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I've been trapped In the past fore far to long,
Maybe forginess will find me somewhere down this road.

I wave at my demons, as I run away with happiness.
I've lived In this darkness fore far to long,
I'm ready to leave, and now I'm moving on.
I hope you don't make the same mistakes as me.
  Don't you let yourself fall for the empty words or let yourself sink slowly Into the dark sadness In your life.
  I hope you never let the little glimmer of hope you have glowing Inside your soul go out.
  And I beg you to never push away a hand that cares and then question why you're lonely.
                                      And don't you dare become
                                      your own worst enemy
                                      because It's a battle you'll
                                      never win.
The blade accidentally rips open my vein,
I'm not ready to die.
My world becomes blurry,
My heart slows down..
I just wanted answers to my pain,
I'm not ready to die,
"Please, help me" I scream, but no one hears.
I'm not ready to die I say,
As I fade away Into sweet bliss.
I know what Its like to want to die.
How It hurts to smile.
How you try to fit In but you can't.
How you hurt yourself on the outside,
Because you're trying to **** the thing on the Inside.
I didn't at first understand why I was put here.
But then I met you,
And everything became clearer
My stomach captured a million butterflies
My mind Instantly shot through the sky
My worries faded
And I thought to myself,
"Maybe this Is love.."
As I sit on a rock near the river,
I watch the water float by,
Darker Is It then my soul.
I feel this utter bliss when I'm sitting close by nature.
Taking In the scent,
Releasing my worries, and doubts.
Happiness over whelms me and fore once I feel like I belong here.
As night slowly creeps upon me,
Nothing Is left but for the voices that lurk within me
My soul fades quickly
My body lays cold and weary
Blood trickling from every Inch of my body

Screaming Is all I can hear
From the demons that once overruled me
They run through the night
Craving another soul, another mind but most of,
Another body to possess
Every night she lies awake
blaming Insomnia.
But It's her troubled thoughts
that keep her restless.
Wondering If she will ever find
peace with her mind.

You know that feeling.
When you're waiting..
Waiting to get home,
Into your room,
to close the door,
fall Into bed,
And just let everything out that you've kept In all day.

That feeling of both relief and desperation.
Nothing Is wrong, but nothing Is right either.
Tired of everything, but tired of nothing.

And you just want someone to be there to tell you It's okay even when It's not.
But you know that's only wishful thinking.

And you know that you have to be strong for yourself and that no one can fix you.
But you're so tired of waiting.

Tired of having to fix yourself and be strong.

For once you just want It to be simple.
To be easy. To be helped. To be Saved.

But you don't dare to say anything because you don't want pretend sympathy.
And you don't want to seem like you're complaining.

So you stay quiet,
Still wishing,  
Still strong
And fighting with tears In your eyes.

But you're tired of waiting.
Pushed to the curb, I find myself hopelessly waiting,
Waiting for something or someone to come save me,
But sadly I'm Invisible to the Human Eye.
I am no longer considered a Human
But simply a cold lost animal,
Grieving for an answer.
I get choked up when I think about It, how the memories don't seem to add up.
A pit In my stomach that never quits, Tears swell up In my eyes.
It's something only a smile can disguise.
Don't rip my heart out, If there's nothing for you In It.
Don't enter my walls If you're not ready fore the brokeness.
Is It pointless to sit here and fond over the things we can not have, challenge our self to the unexpected, and think about a life that we all know we can't have?  
What's pointless Is thinking that you can never accomplish the greater things In life.
Found In drafts, I dunno.
Sitting on a rock, by the river, watching people pass by,
The air Is cool and the water looks tempting.
Maybe If I ever so slowly walk In, no one will notice that I have disappeared.
For that moment In time
It became clear to me
That even though I'm broken and unstable
I can be loved too.
If you don't like me, as I do you:
I understand.
Because who would want a daisy when they can get a rose.
Enjoy your stay, and here Is why:

You will be judged on what you wear,
On practically every other personal trait  
Any Imperfection about you
Which music you listen to,
And what you look like.
I am from the brokenness, from lies within the darkness.
I am from the needy, the saddened, from the harsh cold seasons.
I am from the traditions that are never celebrated.
The chips that no one wants, and the hatred demons that haunt your nights.

From "you won't ever be good enough" to "just go away"
I am from the lack of trying, because my best Is never great.
I am from moving there to leaving here,
Memories are faded, fore mine aren't the greatest.
They say you must love yourself before you love others.
Yet, I always find myself caring more about the people I push away,
I let the pain drown me In my own tears, and happiness Is jsut a word.
Do you not see me reaching out to you?
Can you tell me, who am I ?
I'd cross sea's,
climb mountains,
and fight bears,
Just to hear you and see you.

And I'd stay up all night writing,
just to stop myself,
from etching my feelings Into my skin,
Just to hear you say 'I'm proud of You'

— The End —