons,
Competing with each other to satisfy us,
The numerous collisions because of you,
With endless complaints and fuss.
It is unfortunately an ice cold March,
Too depressing for my taste,
So I stood atop a hill far from glory,
Forever stuck in silly paste.
Mar 2013 · 2.3k
"A Nurturing Heart"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I have the poor girl clothes,
As she smiled gratefully, fromhead to toe.
She warmly embraced me with loving arms,
A swwet girl with many charms.
Nomatter who laughed at her,
Her grateful heart soley, I preferred.
Mar 2013 · 909
"Acid Reflux"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
A curse of a bad deed,
Stabbing constantly at my soul,
Running until it's out of breath,
It's acid reflux, in control.
Mar 2013 · 660
Shari Forman Mar 2013
She forms a luminous smile,
Beautiful and worth while.
Eyes smiling too,
That exquisite girl is you.
Mar 2013 · 683
"A Broken Heart"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
A broken heart cannot be fixed,
Sitting on the edge of despair,
Crying out for love and warmth,
Every would implanted, every tear.
Every day it hurts deep inside,
Knowing you're gone tears aggressively at my will,
A major piece of me has magically vanished,
As I gradually become ill.
A broken heart has endless questions,
Bland serentiy embodies me,
I make an effort to form a deformed smile,
I'm permanently heartbroken, you see.
Mar 2013 · 22.3k
"A heart of white"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
A heart that is pure,
Will be forever more.
A symbol of cleanliness and love,
Lies the color white, from above.
Friendship and trust,
With never a fuss.
Glory and unity,
For numerous opportunities.
Happiness excells,
With riviting stories to tell.
A heart so bright,
Deeply reflects the color white.
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
"Snow again"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
What has nature come to?
This weather can't be true.
Don't you realize this is affected,
Mother nature is disconnected.
Where are the flowers?
When will it shower?
This very weather,
Deluded as a gnome,
This disgraceful feeling,
I would never call home.
Mar 2013 · 362
Shari Forman Mar 2013
"Help, help!"
Cried a boy in the wings,
Beaten and bruised by his father,
"A broken heart cannot be fixed," he sings.
Through his tears of mental agony and torture,
He takes a gander at the long black whip,
When he counts to three it will be alright,
He shivers with trembling lips.
On the count of one,
He stares at him with interrogating eyes,
On the count of two,
He says his last goodbyes.
On the count of three,
He's no longer here,
His soul peacefully rests with God,
As he sheds one last tear.
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
"Why change?"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Please don't change just for me,
Let me discover your true personality.
I'll accept you nomatter what,
So please don't keep your gorgous eyes shut.
Please understand,
I will forever hold your hand.
You've showed your maturity and love for me,
So now please do show me
Your true personality.
Mar 2013 · 427
"Lost Hope"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
You flipped the switch on,
And brought me to life,
Now able to walk past despair,
Clutching my knife...
Cluching my knife,
For defense against my foe,
Walking stealthily past your windows,
Where you would never show.
You would never show...
Your actions seemed morbid to me,
Despite your superiority and intelligence over me,
You never considered anger management,
And for that I'm mortified, you see.
Mar 2013 · 328
"It was meant to happen"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I was getting the easy way out,
Going to without signing in,
It took me straight to my account,
But I had to start over,
Because of the predicament,
I was in...
Mar 2013 · 675
"A dreamy mind"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
When I first look in your eyes,
My heart beats unbelievably fast,
The rush of excitement I feel,
Like every moment was our last.
It hurts to not always have you with me,
For you give me complete strength and love,
I feel extremely comfortable with you,
And not just referring to “above.”
I love you for who you are,
For you just being yourself around me,
I have a lot of appreciation towards you,
I’m thankful, you see.
You are constantly on my mind,
I feel really special and content with you,
You put the biggest smile on my face,
I proudly commend you for all you do.
I feel like a different person around you,
You truly mean more than anything to me,
I love every funny to romantic aspect about you,
I love you, you see.
You bring me suspense,
And you have my heart,
I’m grateful to share my love with you,
And never to part.
Mar 2013 · 480
“Life Truly”
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Life provokes obstacles,
That is encountered by many,
Pursuing such unique careers,
Cost a fortune; not a penny.
Life is vivacious,
Filled of laughter set by younger ones,
The memorable days of homework,
Yes, there were tons!
Life tells of a novel,
In which humanity grows,
Successful or not,
God Always knows.
Being able to succeed in a future life,
Is no folly, yet a gift,
Taking chances and risking pure life,
Would be a great shift.
Life presumes to be adventurous,
Even if it doesn’t go a certain way,
It will try its best
Throughout life people shall pray.
Mar 2013 · 471
“True Love”
Shari Forman Mar 2013
The burning feeling of love inside,
Beating hearts that collide.
My heart races here to show,
We’re inseparable to and fro.
My tiny hand rests in yours,
As we wander through the open doors.
Jogging endlessly on the golden sand,
Exploring happily, across the land.
Gazing into each other’s eyes,
Feeling our love increase in size.
Holding each other tightly,
Whispering slightly.
Our lips attached,
The perfect match.
Chemistry building up,
Like a playful, little pup.
The deepest emotions two share,
In which nothing can compare.
I’m blessed to have found love,
From paradise, up above.
So sacred to treasure,
Endless pleasure.
Desirable qualities in each of us,
Never a complain, nor a fuss.
A heart lifted as high as the sun,
Laughing, socializing, and having fun.
Love is the most valuable thing,
Such unique quality, it does bring.
Nothing will ever surpass the beauty of love,
I’ve found my destiny, from above.
Mar 2013 · 5.6k
"Traveling Through Life"
Shari Forman Mar 2013
… “Ready Scarlett; one, two, two and a half, three,” said dad looking as proud as ever.

