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Seven Nielsen Mar 2021
see the trees on the hills
my friend?
they are the knowing eye

see all the starlings in flight
my dear?
they listen in the sky

see all the rivers and lakes
my love?
they know my soulful call

all of them know the thoughts
of my heart
they know that you are my all
Seven Nielsen Mar 2021
angels of the solstice
gather on exalted cloudways
and descend as heliotrope whirlwinds
bejewelling leafless trees
with melting ice and dew
adorning in silence

they beckon verdant spring
when shimmering moonlight
will cease to glister on diamond snow
and winter's periwinkle gowns
shall withdraw into violet pillows
and then into silver streams of resignation

the tissue-paper sky is a luminous dome
veined with gold and pearl anticipation
the meadows are covered with gossamer blankets
that drink the sound of the ruby-red cardinal
like a sacrificial drop of blood on the velvet-white altar
offered for the birth of the first tender blooms
Seven Nielsen Feb 2021
the sunset
was like melted rubies
bathed by a topaz spring --
above it all
two amorphous pearl clouds drifted
rimmed with molten gold
while the lake
was a mirrored goddess
with moonlight in her lazuline eyes
and stars in her indigo hair
Seven Nielsen Feb 2021
loving you is like
folding a fitted sheet --
there is a way to do it
but no one knows
what it is
Seven Nielsen Feb 2021
the clever rhyme
can be sublime
and some could not be neater
but make the climb
'cause every time
good rhyme must have good meter.
Seven Nielsen Feb 2021
At T's funeral
Fat Carlo took his shoes off
first thing
and he did it with that secret little smile of his
. . . watching . . .

He stretched out the laces all crooked
like mangled snakes
mud-brown and sickly pistachio-green
with aglet heads worn down to
right in front of everyone
. . . goading . . .

The wound on his big toe
'that don't never heal'
is a trophy of his careless barefoot run
with his crip-dog
and that violent tantrum after reading
Colosimo's political column
in the Daley Herold
about democrats stealing water shares
. . . seething . . .

Chalk up Fat Carlo's actions
to his constant fits of
and his hillbilly upbringing
. . . prodding  . . .

And, it's because he won't listen to Paola's demands
about keeping his shoes on in public
or not picking his teeth with a safety pin --
always riding him in lowdown ways
. . . taunting  . . .

Just keep praising Paola
for her stupid things
like O-Cedar-waxing the casket
or the raspberry-Renuzit-spray-shower
she gave the mortuary
before the service
'just in case'
. . . showboating  . . .

Carlo gets mad whenever he hears
anyone complement his Paola --
do it anyway
it really gets to him
and if you make Paola smile
she might give you a slice
of her special mocha cake
after we're all done grievin'
. . . faking . . .
Seven Nielsen Feb 2021
The manacles of time clank shut around self-betrayed necks
with merciless finality
as the corpses in unvomited graves
try to whisper their regrets
through lips sewn shut with mortician's twine
and sealed shut
with the flesh-colored wax
of guilt

Mirages of banquets are occasionally conjured
to make dead mouths water with dust
beneath the leafmold
of tortured eternity

Lavish illusions of light and air are offered
but only the humus soil
is spooned by time
into the nostrils
with the earthworms of
of resentment

Silence is breached in perfidy
and craving in lying visions
of bounteous tables teeming with life's roasted plenty
once spread before these bulging eyes
and withered tongues

Echoing chambers are filled
with mental cries of those souls
who are flayed, rolled, and crusted
in the offscourings
of their own ground-up contrition
like a coat of pumice and splintered glass of hate

The vile demons hear those imagined screams
and laugh tauntingly at the suffering
which is their own midnight meal

Lust feeds the brazen
as remorse devours the penitent
for a recalled kiss
or stolen touch of affection
is but provender
to those ravenous memories and illusions
of long-forgotten feasts of love
that flicker in the mind
as though reflected
in rainbow-colored mud puddles
by drifting slicks
of motor oil

The dreamer will never be aware
that his own summoned memories
are the filthy womb of his endless nightmares
that drag after-birth chains
through his every waking hour
and prevent even a moment
of healing slumber


The menaced head
never sleeps
and the feast of illusions
never ends
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