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Shadow Wolf Aug 2020
Cant get rid of the past because im trapped in my mind (Mansion)
I try moving on but I cant..
I take different directions and end up at the same spot (Maze)
Im trapped in my mind cause I miss who I was
Im trapped in my mind cause I miss how I felt
Im trapped in my mind cause I miss seeing you
Then when I step outside, I don't know what to do.
I am lost and I am confused
Im trapped in my mind and lost in the maze
What Do I Do?
Do I go left? Do I go right?
Should I just go back to the Mansion or stay out and fight?
Shadow Wolf Sep 2018
Trying to find life, and forget the struggle
But it sneak up on me like cramps in your muscle
I figured it out, and it was truly a puzzle
If you don't understand it
You will surely be in trouble

The ones around me is going to get confused
The ones around me will say "**** who are you?"
They don't deserve this, yes that is true
That's why I have to keep my distance, so I won't hurt anyone of you...
Shadow Wolf Apr 2018
He Has survived through the darkest days
And walked the brightest nights.
Each time was a different fight
Month and months
Soon turned to years
Surviving was tough
But he never dropped a tear
Never knew what was going to happen next
But showed no fear...
Silver wolf is gone
Betrayal means no return
But even for the Shadow Wolf its a live and learn
Shadow shows no fear
But he did show pain
Lots of lost and lots to gain.
But because of her he has changed