It was my eighteenth birthday, the one and only year that I finally would graduate from High School. The ecstatic moment when I get my diploma and the rush I would get from wanting to rapidly pursue my career. I knew that I’d surely get a scholarship in life science, all about animals. The one and only thing that blockaded my chances of having a future life was me having to suffer from diabetes and few heart problems. Other than that, I was in for all new surprises.

“Scarlett Perkins, would you now gracefully make your way up for your diploma.”

The principal of the school should’ve spoken louder so people could hear, but when I smiled, he got a warm feeling and smiled right back. I know I’m not supposed to make a speech or even say anything, but meaning I’m officially finished with high school and by law, allowed to live on my own, I thought I’d say something that my family would never forget.

“Thank you Principal Williams.” “I will always strive to improve on what I struggle with the most. I am proud of myself as an honor student and will always think positively. Whether it’s finding a cure for my heart problems, leaving my best friends behind to let them pursue their careers, or finding someone to love and to cherish for the rest of my life; preferably Jewish and good looking…

Audience laughs

“I will work up to my very best and even further if possible. Thank you all for your time.”

Audience claps and cheers me on.

“Well, time to go to sleep ladies and gentleman, as the day is officially now over.” “I’m really proud of you Scarlett. You sure have the guts to get up there and give a fantastic speech, you see, I have barely any guts left; kids beating me up in your grade, but overall, I’m good.”

All I could do at that point was listen and smile at his humorous jokes.

It was a long car ride home with the window ajar and my mom having to stop short at every yellow light. It is just her thing now a day’s. My brother, James, was wearing his usual, yet casual, short-sleeved shirt with coterie shorts.

I had to open the window fully as if the humidity increased
about ten percent in the last few minutes. My graduation gown made me sweat even more and feel much overheated. My mom was wearing her new, loose fitting blouse with jean shorts. I would have to admit, my dad looked rather cool with his dark shades on even though it looked as if it was impossible to see through them.

“I’m very proud of you Scarlett. Hey, who knew that such a bright girl could make a speech like that,” said dad.

“Thanks dad, it wasn’t that hard to make a speech like that. I was more excited then nervous,” I said.

“So Scar, who’s having this graduation party honey?” Said mom.

“Mom, it’s just going to be a party with my close friends and maybe a few kids from school. Jake said he might be able to come too.”

“Ooh, Scarlett and Jake…” said my brother.

“Are you really going to be that immature on my graduation day?”

My brother and I always end up arguing about something. James lay back, looking relaxed while listening to his I-pod.

We arrive home at about once thirty eager to see our grandparents whom we haven’t seen in ages. They were on my dad’s side of the family.

“Hey, what’s cooking mom, dad?” said Dad.

Mom and dad both walk over to greet grandma and grandpa as well as James and I.

“My James, you’ve gotten so tall since I last saw you. Oh, and older too”, said grandma.

“Yeah, I just turned fourteen a couple of months ago,” said James.

“And who have we here?” “Happy eighteenth birthday Scarlett.” said Grandma.

… My friends pick me up at about six at night. They are the kind of friends that you would call very fortunate. Chelsea’s car is a silver Honda that costs close to the amount of $20000. To tell the truth, I don’t know how and where she gets that kind of money from as only a teenager. I know only one thing; she doesn’t have a job yet.

I got my first and only job about a week ago at a pet shop explaining to people how to care for certain animals.

“Chelsea, how long is the party till?”

“Till around ten,” replied Chelsea.

“How many people are going to be there,” I asked.

“Don’t worry so much Scarlett; they’ll be about twenty of the people from school that we know.” Said Tory from the backseat of the car

“Okay, no more questions.” I said. “Party it up baby!”

Chelsea, Tory, Veronica and Katy all smile and laugh at my remark. I smile as well.

We all arrive at the party ten minutes later. She was right on account of about twenty other graduates from school there. After all, Chelsea’s house looked spectacular!

She had a sign with big letters saying, “We’re the 2005 graduates!” Boy I felt so proud of myself and for once, relaxed.

“So I think It’s really cool that you are interested in animals. I love that subject as well. Great speech Scarlett!” said a girl named Rachel from school

“Thanks a lot Rachel,” I replied as I went to get a cup of water.

Something slowly wrapped around me as I was pouring a glass of water.

“Whoa, you scared me there for a second.”

“I wouldn’t say that I’m that much of a creeper Scarlett,” replied Jake.

The DJ (graduate) started to play some popular, current music in which we could all dance to. I head with Jake to the center of Chelsea’s enormous living room to go and dance with everyone else. I knew Jake for a long time now and he definitely out danced everyone on the dance floor with his cool moves.

The music started to get so loud that I couldn’t hear myself talk or even think for that matter.

“Hey Katy and Veronica, I’m going to go outside for a little bit. Can you please tell Chelsea if you see her?” I said.

“What’d you say?” said Veronica in a loud tone.

“Never mind.” I replied.

I took a couple of steps, then straight to the ground while holding my chest. Jake ran over to me like lightening.

“Scarlett, are you okay?” “Scarlett, Scarlett, Scarlett!” cried Jake with fear in his eyes.

It eventually got to the point where I fully blanked out, not being able to hear or see a thing.

...When I woke up, I was a little scared and baffled as to where I was and what happened. I further noticed my mom and dad looking as nervous as ever by the look of their faces, and my boyfriend Jake coming towards me frantically.

“Oh, my God Scarlett, are you alright? You look so pale sweetheart,” said dad softly.

“What happened honey? Do you feel dizzy or motionless? Said mom extremely worried.

