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Shari Forman May 2013
Try to enjoy yourself,
Even when you know,
You can't always,
Have the best of times.
Shari Forman May 2013
I just somehow wish I could tell you,
How much I've fallen for you.
But now that I feel,
As if I can't ever tell you,
I'm unknowlingly drowning inside your brilliance.
Shari Forman May 2013
I just somehow wish I could tell you,
How much I've fallen for you.
But now that I feel,
As if I can't ever tell you,
I'm honestly drowning inside your brilliance.
Shari Forman May 2013
I just somehow wish I could tell you,
How much I've fallen for you.
But now that I feel,
As if I can't ever tell you,
I'm honestly drowning inside your brilliance.
Shari Forman May 2013
When will I wake up and say,
I am proud to start anew?
Shari Forman May 2013
Don't laugh at me,
Don't call me names,
Don't show your pleasure,
From my pain.
In God's eyes,
We're all the same.
Don't laugh at me.
Shari Forman May 2013
For the first time ever,
I don't feel like texting you back,
Simply because,
I know what's coming.
I miss when we used to talk more and our constant laughs. Hopefully I'll find the old you again...
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