Old friends are now new enemies
Old enemies are now new friends
Either way pain or not
The Shadow survives
And always wins
Stronger. Smarter. Darker. Survivor.
Jul 2017 · 487
Shadow Wolf Jul 2017
Mouth stayed silent
No words was said
The future the eye saw
Is crumbled and dead
Laughing and laughing
Going insane
This is the darkness
Favorite game
Destroy the enemy
The decision is made
No more discussion Time to hunt and play
Demon created
From a twisted mind
They sense it they know it
Once again
...It is time..
Jul 2017 · 434
Shadow Wolf Jul 2017
Ears are ringing
Life is falling
Try to stay calm
I cant stop shaking
Head is pounding
Scratches on the walls
You do not know what you have done
No, not at all
Three, two, one
There was a click
A growl from his voice
Now the switch
Escaping death
To do one last deed
To get revenge
To make them bleed
One, two, three
Thats all thats needed
One, two, three,
Thats all thats said
And one, two, three
Is what you hear
And one, two, three you are dead...
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Lost Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf Sep 2016
The wolf heart beats in pain
Insane but some how sane
Lost so deep but what did he lose
Have so much but what did he gain?
Quietly he walks so silently you can't hear
If he is lost forever... What howl could he hear?
He will follow the moonlight until he arrives
To his destination he will soon reach
The destination that hides....
I Am Lost
Feb 2016 · 987
Lost Soul
Shadow Wolf Feb 2016
I've lost my soul many years ago.
I've searched for so long, it's like I can
Hear it calling my name but I can't see it.
Sometimes I wonder, if it's not my soul
Calling me then who or what it?
Dec 2015 · 974
Empty Vessel
Shadow Wolf Dec 2015
I am nothing more but an empty vessel roaming the earth
Trapped behind a broken frame
Surrounded by broken memories
That has and hasn't happened yet.
By myself but not alone i am also surrounded...
Surrounded by the ones who know my name but not my story.
Even the ones i am close to Are still confused
And trying to figure out who i am completely.
I feel no heart beat in my chest( not that i want to)
I guess my question is, why do i even exist..?
Am i just an empty vessel roaming the earth?
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
The Changing
Shadow Wolf Apr 2015
He's been heartbroken for so long his heart couldnt handle it..
Instead of his heart giving up and changes...
It changes his heart from red to black ...
It changes him from having love to being emotionless..complete heartless..
No feelings..
He dropped his trust for everyone he knows..everything into nothing
His name changed from Donnell into Shadow Wolf...his soul reborn into the darkness...
Only one thing change everything except the darkness and that is yet..a mystery...
He will always feel the heart broken pain with every breath he takes...
All he know is that sooner or later he..will die
And he is waiting for that moment
For The Scared
You Can Find The Light
When You Close Your Eyes
And Surrender..To The Sound..Of The Darkness...
Jan 2015 · 2.4k
The Shadow Wolf Poetry...
Shadow Wolf Jan 2015
He looks at the moon everytime its out
doesnt matter if its full or if its about to become a new moon.
The Shadow Wolf howls at the moon night sky...
hoping that his heart will be healed like the way it was before...
His soulmate, Shade, the rare wolf who was exatly like him but in a female form
was killed by the heartless humans...
Human by Human he takes them all out...
And even though it wont bring back his soulmate
he doesnt it anyways to avenge his love
But also day by day the wolf slowly dies inside...
Day by day he can feel his heart break more and more into little pieces
and soon enough he will perish and his spirit united with the moon...
And with...his love...that has been patiently waiting for him...
All this time...
Shadow Wolf Oct 2014
What's going on with me??
Where am I??
I barley know who I am anymore...
I told myself I would be distant from everyone.
This wasn't suppose to happen, not even close.
Why is this happening??
What am I suppose to do??
I'm lost...completely lost.
I've lost the way I suppose to be...
I am not on my nature.
I'm being held back by something...but what
May 2014 · 1.5k
Don't Test Me
Shadow Wolf May 2014
So you're trying to shut me out? Go ahead
So you're trying to make me feel like ****? And act like everything we've ever done never happened? Fine by me.
But know this, I can shut myself out faster than you ever can with or without you even recognizing it. I can smile big in your face but if you test me it'll be the last thing you'll want to do. **** me off and I'll shut you out, basically spitting in your face and saying we never happened with no emotion. You have too many feelings to even try, you're too emotional, you're weak. We may have a few things in common on dark sides but my heart will always be darker than yours. Last Question
Do you really want to test me?
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
My Pleasure
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
I can see it, the fear in your eyes
afraid of death, afraid to die
I promise you, I'll let you survive...
What are you kidding me? It was obvious a lie
go run, you think the darkness can protect you?
Well think again my tasteful friend.
My eyes are glowing red with hunger
from tree to tree I jump, smiling while you...
Run, trip, and fall in fear.
Shh it's ok my dear, you should of known this day would come...
Now you run run run
Is that blood I smell? Is this blood I taste?
Here I come, pick up your paste...
Deeply clawing your back, you scream and cry in pain
I love this game...
Disappearing into the shadows
you're looking around as tears run down your face.
Cut the back of your leg, get up run
You're not dead.
"I'm coming, it's about to end" I softly say
now you know there's no turning back now.
In the distance, in front of you, my razor sharp claws