“Did I blank out or something? Oh, I feel so dizzy and I have a migraine.” I said helplessly.

I moaned hopelessly and tried falling back to sleep. That didn’t work because I also had another part of emotion on me and that was guilt. I felt terrible that I ruined the most important party of my life, and possibly, the last party I’ll ever go to.

“It’s going to be okay Scarlett. I’ll ask the doctor to give you some Advil for your headache and please try to get some rest. Try not to think about the pain in your chest.” said Jake.

I know he was trying to be nice to try and help me and cheer me up, but visualizing pain in my chest felt painful to me and I tried not to cry.

He smiled at me holding my hand. I smiled back at him hugely.

“I’ll be right back sweetie.”

About five minutes later, the doctor came to check up on me.

“Hello Scarlett; Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, I’m doctor Isenman.”

“Nice to meet you said dad.”

“I’m just going to ask you Scarlett, how much pain do you have from one to ten?” said the doctor.

“Eight, I replied without any enthusiasm; my head still on my pillow with my eyes shut.”

The doctor turned from having a smile to a serious frown. The doctor told me to drink a lot of water to prevent the suffrage of dehydration. Dr. Isenman also told me to take it easy and try to relax for the next couple of days. I vowed to take his advice because he was definitely right.

“Scarlett, you have a very high fever of 103.5. I want you to drink every cup of water to ease the fever.” said the doctor.

“Okay,” I said without lifting my head or opening my eyes.

As the doctor leaves, I see Jake coming back with Motrin in which he probably got from one of the nurses and an ice pack.

“Put this on your head scar to ease the fever.” said Jake.

“Thanks for staying with me Jake, but you don’t have to stay much longer. You should go home and rest.” I said.

“I want to stay with you though.

He paused.

“I don’t know if now would be a good time to tell you that I got a scholarship in football for the whole season; but, I did.” said Jake.

“Wow Jake, that’s amazing; very impressive. You’ll be the star quarterback.” I said.

“I hope so; thanks Scarlett, and one night in the hospital couldn’t hurt, right?” said Jake.


… “How are you feeling baby?” said mom.

“It’s morning already, I’m feeling much, much, much better now!”

“That’s very, very, very great.” said dad.

Jake walks up to me with a grin on his face.

“So I heard you’re feeling better?” said Jake.

“Yeah, I’m feeling good.”

“So I was thinking, how about just you and I see your favorite singer, Billy Joel, in concert this Saturday.” said Jake.

He pulled out two tickets from his front pocket and my face enlightened greatly.

“Oh, my God! Are you serious? Thank you so much Jake! That sounds like a terrific idea! Thank you so much; this was so nice of you.” I said.

“You have to have some fun after a miserable; well half miserable birthday.” said Jake.

“You’re the nicest guy I ever met Jake.”

He leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek. We both smile and my parents, brother, Jake and I, walk out of the hospital very serene and calm.

The next day, I found myself working overtime in Joe’s Pet Shop. I was already used to all the animals there and treated them as if they were my own pets. One of the animals, a puppy, I had a very strong connection with and knew very well.

A lady walked in the pet shop with a girl that looked about my age, if not, older.

“Excuse me Scarlett, can I take out that puppy just to play with?” said the girl.

She scared me for a second when she called me by my name, but then I realized I had been wearing a nametag.

“Sure,” I said. “No problem.”

“Thanks, do you live around here?” she asked.

“Yeah, I live right near the mall. Michigan’s great.” I said.

“Yeah, I agree.

“Do you go to high school here?” I asked.

“That’s great; I just graduated from high school here about two days ago.”

“Wow, congrats! Oh, sorry; when I talk it can be forever. My name’s Amanda.” She said.

I laughed at the thought of her when I was the one who’d talk till sun down.

“So here’s our little puppy.”

Soft and not afraid, one who would strongly adore all thee who gave it no arm; all affection and this little puppy grew with happiness every time.

Five minutes later, my companion and I settled down on the smooth carpet, chatting intensely.  I nice, lonely girl she was, or assumed to be, and my companion and I went to extraordinary places; unforgettable times I shall cherish for the rest of my life. The park, where children jumping around of all sizes, smiled of the excitement, no stress, of their day. As I listened deeply to my companion, she had something wrong with her as well. Not just any sickness for that matter, diabetes, the poor thing suffered from. I now knew, my friend and I had much in common; she felt as a younger sister to me in a way; a good way.

… The next day, my lover, Jake and I were walking eagerly to the C.L.D.I. Stadium in Michigan.

“Are you excited Scarlett?” said Jake, nearly alarming me there.

“Yeah, definitely.” I responded with all emotions there.

On the way to the concert, I told him aout my friend and how she was like a close companion to me. She was a nice, clean girl with a bright future.

“This concert is amazing Jake!”

“What’d I tell you.” And to top it all off, front row seats.” said Jake trying to sound cool.

All of a sudden, right before my very eyes, the place turns pitch black, the lights flickering on and off; showing different colors all at once. This was something I wasn’t used to at all.

Jake started getting up and singing and dancing to the music. His dancing was cowardly, but his singing was reasonably good. He got me to my feet and started dancing with me when there were fun and slow songs.

Halfway through the concert I got a phone call from my friend. She sounded as if she couldn’t breathe the whole time. The words I could make out were “Can’t breathe… help and Joe’s Pet shop.

“I have to go Jake; I’m very sorry. Thank you for inviting me, but this is an emergency. Bye Jake.” I said quickly.

As I ran out of the stadium to my car, I drove my stick shift car with full speed ahead. Honking my horn to make cars go faster didn’t seem to work well, but I got there in less than ten minutes.

