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The clouds disenvelope the slated sky
As to heighten my fear and reverence.
We haven't quite figured this whole life out:
Too unknowing to beware imprudence.

                                                   ­                    My mind shivers, I am too scared.
                                                         ­         You rest your head, too unprepared.
                                                     ­                   She lies and sighs, not even there.
The colors grow dim with the night
And the light of day will fade.
Sitting crosslegged on a stump
I bid my farewell with a wave.

My palm is hollow for yours;
There's a stump by my side.
My partner, how you wandered –
You wavered into a lie.

How I wish I could revive
The connection we shared, my dear,
And how, you'd never wave goodbye–
For you promised to stay near.
You are shining for us on the other side.
So I'll be Your moon; I will reflect Your light.

Oh, how You saved me from the Lion's Den.
Oh, how You've loved me time and time again.

So Lord, I am praying that I could shine as thee.
Because my Lord was willing to give His all for me.
She has two weeks to encode
The true inscription of an
Engineer's heart. But she is

Much too short of time for a
Younger heart. This delicate flesh
Deserves more than she knows;

Fake flowers from her father. White
as linen bed sheets. Fresh –
exciting as it is melancholy: the

Speak now or forever hold your
Peace. How can she define love?
It is – or isn't – a mistake. It is
Heart racing
against my mind.
She’ll be gone soon
stop wasting time.
Where is my faith
others claim to be true?
Don’t freeze, don’t ignore
I thought that I knew.
Mental battle, spirit battle
to make the world thrive.
Am I living a lie
or lying alive?

— The End —