covered in blood with your friends throat in my hand.
Walking towards you, flashing my fangs, you turn and fall
as what all humans so, you attempt to run...oops!
My Shadow Queen shoves her claws inside you
ripping out your intestines and wrap them around your neck
Hanging you like a rope.
Our hand intertwine while blood drips from inside you and your heart falls out.
Slowly beating its last beats...the pleasure is ours...our ****** desires increases...
you're dead...your blood all over us...and we're all over each other
Oh The Lovely Blood!
Mar 2014 · 868
My Reflection...Or Is It?
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
I see him... staring directly at me
moving the same as me in every direction
smiling when I smile, anger when I show anger.
It's not me, only a look alike...
look really close... look directly in the eyes...
they're black, completely black.
He's waiting for me, he's waiting to come out...
the dark anger building up inside me.
The wolf looking directly at me...
howling in my sleep, waiting for March 16, 2014
when the full moon rises.
He's rested for so long calm, steady, in patients...
to once again come forth to feed on these humans.
I can hear him now... my Shadow Wolf...
ready to come out to once...before.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Saved Or Dead
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
I taste the blood from your wrist
you scream in pain trying to resist..
resist me from draining you dry and killing you..
then you notice you have poison in your blood steam from cutting yourself with that razor
you ask me to **** the poison from out of you
so you will be saved... or will you
Mar 2014 · 3.3k
The Werewolf
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
He is werewolf
He's moody and easily provoked
He's highly loyal and protective of those he love
while he can be intense at times
He is generally a laid back person
but if a fight comes his way
He will fight to the death, if necessary
He seem normal to most people
no one understand how different he can be.
It's like a light switch flips for him sometimes
and then he's a completely different creature
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
My Guardian Angel
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
My guardian angel does not dress in white...
He has many scars and is far from perfect....
He does not wear a halo and his wings are made of fire...
While yours fly high above, mine walks by my side...
He cares, loves, and protects me better than yours ever will...
He walks in the cover of darkness and is surrounded by his shadow...
We will be together always...
He is my guardian angel and the love of my life...
Together we walk as one with darkness...
Together we devour those that get in our way...
Reeking mayhem and spilling pools of blood along our path...
We, feed, hunt, and run as one...
He is my king and I his queen...
Me and my guardian angel!
My love wrote this for me
Feb 2014 · 753
When I'm Alone
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
I may be that lone Shadow Wolf that lurks in the night but don't test me in any way...
Taunting me will only get you killed.
My teeth and claws are ten times as sharp as a new born blade.
If you tend to hear me howl don't come near
unless you want your throat separated from your body.
Your blood will be my drink and your meat will be my food
don't try to control me in any way or try to tell me what to do...
Especially if its something I don't like...
Feb 2014 · 949
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Loyalty, affection, and playfulness. Wolves are extremely loyal to other members of their pack-they mate for life and will take care of sick and injured pack members. They show affection to each other every day in the form of licking and nuzzling-this helps to reinforce their bonds. They are very playful and protective animal, and usually play daily-they chase each other, play-fight, play tug-of-war with sticks or pieces of their ****, and throw objects such as sticks or bones into the air and catches them again. They have been observed to cease play for around weeks after the pleath of a pack member, and howl often, as though calling for the missing individual. They show clear signs of behaving mourning. There are even times in which, when one of a mated pair dies, the other will stop eating until it too dies.
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
The powerful lone Shadow Wolf lurking in the darkness of the forest.
Howling for his long lost mate in a musical tone...
Howls flows back this ears, but not the one he's searching and expecting for.
Heartbroken from not hearing his long lost love he gets close to giving up,
laying on the hill while the half moon shines on him
he watches other mates play, care, love each other and their pack.
A howl woke him from his sleep only he could hear,
rising up in excitement but also fear he follows the sound.
His heart begins to race but it still beats in pain, rushing towards a creek
where they first met and there she was.
Together they howl and creates this unimaginable beautiful tune
that all wolves hear to howl back.
Forever immortal they will be together, their endless love will never fade
The Shadow Wolf & Silver Wolf
I've felt like this for so long, not knowing who my mate was
but now I've found her.
And forever we will stick by each others side no matter the situation.
Feb 2014 · 715
You Never Knew
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Inside pain, outside rain
broken days remains the same
her heart is bleeding
her world is black
but outside she's smiling
so you'll never discover that
her notes are suicidal
her eyes are wide awake
but all that changed when her blood gets drained
by a razor that's now stained
Feb 2014 · 619
My Demon
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
When the night rose and the moon shined
i let the darkness fill my soul.
When my demon showed me the world
it heated me up