About fifty police cars were lined up near the pet store. The sound of sirens of a police car going off gave me butterflies. And, right before my eyes lay my companion dead on the ground. In total shock I was, having chills at the moment. Amanda’s parents were crying while their dearest daughter had been taken to the hospital. I knew right then and there… She wasn’t coming back. My good friend, my nicest friend, had died before my eyes and she wasn’t coming back.

… At the hospital, I viewed nurses and doctors trying to pump her chest with air and taking her blood pressure. Everything was spinning inside my head and I didn’t know what to say.

… There was no pulse, the doctor told her parents as I was praying for her. My friend, Amanda, had done nothing wrong to deserve this. Luckily, God spared my life, yet, there was nothing to be done to spare my friend’s life.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
A big transition happened one night that made the old man tear to pieces…

“Well, you’ve done it again Harry, except you’ve shocked both of us. Why do you do these things Harry? I assume you like to embarrass me a whole lot!” said Susan (wife of old man Harry)

“My dear Susan, please don’t get frustrated with me, for I have done no such crime to deserve this,” replied Harry.

Susan pauses for a second to calculate what her husband, Harry, had just said. When she does, she narrows her eyes and points her finger at him.

“You are a fool of a husband, wearing suits and tuxedos out to libraries, animal shelters, parks. What a coward you are! Just because money is our main priority in this household, doesn’t mean you should go around bragging about how wealthy we are!” yelled Susan.

“But getting dressed up is what I love to do. It’s not as exciting to wear just a plain sweater with a pair of jeans Susan,” said Harry trying to make a point.

“If that’s the way you would like to be, then I’m not a part of it anymore Harry… Goodbye Harry,” said Susan.

The foolish man’s sixty-year-old mouth dropped as the love of his life, Susan, slammed the front door and wasn’t coming back.

… The minutes later, the old man’s son walks into the house. He looks very bubbly and eager to say something. However, before the son could say a word, the old man talks right away.

“She’s gone Tom; your mother has moved out for good,” said Harry.

“Oh, no dad. You two got into another argument again?” said the son (Tom).

“Yes my son. Your mother always… seems to start bickering with me about something, and this time, it was based on my dressing in public,” said Harry.

“I can’t take this anymore dad! I’m not married, don’t even have a girlfriend, and now don’t even have a mother to live with,” said Tom.

The poor, lonely son starts looking very upset and begins to cry. The foolish man begins to tear a little as well.

“If mom really loved and supported us, she wouldn’t have left,” said the son.

“That’s enough Tom! You’re thirty-two years old now; that doesn’t give you the right to cry like a baby! It’s over son; life moves on,” said Harry

All of a sudden, the depressed son ran out of the house as fast as he could, being only in his shirt, pants and dress shoes. He was already on the third block when Harry called him.

“Get back here young man! Please Tom, please!” cried the poor man.

The sixty-year-old man ran as fast as he could to his son. He kept running for as long as he could, and when he reached his son, he followed him up to the nearest train station. The foolish man had no clue of where son might be headed to on a train.

“Don’t you use your head boy? Where are you headed to?” said Harry.

“I don’t know father; I just needed to get out of the house to be alone. I don’t need you in my life anymore dad,” said the son.

“Tom; Tom look at me! I don’t want to lose my son, for I’ve already lost my wife. I love you very much Tom, just remember that please.

“I love you too dad and I’ll try to show it much more often,” said the son.

Harry puts his arm around his sons shoulder and smiles warmly to him with tears of happiness in his eyes.

“Lets get off this train Tom; what do you say? Asked Harry

“Alright dad,” said Tom.

At that very moment, the train began to move; move rather quickly.

“Tom, you’re in big trouble… Nah, just joking. Would you like to tell me of where you are planning to go to though?” said Harry

“Manhattan,” said the son.

Tom smiled and his dad looked a little baffled.

“Tom, why don’t you tell me about the good news you had before,” said Harry, suddenly changing the topic.

“Sure. I got a new job working at the docks and am actually making higher profits now,” said Tom.

“I’m very proud of you son. How are the docks treating you?” asked Harry.

“I love the docks. I enjoy working on the docks and appreciate what God has to offer for me,” replied Tom.

“And what is the quantity of hours you’ll be working for?” asked Harry.

“Forty hours a week dad,” said Tom.

“Phenomenal,” said Harry. “That’ll keep you occupied.”

When the train moves around the waiting area outside a little bit, the prettiest girl walks on the train. She looks as if she’s in her late twenties with dark-brown curly hair and brown eyes to match. She takes a seat two rows in front of Harry and Tom.

“Dad, did you see that girl?” asked Tom.

“Yeah boy, she looks single to me,” said Harry.

Harry giggles and Tom elbows him right in the gut.

“Owww!” Harry managed to say through his non- stop laughing.

The girl was reading the newspaper from today while Tom tried to occupy himself by spinning a quarter several times.

The next hour had passed on the train and they had a long way to go until their stop. Tom looks at his watch as he sees that it is exactly five in the morning.

“Harry. Harry,” Tom whispers. “Harry,” he said a little bit louder.

Tom began to get a little frustrated that Harry wasn’t waking up. Mostly everyone was fast asleep on the train except for Tom.

“HARRY!” Tom yelled as loud as he could.

All of a sudden, all of the passengers on the train woke up startled and baffled.

“Tom, what the hell was that?” said Harry.

“I have a problem,” said Tom

“Tom, this is pure abuse that you’re giving me. Firstly, you knock the guts right out of my stomach, and then you yell as loud as a trumpet blown right in someone’s ear! Was it necessary to wake up the whole train?” said Harry.

“Yes because I really like this girl, you know the one you called single. What should I do?” asked Tom.

“Can you lower the volume a little? Okay; here’s my advice… propose to her,” said Harry as he went back to sleep.

