Earlier today
I was shaving my legs
It may be strange
But it doesn't happen much
I put my leg up
On the side of the tub
Starting smearing on the soap
All over my right left
This time was different
I noticed something strange
Little white lines
All over my leg
I thought they were gone
I must have done bad
I had never felt like this
So disappointed
A remi der of my pain
From many months ago
The scars from the razor
That released my pain
So how do I go on
Knowing what I did
Will they ever go away?
Dear God I hope so.
So maybe I should shave blind
To hide the hurt inside
I don't wanna see my mistakes
Ever again
But that's too bad
Have to move on
But every time I shave my legs
There'll be a reminder
Of the things I've done
And what I've become.