Understanding me is now impossible
for all that I've spoke and felt
now absorbing eternal darkness
moving through the shadows
day and night

Now since my demon has come
into my life, letting my demon help me see others
I can now see the way the
world is both ways
Feb 2014 · 4.4k
Shadow Wolf
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
The first and last death you'll ever receive
and the last breath you'll ever breathe
comes before and after you.

I've turned into the creature
you thought was a myth
now you're paralyzed, I've made you stiffed.

I am the pure born Shadow Wolf
that lurks day and night
ripping your throat out
what a painful frightening sight.

Close your eyes
say good night
pray in death
to go to the..
Feb 2014 · 628
Our Night And Day
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Midnight's mist rises from underground
as Shadow comes out to play
full moon rises in our black eyes
our nights and days
I howl in the woods, calling upon our creatures
us fearless wolves sniffing out our prey
Midnight's mist surrounds the city
our nights and days
Feb 2014 · 706
Cut And A Twist
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
The cut I have across my wrist
started with a cut and a twist...
I close my eyes
and enjoy the pain
then walk outside into the rain...
****** blade in my hand
blood rushing from my wrist
that all started with a cut and a twist...
Feb 2014 · 758
Innocent Now Evil
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
She cries those painful tears
that nobody hear
they think she's insane
but they're they one to blame

Used to be weak and blonde
now she's dark and evil
hair dyed black, make up all black
now everybody wants the old her back

Blood and fire
rituals and spells
they will slowly burn in hell
dark.. anger.. evil too... pray she doesn't come after you
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Death by suicide
of the hatred things that floated around her..
**** by a razor that went across her wrist
but risen by the darkness
of the suicide death.
Now going after the ones that caused her to do this
the razor that killed her, is now killing everyone else..
When she is done she will rest in peace in darkness
with no incomplete missions left behind..
Feb 2014 · 780
My Darkest Love
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
My darkest love, from down below
rising in the shadows, your face that show
oh so powerful, in the full moon light
us against the world we will fight.

My darkest immortal...
lets be together
my darkest immortal...
live with me forever.

My beautiful Shadow Queen
only you and me
living in the dark storm
only you and me..
Feb 2014 · 543
Walk In Darkness
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
My walk in darkness was just a start
looking around with a broken heart..
wondering, why am I searching?

My years in darkness I've learned more and more..
about the things that lurk in the shadows
I've learned how to see things without the light.

Now I don't fear the dark like I use to years ago
now I don't have to scream for help and be afraid of being alone
now..I've realized the darkness was there for me all along.
Feb 2014 · 560
Your Destruction
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
You're just like a fire that someone starts, that one little spark happens and...
you **** everyone and anyone around you... in your path.
You're just like a tsunami, you come and push anything...
and everything that's in your way...destroying everything.
You're like a tornado, you spin in what possible...
and when you're done drawing them near and close... you throw them out
hurting them and not caring.
   All these things you do has something in common. after you hurt and destroy them they rebuild themselves...with better thinking
they build back what you've destroyed but they make it better than before because this time they'll be ready.
Feb 2014 · 943
Goth From Hell
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Black hair, black nails
Black blood, black world
People thinks she's a goth from hell
No heart, no fear
She sheds no tears
When they look at her...
They tremble in fear
She'll slit anybody's throat
She doesn't need to fight
Then she drinks their blood
Mmm that's the kind of girls I like
Feb 2014 · 587
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Cut you once, cut you twice
cover your wounds with salt and ice
you scream in pain and wishing to die
but you only pass out..not die

Blood running out none stays
tears down your face you wonder what you did
she says "its okay it'll all end soon
you're going to live and wake up up in a dark room"