“Great advice; I’ll take it,” said Tom sarcastically.

Before Harry and Tom got a chance to walk off the train, Tom stopped to introduce himself to the beautiful girl. As he was talking, she thought of him as rather funny than cool, but offered her cell phone number to him.

“What’s your name?” asked Tom.

“Victoria,” replied the girl.

The foolish man felt so insane as if to go on a train unexpectedly.  

“Well, here we are dad,” said Tom.

“Now we’re going to have to check into a hotel for three days; for that’s how long we have to stay here until the next train home.” Said Harry

When they arrived at the hotel, both Harry and Tom rented a small room that cost fifty dollars a night.

“This is a really old room, but it’ll have to do,” said Harry.

“There are cobwebs over here in the bedroom beside the lamp,” said Tom.

“Since we’re staying here for three nights Tom, we’re going to have to go shopping at some point, so why now?” said the foolish man.

“Father, why would you go and buy some more fancy clothes, when Susan already told you that you looked foolish in it?” said the son.

“I hate to break it to you son, but the coward is gone, and the new ***** has arrived!” said Harry.

Tom could not believe what his dad had just said. He formed the biggest smile on his face.

“That’s very impressive dad; I’m sure mom would really appreciate that,” said Tom.

“I bet she would’ve,” said Harry giving a small frown.

Harry and his son, Tom were out of the hotel within ten minutes. The store in which they were headed to was only a few blocks from where they were. The store in the mall in which Harry and Tom were walking to was called, “Sarah’s Sweaters.”

Harry was not at all tempted to walk in the store, but with the help of his son making him go in, he had no choice.

“What a grotesque place Tom,” said Harry

“Relax and try on something that suits you best here,” said Tom

“I don’t like anything here. Sorry, but I loathe these kinds of stores,” replied the foolish man.

Tom rolled his eyes and began trying on jeans and a couple of sweaters to wear over polo shirts.

Harry stared at Tom speechless as he came out of the fitting room. Tom brought the clothes up to the woman at the cash register while Harry started looking at clothes for himself.

“Your total is $62.49 sir,” said the woman.

“Thank you,” said Tom as he walked away with his clothes.

The foolish man went to go try on two pairs on jeans with two sweatshirts and three polo shirts. He opens the curtain.

“It fits you well,” said Tom.

“I’ll do whatever makes my wife happy,” said Harry.

“Oh, c’mon; change is good too.”

They walked out of the clothing store carrying two large white bags filled with casual clothes. As they were walking in the mall, Harry notices a Calvin Klein store with all different styles of ties, shirts, suits, and dress shoes through the glass window.

“Tom, I’ll just be a minute,” said Harry.

“You said that you weren’t going to buy anything fancy while we’re here dad,” said Tom.

“I’ll just get a suit; I’ll be in and out within five minutes.”

“Alright, I’ll be waiting on the bench outside the store,” said Tom”

“Okay Tom.”

An hour and a half later, Harry comes out of the store with a tired, yet warm smile on his face.

“You’re back so soon,” said Tom sarcastically.

“There was a long line Tom. Hey, I went in your store.” said Harry

“For a half hour.”

“Oh, well then I apologize,” said Harry.

“It’s fine.”

“Here, I’ll make it up to you; we’ll go pick up something to eat for dinner,” said Harry.

“Okay, thanks dad.”

We both smile simultaneously.

Harry and Tom exit the mall to go and walk to the deli to get some sandwiches, a snack and a drink. When they arrive home, they turn on the T.V. to watch some comedy shows while eating their sandwiches. Tim lies down and kicks his shoes off. The foolish man was sitting at the edge of the couch now with his son’s ***** feet on him. While Tom looked very relaxed and comfortable eating his chicken sandwich, Harry looked very tense as he was giving his son a cold look.

“Get your gigantic, filthy feet off of my upper thigh,” said Harry annoyed.

“Oh, sorry dad,” said Tom surprised.

Harry looked at the T.V. eating his sandwich while Tom smiled a little from his comment before.

Harry and Tom didn’t do much for the next two days. They walked around a little and saw many people walking their dogs. Both Harry and Tom ate two meals a day in their hotel and slept on the uncomfortable couch. Harry figured he’d wear his sweater and jeans with sneakers on the third day of his stay. He was going to the park this morning and he certainly didn’t want to look foolish.

“What a nice day out today Tom. Not too hot, not too cold, but perfect weather,” said Harry.

“Yes, I agree,” said Tom.

The man and his son walked along the walkway in the park, leading to a playground filled with little kids, elders and parents sitting on benches or walking around. As Harry and Tom sat down on a bench next to a water fountain, Harry couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Susan, is that you? Asked Harry shocked.

“Oh, hello Harry,” she said without looking up.

“Nice seeing you here Susan,” said Harry.

Susan looked up from reading her enormous book and saw something unexpected about the foolish man.

“Oh, Harry, you’ve changed; changed for me. You are the sweetest husband and you’re not at all foolish,” said Susan full of excitement.

Harry smiled and gave Susan a big hug.

“Tom, love you son,” said Susan.

“I love you very much as well mom,” replied Tom.

After Harry checked out of their room, they all were headed to the next train home.

As Harry, Susan and Tom walked into their mansion in Michigan, Susan asked what Harry was holding.

Harry blushed and said, “Just clothes.”

“Can I see them Harry? asked Susan.

“They’re not that clean.”

Susan took the bag from him and looked inside.

“Not again,” said Tom.

Susan laughed on account of her already knowing that her husband couldn’t keep his eyes off of nice and fancy clothes for a minute.

