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Shaqui Scott Apr 2019
           Give me all the feels!
Give me all the blues
Let it crash
   Let it hit
Let it be smooth
------ Leave me rocked
-But don't make me move
     I've played the game of love
Some win and some loose

      Give me all the feels!
Give me the rhythm
Let it sing
   Let it glide
Let it smash ---- Then let it ride
---------Leave me be
Leave me stuck
-Don't make me move
I've gambled on love and loss all the bucks

      Give me all the pain
Give me all the screams---
Let it ****
      Let it bang
Let it groove
      Leave me
Please don't make me move

I did wrong
        I lose

Written to Chet Baker, Alone Together
Shaqui Scott Feb 2016
The day itself was a question
From the start nothing was clear,
The rain lightly fell,
As the sun Pondered weather or not to take part in the days usual routines, I pondered the same question.

The sun and I rose and took on the day. The sun gave me a beautiful day and I gave others love. Love in the form of small novelties and stuffed animal's.

We all watched it happen, the teddies, the sun, and I
None of us spoke from the shock
I drove away as the blue and red lights engulfed the area
The teddies watched as the sun and I cried for the life that was lost
Shaqui Scott Apr 2015
Time stands, then begins to walk from me
I call out and ask for it to return
It continues to walk
I scream for it not to leave
but it begins to run
I fall to my knees to weak to stand
As time fades out of my vision
It looks back at me and i see my face
I stand turn in the opposite direction and walk away
Shaqui Scott Apr 2015
I fell for you, but I'm afraid
You are stronger than I
You fell, then gave your love unrestrained
But how can you love so fearlessly
You won't see the way I see
I perceive in numbers
7.125 billion people in the world
24 hours in a day
7 days in a week
Roughly 4.5 weeks in a month
and on average only 78.79 years in a human life
and now that your gone nothing seems right
but how can I know at only 22
That your meant for me and I for you
Shaqui Scott Apr 2015
Love is not a switch and it needs time to grow
But rather then waiting on love to bud we choose to let it go

So now there is a hole in the ground where our love flower was suppose to bloom

And, instead of seeing pedals of white and orange we only see a wound
Shaqui Scott Mar 2015
To my college sweat heart

In a room Filled with strangers,
I found you, our hands touched
Then we began to move
                                    Everything fell perfectly into place
                                    I like Turtles, I like your face
You were kind of with him, I was kind of with her
We touched again, and danced slow
You turned to me, our lips met
They both saw, It made quite a mess
                                    But everything fell perfectly into place
                                    I like Turtles, I like your face
Open fields, Fire pits, Loud music and open fifths
people here we've never seen
Flashing lights of blue and green
Then came lights of blue and red
Chaos broke as people fled,
We made our way to the safest place
We laid under the stars and I touched your face
Then the rain fell
                                      Everything fell perfectly into place,
                                      I like turtles I like your face.
Tell the love story, but draw attention away from the depth by adding humor. Thus making I love you a bit more casual
Shaqui Scott Oct 2014
You have two choices
lay down and die
or get up and live
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