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It was unexpected in every capacity!
In the middle of the night with such audacity!
Not a soul to witness this grand catastrophe:
When she sprouted wings--at last! To be
A restless night owl flying fast and free.
Now my stars will never be the same to me,
Now that I - the night - have company.
Dig down deep and find the warmth,
I guarantee it's  hiding in there somewhere.

Wear it like a royal crown,
Reflecting light and attention everywhere.

Because you are a masterpiece,
Covered in the rags of beggars.

You don't need to be what you've always been.

Sparkle like the newborn moon,
And I'll shine as your sun on the other side.

Just listen close,
Perfect my rhythm,
And I'll always balance you.

Be the sparkle of the moon.
Be the spark that's all brand new.

Clothed in pure delicacy,
A new creation emerges for the dawn of day.

Trudge on through the murky haze,
Struggle and stumble as you may.

Because you are a

A spark that's all brand
At the stroke of five o’ clock
The crew begins to trickle in the door for
Josie’s Slumber Party.
Hand cut finger sandwiches adorn
The chestnut coffee table already brimming
With nail polishes and eyeshadows
In hues of peacock blue and bubblegum pink
And temptress scarlet red. The girls
Romp around the room like ballerinas
Dressed in everything from soccer shorts to
Mama’s high heels. Two sizes too big.
Practically ladies as they gloss their lips but
Girlish giggles and squeals reveal their
Youth: Age ten; age eleven; age twelve.
And in the middle of this fine affair
Polished nails are used to pick at teeth;
Makeup adheres to bangs, braids and ponytails.
Bare hands brush through the knotted hair of
Any and All. Beauty  – of course – is collective, yet

As if to call the girls over, lure them in so painfully slow,
The sprinklers awaken on the front lawn and spill forth
Waterfalls of childhood memories. Running barefoot
during the searing summer dusk. The girls are under
The Spell. Feather boa and lipstick at hand, they make
A mad dash for the lawn. The squeals are louder, more
Vibrant than before. With grass stains on their gowns
and water re-tangling their freshly styled hair, these
Ladies could not be any more proper.
With streaks of blue running through your veins,
May I please, can I please hold on to your wings?
Let's fly fast, but let's be steady,
Because I might not be quite ready,
To soar recklessly above the city lights,
Blazing blue, like you, in the heart of night.
But if I see the wind dance through your hair,
I could just toss aside every care,
About who I am, and where I'm going.
With your freedom, there's no sense in knowing.
It would be nice..
To stop the reluctant patter of my footsteps
To silence the noises playing tetris in my head
To end the fidget produced by my hands
To rest my weary body in some comfortable corner

It would be nicer...
To catch an ounce of reassurance behind your stare
To concentrate on anything other than your mean sparkle
To learn the magic behind the art of tranquility
To do more than display forged smiles

It would be nicest...
To escape
To overcome
To prove
To shine
You keep a garden
Some of your arrangements are to

Boast and show off
Delight in and keep for yourself
Alter with curiousity and growth

So you keep this beautiful garden
With every right intention

For leaves to sprout with confidence
For stems to hold firm and sturdy
For flowers to flaunt beauty and rich color

But do you see your precious garden
Is so riddled with weeds?

Weeds that expose iniquity
Weeds that slowly eat away
Weeds that make your Father frown!

Try as you may, in your garden**
To hide or otherwise ignore your ugly weeds

But your leaves, they will crinkle
Your stems will fall short and break
And your petals will surely wilt.
Burrow down and hide
It's fine, this time
This time.

Think away and escape
It's alright, you're safe
You're safe.

Forget it now and begin
It's okay, start again

This time, you're safe, again.
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