“Harry…you’re one fastidious gentleman.”
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
“Not Myself”
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I am surely not an artist,
For I can’t paint or draw,
Nor am I a singer,
I sound far from clean and raw.
Geometry is not fun to me,
For I dislike angles and sides,
I will never be an accountant,
Or a phenomenal  surfer,
The fear of high waves and tides.
I will not be a chef,
I can’t cook to perfection for a meal,
I can’t jazz dance well,
Failure, I feel.
I am no cartoonist,
I never and will never take drugs,
Vile and grotesque suits them,
I’ve never smoked or drank,
Or put salt on slugs.
I don’t like breakfast,
I loathe being sick,
I dislike unfriendly people,
I am not fond of waking up early,
I don’t like reading long novels,
Nor comprehending difficult ones;
I hate poetry that doesn’t rhyme,
It puts pressure on me, tons.
I am not greedy,
I am not self/centered,
Success if far from what I feel,
This is negativity I’ve now entered.
This is not me,
This will never be me,
I am myself and nothing more,
I am different, as you see.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
As the golden sun sets,
My eyes tear and sparkle with joy,
The burning torture of the day; gone,
And now the white light to enjoy.
I sit at the stroke of midnight,
Eyeing beautiful lights up in the night sky,
Thousands; millions enraptured my acceptance,
Watching is a privilege, yet not to fly.
There is more to be seen,
For tiny stars are resting above me,
They call on me as to do a favor,
I am to count these stars,
Every one I see.
Yet the beauty gets more intense,
Of newer, bigger stars forming,
Yet my ears follow another sound,
There becomes grayness for storming!
Stars faded one by one,
Some vanished in a row,
For this was no joke,
Nor any show!
The most widely know star,
Burned the cloud,
For whatever tiny stars were left cheered,
The night seemed so proud.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
A sound better and livelier as ever startled me. Baffled and unaware of my surroundings, my eyes slowly opened, viewing my irresistible grandmother’s hand gently touching my cheek. Listening carefully, I noticed a beautiful sound coming from her voice. The warm-hearted, lovable lady warmly smiled down at me as my smile formed into the shape of a crescendo, getting larger and wider, finally to a laugh of pure joy. I knew one thing was certain to be true; I fell in love with the intriguing sounds bit by bit.
I awoke to the sight of my father playing his guitar at a medium volume. The sound of the instrument inspired me and motivated me to follow him. I lie in my crib listening intently to the various sounds coming from the guitar. It was almost morning, yet I thought it was later in the morning because my light was on its maximum strength. I watched his fingers move very quickly on the guitar, yet the sounds were beautiful.
“Good morning my love,” said my father smiling at me. “Did you have a good sleep, my love?” he said.
“Pno,” I said on my very own.
“What did you say my love?” said my father startled and impressed that I had just muttered my first word at age one. His smile was soothing in my opinion. His eyes became lively and big with complete shock and joy.
“Po neo.”
“Piano!” said my father ecstatic at the moment.
Considering music was his dream, he wanted me to take part in the wonderful career as well. He set his guitar down against my light blue-colored wall. Then my father went to my small rocking chair and sat down. He put his face in the palm of his hands. I thought he was crying and intimidated by me, but then I realized he was very proud of me and believed I would go far in life. He stood up and picked me up gently and set me down on a chair next to my piano. He smiled and embraced me with affection. I knew my father’s name by heart but I couldn’t manage to say it. It was William. He started playing simple notes on the keys with his thick, masculine hands. He played six notes, all with important meaning and full-care. He motioned for me to take part playing as well.
“No, no. You’ve done it all wrong my love. You must listen with ease and act how you feel,” said my father with concern.
I started weeping large sobs as my father talks in a loud tone with disapproval.
“What, my dear?” says William concerned.
I pressed a key on the piano and roar with laughter.
“You’ve got it my love,” said my father in a soft, mellow tone.
I then take again to the keyboard, this time with full confidence playing again. My father then sang a song while playing the piano. I didn’t know the name of the song, but he told me it was a song he had written after. That inspired me to write my own songs and play the piano and possibly the guitar.
“This is the world, I hail from.  The sorrows and pity we might feel for each other. But arised a God who’s mighty strong. Who turns our sorrows into pride and joy, and this is where I am hail from,” sang my father very emotional.
“You’ll go far my love, I promise you. One day music will save you...” said my father.
…28 years later those words stuck with me…
I was off to work going about my usual day. I was thirty one now and living with my girlfriend in our apartment. I still lived in my hometown, California. Whenever I thought of my hometown, the song “Hometown California,” came to me automatically. I’d just start singing. I wouldn’t consider myself an excellent singer, but that was just a hobby of mine. I was phenomenal at playing the piano and very good at playing the guitar in the eyes of many people.
…When the weekend finally came, I found the time on Saturday morning to fit a tennis match in with one of my good friends, Troy.  As we rally back and forth, something caught me by surprise. A grey-haired man about twice my age had an awkward looking smile that lit up his whole face. I was baffled at the bizarre stranger. He came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.  I looked at him.
“Hello young fellow. My name is Harry Hayfold and I was wondering if you would like to train with me to become a professional tennis player.” said the man.
‘No thanks man, I’m just playing a match with my friend. Thanks anyways.” I said and I went back to rallying.
“Young fellow, please. You’ve great skill as I see,” said the older guy eager to say something more.
“I don’t think I want to train for hours for a chance at becoming a pro- tennis player. Thanks for the compliment though,” I said a little annoyed.
“It would be your loss sir.” said the man.
I just continued rallying with my friend. My friend looked baffled as well and felt bad for the guy. I didn’t care if he was still standing there; I just wanted to play. When we were finished rallying, we started a match. As I throw the ball up to serve, he shouts something right next to me.
“Would you please just listen to what I have to say?!” said the man angry.
“Oh, my god; could you leave us alone now?  I’m not doing the training classes; I have a job. I work in a music store, okay!” I said very annoyed.
My friend came over to my side of the tennis court and asked what the problem was to the man.
“I can’t stand people like you. You’re a liar and a creep.” said John.
“Which music store do you work at?” asked the man.
“It’s called Music Academy. Can you leave us alone now?” I said perturbed.
“I’m very sorry to have bothered you.” said the man.
“Yeah,” I said without any enthusiasm.
“No wait, he’ll be honored to do the classes with you sir. He needs money anyway,” said John’s friend Troy.
“What are you doing?!” I said to my friend with fury. “I will be fine financially once I get signed professionally which will happen troy. It will definitely happen. This guy… He’s out of his mind,” I said confident.
“What did you say your name was?” said the man.
“John.” I said.
“Excellent Johnathon.”“Meet me here on these same tennis courts tomorrow morning at eight o’clock. Don’t be late.” said Harry.
I smashed my racket as hard as I could on the ground with full force, releasing all of my stress and anger out on the court.
“Alright John,” said Troy with pity on him. We’ll hang out again soon.” He said and left.
“Crapola!”  I yelled in mid-air after everyone left.
The next day I don’t even consider going to the psychotic man’s tennis class. Instead, I make my way to work early.
As I’m exiting my shift at night, I noticed someone standing behind a wall. And there it was… I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Oh, no,” I whispered to myself.
“Hello Jonathon. You’re session was at eight am this morning. Have you forgotten?” he said concerned.
“Listen, I don’t think this whole business with the excessive training classes to make me into what I will never become and putting my job in jeopardy of getting fired, is going to work out,” I said with a smile.
“I’ve watched you work in the store John,” said the man concerned.
“Oh jeez, now I’ve got a personal stalker. This is gonna be interesting.” I whispered.