You're a new person now, the old you is dead
you're a Gothic vampire and everybody's getting scared
smell their blood, smell their fear
hear their cries... now they don't want to be here
Feb 2014 · 649
7th: The Web Of Death
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Iv'e never experienced this but from what I heard is that it's peaceful... better than being alive.
It's like you have to go through physical and mental pain when your alive but death... death you can rest in peace no pain comes to you at all.
In my version, I wouldn't regret dying, i mean in this world its every person for themselves. Sure you can take care of another if you want but people don't really give a ****.
Death is something you should accept, if it's your time to go the let it come don't run from it.
Death is something you cant're going to die in sooner or later....
Unless you're immortal...
Yet to experience
Feb 2014 · 553
6th: The Web Of Hate
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Almost everybody has experienced hatred in their life, it comes from anger.
Whoever it is... you hate them because of something they've done.
It sometimes stays like that until they're dead or gone.
Your instincts start to act when you hear the persons name or even see them.
You might even end up saying or doing something to that person.
If you hate them so badly, you might loose control and attempt to **** them... or your self
Going by experience
Feb 2014 · 513
5th: The Web Of Anger
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Your mind goes blank, and anger takes control.
It makes you say things to family and friends you don't mean to say.
Your in this before you even know it, you don't think blind by your rage that it has to come out.
Sooner or later you'll calm down and escape this, going back to your normal self...
Whatever that is
Going by experience
Feb 2014 · 557
4th: The Web Of Pain
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Once you get trapped in this it's very hard and difficult to get out of.
You stay there because nobody is there to help and save you.
You go so deep you forget about everybody you loved or even thought of and eventually you get use to the pain inside...
that's when it starts to take control of you.
It controls and destroys your heart, eats your soul, changes you into something different.
That's when people want to make you feel loved again but...
they will soon enough find out it's too late to even try.
Because your wall will be so high and thick that even the best thing in your life couldn't change you back.
Going by experience
Feb 2014 · 526
3rd: The Web Of Depression
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
This will take forever to get out of.
Your heart gets broken from someone you are in-love with or have very strong feelings for.
Tears comes from your eyes down to the side of your cheeks onto the ground with no one to catch them.
You separate your self from everyone and maybe even listen to sad music.
Nearly going suicidal because you cant have that person back...
Love hurts...
Going by experience
Feb 2014 · 612
2nd: The Web Of Happiness
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
This I'm sure everybody wants to live in.
Nothing bad happens, you have everything you wanted and needed.
Its just perfect nothing can change it.
Thing is it's kind of hard to find for some people because you can never find the right trail.
It's more of a trap in a way, you think you're going the right way you start to get happy and then..
a surprise attack happen and now you're back to where you started.. trying to find that right trail again..
Going by experience
Feb 2014 · 501
1st: The Web Of Love
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Something almost everybody wants but cant quite actually find.
Love is pure to some people, but you have to find the right person to share that love with other wise you're just going to get hurt.
It's a high risk because you love someone and that person loves you to but anything can happen between you two or between your spouse and another.
If its the right love then nothing can stop it no matter what.
I'm going by what I've experienced
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Shadow Demon
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Darkest moments everyday.. you can see it in my eyes, can you?
Moving past you in the shadows of the day..
and watching you in the darkness of the night.
Feeding off your fear..  anger.. loneliness.. and depression.
All your emotions within me leaving you hopeless and scared,
no where to run.. no where to hide.
You see my eyes in the darkness.. bright like the moonlight but silver
darker than the darkest midnight hour.. in a Shadow Forest.
You run in fear.. in the wrong direction, into a dark field.
Jumping out from the trees as the full moon light shines down on me.
Walking towards you smiling as my fangs show and my claw sharp.
Your heart beating rapidly, you're left alone with the Shadow Demon that's come out of me,
Tackling you onto the ground you scream as my fangs sink into your neck..
the warm sweet blood flowing through my mouth.
Letting go you lay there in silence and start shaking uncontrollably..
and the you stop.
Rising up in the darkness, the full moon now shining down on both of us..
you're one of me now.
Together we will show this world true darkness..
We will turn, we will ****, and humans will die.
