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Shari Forman Mar 2013
There once was a man named Pop,
Who always went out to mop.
He thought his mop was too chubby,
So he went to give it to Bubbie.
Bubbie went out to mop,
When suddenly she halted to a stop.
She thought her mop was too thin,
So she dumped it back in the bin.
Bubbie accidentally stepped in some gue,
But didn’t know what to do.
Picking her foot up didn’t work,
So she went to call the clerk.
The workers came rushing over,
As to playing the game Red Rover.
They went to get the mop,
When surprisingly, they fell to a plop.
They quickly picked up the mop,
And started to swop.
Bubbie’s foot came twirling out,
Then Pop walked out cheering about.
Pop fooled Bubbie,
She now got really mad,
Then Pop had realized,
What he had done was bad.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
Two Men,
Traveled into the forest,
Very foolish and wise,
When they came across,
A shoe,
With many lies.
Peter asked Harry,
What they shall do,
They had found an old,
And broken shoe.
When suddenly,
The shoe came alive,
It had gown thick,
And sturdy eyes.
The men were so frightened,
Yet so eager and suspenseful,
They were willing
To know more,
About this little ripped sore.
The shoe opened its mouth,
And only said 3 words,
Fly with birds.
These men were confused,
Very clueless and dumb,
Peter had aimed for a target,
Then spit out his gum.
The shoe spoke again,
“Fly with birds”,
Yet only a fool,
Would follow that,
But they were nerds.
The men ran together; frightened,
Holding the shoe,
They knew what was happening,
They really, really knew.
The men were now lost,
So sorrow and blue,
What was that strong stench?
Could it be the shoe?
At that very moment,
The shoe flied up,
To the birds,
And when he landed with them,
He said, “Hey nerds”.
The men were fooled,
By a clever shoe,
Who knew he’s fly free,
Without any of thee.
Both nerds
Were now speechless,
Yet nowhere to be found,
But then finally decided,
To turn back around.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
It was 5:30 in the morning,
And I couldn’t fall back to sleep,
So I went downstairs to wake my mom,
And didn’t dare to make a peep.
When I arrived downstairs,
My mom wasn’t there,
I got really nervous now,
As I yelled, “mom”, in mid air.
I ran straight to the kitchen,
And turned on the light,
I spotted a big, wild dog,
Looking at me as if to fight.
I screamed at the top of my lungs,
Which looked ready to pop,
As I ran for my life,
I fell straight to a plop.
When I got up as fast as lightning,
I ran to open the back door,
The dog then charged,
With a ferocious loud roar.
I locked the door very obediently,
Trying not to collapse again,
I started to breathe hard and heavy,
As from outside it started to rain.
I sat down very slowly
Wondering where my mother was,
Also thinking about that animal,
And how it got inside here,
It smells really bad still,
It really does.
I sprinted back into the kitchen,
And noticed a dead body on the floor,
Oh my G-d it was my mother,
This was such horror.
My face couldn’t budge,
My body was still,
My mouth was wide open,
That repulsive dog did ****!
“Mom, mom,” I yelled in horror,
Until I actually saw her face,
I realized it wasn’t her,
What a disgrace!
Out of the ordinary,
Her eyes appeared alive and met mine,
Then she quickly got up and kept to her strive.
She was a very ugly woman,
Yet very old looking and gray,
But she looked loving and friendly,
Oh this was the strangest day!
When all of a sudden.
Her eyes turned the color red,
As she turned from loving to frightening,
I then realized that she couldn’t be dead.
The frightening creature then took me by the shirt,
And thoroughly taped me against the wall,
I almost had a heart attack,
But at least now I actually looked tall.
She then yelled, “Don’t you move now,”
And walked to find more tape,
She had pinned me up so fast,
I thought that would be the last.
When she came back absolutely furious,
I struggled to get out,
But she then tape me up again,
Boy I had so much doubt.
Just at that very moment,
The strangest looking man had walked in,
He stared at me in horror,
As I began to realize he was made of human and tin.
That was the man in my nightmare,
The one who strangely backed away,
He was the one who had owned the vile creatures,
And had always made them stay.
