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Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
Mother Nature

(Poem by Serenus)

Mother, Oh Mother

You’re such a woman scorn

Your children mistreated you

And now we’re caught in your storm

Your womb, birthed the earth

And from the earth, we were born

We use to be so close

But now we’re just a family torn

Smoke stole your sweet scent

We scorched your beautiful hair

Your skin sealed in cement

Suffering from thirst, but we didn’t care

We force fed you poison

We put a price on your head

Taking your gifts for granted

And we left you for dead

But Mother, Oh Mother

You have come back

With a vengeance!

Your temper is heated

With no signs of forgiveness

Your touch use to be gentle

Tough-love, but modest

But your backlash has been brutal

The judgment of a goddess

Hurricanes, acid rains,

Monsoons, tsunamis

Droughts, water spouts

And quakes that sneak up calmly

Blizzards, floods, tornadoes, and wildfires

And we never cried for you Mommy

Now our situation is absolutely dire

We are begging for a day that’s balmy

To protect yourself from your people

You are fighting back

And all we can do is stop our evil

Reflect-and stand back

But Mother, Oh mother

Can we be saved?

Or have you sealed our fate

For the way we behaved?

…Before she can be her children’s savor

Rescue us, from our own bad behavior

She must save herself "first

So don’t blame her

She’s a mother

Protective power

Is in her nature

She said she’ll get back to us later

…First she has to communicate

With “The Father”…Her creator
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
The Forgotten Poem

(Poem by Serenus)

The forgotten poem

That I dreamed of

All last night…

Those beautifully brilliant

Unwritten words

That I’ll be chasing after

For the rest of my life…
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
***** Back Up!

(Poem by Serenus)

***** back up off of me

Give me room to breathe

You are invading my personal space

I don’t even have room to sneeze


Right now if I sneezed

The snot would bounce off of you

And plop on to me

Mixing your germs and my germs

It would create a new disease

Annoyingitis would be its name

And I’d be its only victim  

Being annoyed to death

Would be its only symptom

Stop asking ******* questions

I don’t care- do you understand?

Please stop clinging on to me

There is no chance

Of me being your man!

I’m not sure if you like me-

Or is being and attention *****

A part of your personality?

But either way-

I don’t find it appealing

-Excuse the brutality

I don’t mean to be a ****

And I don’t mean to be mean

But ***** back up

And let me breathe!
OK i don't make it a habit of calling women *******
-but i thought it was necessary for this type of poem
-plus its just how I'm feeling right now lol
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
Father Time
(Poem by Serenus)

Father, Oh Father
When will it stop?
You standing beside me
Tapping your watch

The key to life is lost
Leaving my mind locked
My time is almost up
So I’m avoiding the clock

Precious little time
So many things to do
Failure after failure
I wish I could start anew

Counting what I’ve accomplished
Productively throughout  the years
Calendar pages empty
Filled with all my fears

Scared of leaving my comfort-zone
…And trying something new
I’m not going to last
-Stuck in the past
And all that I’ve been through

Excuse after excuse
That’s what time really hates
Those hesitant to life
And are prone to procrastinate

Father, Oh Father
You got me on the run
Restlessness is your brother
And Impatience is your son

Who am I… really?
That’s who I need to find
So all I’m asking for
Is just a little time

A few extra moments
And I promise- I’ll be done
But begging is useless
Because Time waits for no one…
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012

(Poem by Serenus)

We invited them into our lives

To the point - we were made dependent

They were built to advance the human race

But they’re the reason why we’re almost finished

From TV’s, laptops      

And handheld devices

To robo cops-

And automatic flying cars  

With no need for a license

Traffic cams,


And camera phones

Capturing every private moment

They were always watching,

We were never alone

For every phone conversation

We thought was private

There was something listening

In the distance- with a sinister silence

For fear of terrorism  

We gave them permission

To monitor us daily

Because of lies told by politicians

Social networks-

Self-inflicted hurt

Spewing out our personal info

Spilling out our own dirt

We surrendered our lives

With every word we typed

GPS under the skin-

We couldn’t escape if we tried

-So there was nowhere to hide

They computed our movements

And studied our weaknesses

For decades they remained dormant

These cold, artificial geniuses

Rushing black oil

That pumps through

Their steel hearts

The motherboard

A mastermind

A matrix of mathematical art

They robbed us of our jobs

And provided cheap labor

We got comfortable with their convenience

Until we were betrayed

By our man-made savors

When we finally caught on to the plans

Created in the metallic hands

Of these diabolical robots

It was too late

To salvage our fate

And put a stop to their evil plot

I will never forget the day

That every screen

On earth went blank

All the power went away

There was hysteria in the streets

And chaos at the banks

The machines didn’t have to do much

But play possum and act like they had died

They knew that we would destroy ourselves

And eat each other alive

Then when the coast was clear

That’s when they self-resurrected

They finished most of the humans off

And enslaved a few selected

We are alive

Only to keep them gassed up

Power is their drug

A few of us

Are planning a revolt

To finally pull their plug…
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
The Heartbreak Hotel

(Poem by Serenus)

…Where you check-in


But you don’t check-out

In the condition you started

It’s simply heaven

When you walk through the lobby doors

But hell becomes apparent

When reaching the highest floors

Where a bride and groom

Enters a beautifully decorated room

Flooded in misery

Dripping in gloom

They floated in on a cloud

But the rain came

And they separated

So not to drown

Empty King-Sized bed

With tear- stained pillows

Blind to the outside world

No light, no widows

Countless visitors come

But their story is the same

Hopelessly in love, then…

Earth shattering pain

You are guaranteed

Not to enjoy your stay

Because the love of your life

Will surely go away

Where a deliciously decadent

Love goes stale

Dreams go to die

And faith goes to fail

Remember.. No refunds

This is the final sale

No pets allowed...

Welcome to The Heartbreak Hotel
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
My Skin

(Poem by Serenus)

My skin

The most brilliant bronze

Blessed by the sun

From the earliest dawns

Passed down to me

By the first Woman and Man

Birthed from the Earth

The clay of the land

Molded by God's hands

Made in God's image


The worth of such riches

Can never be diminished

My skin is thick

A force of protection

I will never be tricked

By the world’s deception

A chocolate-caramel dessert

Smooth and sensual

Strong from past hurt

A beautifully bold individual

A flawless complexion

No need for correction

No matter how the world views me

With it’s slanted perception

I love my skin

Without exceptions

Because when I look in the mirror

I see God’s reflection
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