Darkness will rise up in this world, non-humans will come out of the shadows
and take back what they once had before.
This will be our darkest hours.. our darkest days. Infecting the world..
just as it once was before..
Feb 2014 · 580
Peace But War
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Deep in the woods, where my thoughts are calm
trees and grass sway back and forth
the wind brushing against my face and flowing through my hands
I'll let it happen again and again...
Animals is my family
Nature is my friend
they've seen what I've seen... been where I've been
humans are the enemies... they're deeply sinned...
we attack to protect...not because we're wild
but... because its our home their trying to destroy
Feb 2014 · 506
What Now?
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
A memory is what ill be
A shadow is what you'll see
you remember what we've done
but cant remember me...
Now my thoughts are confused
I'm brainwashed dead
I've done what I've done...
and said what I've said...
Feb 2014 · 2.4k
Shadow Aura
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
I can feel it.. the shadow aura.. the darkness flowing around me
The energy flowing through my body.. letting every bit consume me
I can feel it as i close my eyes
it feels good
going to keep it all in and then let it out at the right moment
full moon powers, shadow aura, darkness, energy...all of it
on the full moon
heart increasing on the outside of my body but...
cooling on the inside
Feb 2014 · 564
In My Mind, Im screaming
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
My head is pulsing, im screaming
trying to shut my mind out but...
its breaking down my walls and getting louder...
everytime I move...even a little bt...
it screams...
resting doesn't help
Why wont this end?
im trying to throw it all away...
but more seems to come.
Trying to distance myself from others
and not hurt them but that seems to happens anyways
Why am I stuck in this?
I'll never get use to people...humans being here...
no matter what...
UGH! What do I do? What do I say?
How do I respond...?
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Distractions... so many distractions
flowing through my head, through my heart
my head is pounding with loud noise
it makes me go insane, wanting to **** everyone
trying to keep myself sane is nearly impossible.
My heart...what is going on?
What is wrong? Tell me
its like a broken vase trying to be fixed
you can still see the cracks on the outside
my heart is just like that broken vase...
you fill it with liquid and you'll see it slowly... leaking out
but...but why?
could it still be my past?
or is it now the present/future?
i have to...need to figure this out...
before it's too late...
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
So much has changed...everything has changed
my old friends I don't talk to, new friends has come
how come I"m not dead?
after everything that has happened I should be...
Is this all real?
Is this all a dream?
everything that has happened... everything that is happening
Is this all just deceiving?
Or is it the truth?
why am i stuck in between two worlds...?
on the same planet
feeling lost but..also found
Are my eyes deceiving from the truth?
Is the truth lying to me
I've carried on more than ever...
and still don't feel like home
What is going on... with me?
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
My thoughts mostly confuse me
having me thinking different things
wanting to **** myself
giving up at points and falling into darkness...
more and more..
Do I really have friend by my side?
Do my girlfriend really love me?
Can I trust her?
Can she trust me?
thoughts of confusion get me to question...
question myself about others...
about myself...
Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?
it hurts to think this but...
who else can answer them?
Feb 2014 · 537
In My Mind, I Now Invade
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
You see me but no words are said
like an angel I descend upon thee
my love you feel so tenderly
you feel my touch upon your skin
our hands are intertwining
you see in my eyes a blissful grace
and my lips you sweetly taste
this dream you'll carry on even after you wake
what you feel shall not be fake
and when you see me face to face
its me you shall want to embrace...
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Love... it feels so good when you have it
but at the same times its a great risk...
the more love you feel
the more you forget whats around
then when you're broken it hurts...badly
how you felt is exactly how its going to hurt you...
I feel it everyday...even when I smile I still feel it.
I cant control it but I can control the tears that try to fall down from my cheeks
unbelievable that tears still try to fall down...
from something that happened in 8th grade
it still kills me and I don't know how to...
make it go away
how do you make this go away?
Shadow Wolf Feb 2014
Come darkness
flow through me
yes I'm dark-minded as it is
**** all humans
they can all die
shadows of the night come out to play
demons possess them
take control of their bodies
show them what fear really is
make this world the heart of darkness
i want to see them beg for mercy
make them wish they was dead.
  Shadow Wolf come out to play and feed on these humans. Torture them, scare them to death. My dark fantasies that you're dying to watch
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