As now the two hideous creatures,
Started coming towards me,
I tried to say what I said in my nightmare,
“Please let me free!”
But it did not work this time,
And I thought they were going to ****,
I said my last sins all at once,
As I was standing nervous but still.
I took a quick glance at the clock,
And read that it was already 7:50a.m.,
So I struggled with all my might,
To get down from this wall.
Today was the first day of school,
And I knew I wasn’t going to make it,
I then saw what they were holding,
It was a match that they lit.
They lit the fire on my shirt,
And I began to shout again,
“Let me free,”
As I began a slow death about.
Just then,
I awoke burning hot,
I remembered I was sick today,
So I lay there mutinously,
As I enjoyed my horrible day.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I went straight to sleep,
My mood,
In good shape,
When all of a sudden,
I had just looked at an ape!
He was about to scratch me,
When I pulled my arm away,
Out of the ordinary,
I had heard the sound,
It was a horse,
He was going to fall on me,
I had just moved away,
I had shouted out,
“Let me be”!
A man had dropped in,
Smiling in horror,
He had strangely backed away,
Going farther and farther.
Just then,
A tiger jumped in,
He growled at me,
And had bitten me,
Just like a sharp pin.
Some singer from the dead,
Had somehow made me sing,
I now had had her voice,
And it was definitely,
Not a choice.
When suddenly,
There was music,
That blew an eardrum out,
I had felt dead right now,
And had just wanted to shout!
Two identical monsters,
Air standing on my dressers,
All this was stirring,
In my brain,
And I had to let out,
All of the pain.
I had began crying,
And ran--- fast,
When suddenly,
A snake gave me a span.
The snake was made with poison,
And was about to bite me,
When I had yelled,
“Let me free!”
I had awoken,
With a bruised knee.
I had remembered at school,
I had fell
But was no serious injury,
I could compel.
I was relieved,
Yet mainly scared,
What I had just flashed back,
Was a horror nightmare.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
The time spent thinking of you,
Is endless every day,
You stole my heart rapidly,
I feel grateful to this day.
Occupying myself works best,
When I’m struggling alone,
You are my whole life now,
You have gracefully shown.
My love for you is as high as the sun,
As clear as the sea,
As visible as light,
As close as we can be.
You help me to see,
That we are a whole,
That I’m not broken,
That we’re in control.
I keep feeling love for you,
Where our fate lies ahead,
I’m bound to fall hard for you,
I might tell it to you instead.
Our love exceeds a thousand miles,
Romantic as a glass of wine,
As we learn and laugh endlessly,
Is when I see us shine.
Sweet o’ valentine,
I love you ever more,
Sweet o’ valentine,
Look at us soar.
Beyond the barbed wire and gate,
I see a shadow of only two,
Inseparable and complete,
For Zach, I truly love you.
I can tell you just how I feel,
Not only from a work of art,
Not just through words,
But through my beating heart.
Shari Forman Mar 2013
I remember as if it were yesterday,
We were happily dazing into the glowing sun,
The peaceful serenity embodying us,
Where two fufilled hearts, become one.
The reality of life,
Lies between two lovers,
Where soley one key,
Fits the lock of each other.
Embracing you with loving arms,
Feeling the softness of your skin,
Noticing such beauty within us,
Having trust, from deep within.
The choices I made were unforgettable,
And the miraculous risks I took,
What an honor it is to be with you,
And for me to proudly say,
"That is one for the book."
Shari Forman Mar 2013
It was my father who left me,
To discover a place of his own,
Lonely, but dishearten I felt,
For a place called “unknown.”
Baffled was I,
As to why he suddenly left me,
I trembled alone in fear,
Was I a goner soon to be?
Where have my hopes gone?
Withered away to stone,
Leaving nothing but the past,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Why do I feel resentment?
My father had a horrifying tone,
Had left me heartbroken,
For a place called, “unknown.”
My heart beats like thunder,
As I shiver to the bone,
My father ruined me,
For a place called, “unknown.”
Where will I go from here?
Too much my father had shown,
A martyr my father will always be,
For a place called, “unknown.”

— The End —