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Shari Forman Apr 2013
It would probably surprise you that...

I am very fond of animals,
My dream is to become a writer,
I am a tennis fanatic,
I am a fighter.
I push myself beyond my limit,
I always feel empathetic and more,
I feel the need to help others,
Including the disabled and poor.
I have a passion for baking,
I enjoy life to its fullest extent,
I am competitive in sports,
I am mostly content.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
He took me by surprise,
Asking me to dance,
Excited and ready was I,
Without a second glance.
As the music played quickly,
We both smiled and had much fun,
But he suddenly became different and unusual,
I felt the need to run.
He became too aggressive with me,
I was now appalled and hurt,
He took me by surprise,
And left me in the dirt.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
If you've felt worthless or unloved,
Know that there is a God above.
If you've been through ahard life so far,
Don't allow it to leave a scar.
If you are offended by actions or words,
Know that your voice is always heard.
If you don't know what else to do,
Contemplate it, think it though.
If you If you've ever had guilt raging over you like rain,
Just make sure it never happens again.
If you know who you are,
Just be yourself and you'll go far.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
The moment he shows up at your track meet,
I'm frozen with shock,
When he embraces me in his arms,
There isn't ever a clock.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
When I leave this town of sticks and stones,
And make way through the thick, dense fog,
I will no longer feel anxiety pouring over me,
Will no longer be, a bump on a log.
When I rome free through the wild outdoors,
I will no longr contemplate my past,
The moment I achieve pure happiness,
Wanting the moment to forever last.
When I long to see my boyfriend,
I won't lie there foolishly and cry,
Because life is about diversity,
To progressively advance and try.
When I learn the true meaning of, "I love you,"
I will feel omniscient and strong,
Despite my hardships,
Whether right, or whether wrong.
When Im off to college,
New doors will open up for me,
Such extraodinary opportunities out there,
For such a dedicated, yet small me.
When I'm married to the man I love,
My wasted thoughts will leave my head,
I'll only worry about the choices I made,
The actions I took, and the things I said.
When I achieve my dreams,
Self-actualized, I'll surely be,
Hoping to some day become a legend,
With endless things to see.
When I'm eventually deceased and gone from this world,
I will have looked back and said I tried,
Tried to make use of the life God left me with,
Along such a beautiful, bumpy ride.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
Cold on a misty day,
But warm in my lovers arms.
Shari Forman Apr 2013
One word suits today,
And that word is pure,
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