“How much do you make a week? I’ve come to sought you don’t look happy working there and want to become into a real musician.” said Harry.
I was just about to completely lose my mind when I took a deep breath and bit my tongue to avoid making a scene. My face turned so red.
“Once I get a record deal with the piano, then things will be even better for me. But as of now, I’m very happy, just not super happy. And you know what else, I’m so happy I began music because I couldn’t get much happier. Oh, the glory of being a musician would make me so happy. And you barging randomly into my life and ******* up everything… well I couldn’t get much happier!” I managed to scream at the end of my statement.
“Come with me John. Please let me help you find a way to forget that you’re not a musician.” said the man.
“My father was my inspiration. He’s dead now, yet I’m following in his footsteps because I want to.” I said.
“I see… I’m very sorry for your loss John,” said Harry with a fake sad expression on his face.
This man was driving me up the wall by now. I had had it with his monkey business.
There was a long pause…
“So tomorrow at eight?” I said completely unsatisfied, yet willing to experiment with what he had in mind to teach me.
“Yes, oh yes that would be just perfect John,” said Harry ecstatic.
We both started walking to our homes. He had walked rather quickly for an older guy, and me, slowly like I’d just had a pancreas failure.
When I arrived at my apartment, my girlfriend wasn’t there.
“Jenny, I’m home”… “Jenny, you there?” I said baffled at the silence. “Jennyyyyy”, I said playfully. Jennifer… Is dinner set toniiiight?” I said as I smiled at my own humor.
All of a sudden, the phone rang, which startled me and made me uninterested at this point to answer. I answered the phone anyway.
“Hello?” I said.
“Hello, this is a patient of Jennifer; is Jenny there?”
“No she isn’t at the moment,” I said unsure of my answer.
“Ok, thank you,” she said and hung up.
“You’re welcome,” I said sarcastically after she already hung up.
I walked into our bedroom to take my work clothes off and put pajamas on. The door was closed which got me a little concerned and angry. I walked in the bedroom and turned on the light.
“What the hell is going on here?! Get off my girlfriend you crazy *******!” I yelled.
“No John, please stop. He’s my fiancé John,” said Jenny annoyed with me.
“What are you talking about Jennifer?” I said raging with anger.
“Listen john, I’m sorry. Things weren’t working out between us recently and things just clicked between… well Steve and I.” she said.
“ I can’t believe what I am seeing right now,” said john through tears of disappointment and anger.
“Things weren’t working out between us John_”
“Yeah, I think you mentioned that already.” said John crying hysterically.
“Well don’t be sorry. Be sorry at yourself because I did nothing but treat you nicely. What happened to us Jenny? We were so in love with each other. I can’t believe what I am seeing.” I said.
My girlfriend my starting to cry now and as she began to speak I walked out stomping on the floor and slammed the front door as I exited my apartment.
“The next morning John arrived at the tennis courts that he visited two days ago with his friend.
“I’m here; let’s start playing tennis,” I said calmly.
“Wait, wait. I have not yet explained the concepts.” said Harry.
“Yeah, yeah, concepts. I know,” I said annoyed.
I picked up a tennis ball and hit it over the fence as hard as I could.
“Excellent work there John,” said Harry sarcastically.
“That was just a warm up professor. Now here comes glory,” I said about to ****** someone.
I slam my pre-broken racket on the floor so hard that it cracked in half. The man was outraged at the horrifying scene.
“I missed work this morning for this crapola?!” I yelled.
John, you’re crazy right now. Sit down and relax!” said Harry firmly.
“Music is all I want and you’re taking that away from me.” I said
“I apologize sir; I don’t think I want to do this anymore.” I said.
“Anymore? You haven’t even started playing yet,” said Harry with a little chuckle.
“Ok, fine; I’ll play.” I said. “I don’t have a racket now.” I said ashamed and guilty.
“That’s not my problem.” said Harry. “If you no longer have a racket, I will let you have my spare racket if you practice drills catching the ball precisely with only your hands.”
“Ha, you’re kidding right? That was a good one Harry; very good.” I said.
I tap him on the shoulder.
“See you tomorrow.” I said.
“Will you stop acting arrogant and negative for once John! I was serious about the hand drill.” said Harry.
“Ok then.” I said.
Harry got on the side opposite from my side. He took a bunch of ***** and out them in his pockets.
“Now John…I want you to catch the ball wherever I throw it okay?” said Harry.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” I said.
He fed the ball over the net and John caught the ball wherever he threw it. When he was getting exhausted from the number of ***** being fed to him, he took the ball and smashed it on the ground.
“What in heaven’s name has come over you?” asked the man terrified.
“Nothing, except the fact that my girlfriend is now getting married with her new fiancé and was having an affair in my bedroom. That is it ladies and gentleman, the show is now over,” I said sarcastically.
“Oh, haha…hahahahahahaahahaa.” Harry chuckled.
Harry burst out laughing.
“John, John, I’m sorry. The way you said it made me laugh, that’s all.” said Harry.
I run up to the old man about ready to **** him (not literally) when he started coughing. He fell down to his knees holding his chest.
“John,” he whispered trying to grasp more oxygen.
“What happened Harry? Are you alright?” I asked nervously panicking.
I ran off the court to get my cell phone in my tennis bag on one of the park benches and called an ambulance. I then run back to Harry.
“I’m calling an ambulance for you Harry. It’ll be okay,” I said about to cry from the sight of what just happened.
When the ambulance came, he was put on a stretcher by several paramedics and taken to the nearest hospital. I don’t bother calling my ex-girlfriend, knowing I was through with her insecure ways and immaturity level. I drove to the hospital following the ambulance as I drove. I arrived at the hospital minutes after him and sat in the waiting room for over two hours with his son who was about my age, if not older. The doctor came out looking down with tears in his eyes. He ripped off his glasses and fell to his knees. He stood up…
“I’m very sorry. There was nothing more I could precede on doing,” said the doctor.
The doctor walked away looking very upset and disappointed in himself and what happened. I turned to his son and saw such shock and disappointment in him.
“He was a very mysterious, outgoing person and a great father,” said his son through tears.
I nodded my head and smiled.
“My father tried to teach you basic steps of becoming a tennis player, but it wasn’t for a career. Trust me. He wanted you to learn something new. That’s all. He can be difficult at times, I know, but he is a very courageous man and loves helping others,” said his son smiling at me.
I was shocked. I was living an okay life with music. But now I realized that this man inspired me to follow chase after what you want. He taught me that things may be challenging in life, but you can overcome them if you work hard and love what you do in life. Even through financial problems, I realized that you can still achieve your dreams and it is never too late to start a record deal. His son left the hospital before me without mentioning what his name was. I believed the Harry and his family were a mystery, but a good mystery. I showed up to the music store the next morning and the manager of the store had exhilarating news for me. I had gotten signed by a famous musician! This was the best day of my whole entire life and I could not have asked for anything more in life.
“Signed by Buddy Clark, I present to you your record deal. Sign this and you have a chance to work with this talented man for a chance at achieving your dream John. Well done, we’re all very proud of you,” said the manager of the store.
All of the workers in the store started cheering me on and applauding my superb work and efforts. I was now in tears of pure joy and I felt worth something major for the first time.
“Thanks a lot Jason,” I said to the manager of the store. “This is a gift; it means the world to me,” I said as I gave him a hug.
I realized life is not all about tennis or music. It’s the important things in music that make you feel out of this world amazed. People may have a strong opinion about something they love, but never take a person for granitite.
Mar 2013 · 547
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I can’t quite comprehend your role,
The pros and cons vary,
I am quite baffled,
For should I be weary?

The friendly looks you present to me,
Transition to a ridiculous, yet peculiar look,
I’m not yet satisfied with being in your presence,
I’m a bit worried,
For your foe’s life you took.

I don’t know yet,
If I’m your worst foe,
Or your closest female friend,
Oh, please let me know.

It’s absurd how smart you are,
But the bafflement I experience,
I’m turning to dust,
I’d rather die without absurdity haunting me.
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
“One Greedy Witch”
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Once there was a witch,
So greedy and clever,
She hid her broom,
No one found it ever.
Her broom was small,
Yet very wide,
She had no friends,
By her side.
She had no hair,
A poorly made wig,
When it comes to cow liver,
She’ll eat like a pig.
Until one day,
A crowd joined in,
The witch was confuse,
She needed a spin.
People held up signs,
In a very large letters,
“What selfish witch is to care for us no better”?!
Kids were yelling,
Babies were crying,
And elders were lying.
The witch opened a window,
And yelled out loud,
“What good am I to do for you, you beastly crowd”?!
The witch said to leave,
And to leave their stack,
To turn around,
And to never come back.
The citizens refused to leave,
Along with the babies,
All did not care,
If that witch had rabies.
They’d come to ask a favor,
For the witch to be kind,
To share her magic broom,
Without any decline.
This greedy witch refused at first,
But saw their faces and signs.
She decided to share,
To let one another ride,
But there’s one thing she knew,
That she had everybody by her side.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
“Aesthetic “
Shari Forman Mar 2013
What is omnipotent,
Carries the greatest works of art,
Pertaining to the beauty of success,
Set in one’s heart.
The ability to portray emotions,
Adjacent to pure love and glory,
Lies deeper than any work of art,
As it arises with a story.
Aesthetic represents life and visions,
Such a powerful piece of art,
Should be cherished always,
And never to part.
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