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Serenus Raymone Oct 2012

I think my muse

Is amused by me

I’m confused

Is she tired of being

Misused by me?

Writing only what glorifies my skill

Skipping the substance

And removing what’s real

She whispers

“Write something

So someone can be healed”

But instead I pander

With topics that have

A popular appeal

Sick of the fake

She escapes

Without notice

Just slipping away

Without a trace

Ignoring my invitation

To meet in my imagination

So I may sneak a kiss

Of her sweet inspiration

I know that

She won’t forever say no

Eventually she will come back

And the creativity will again flow


That’s why I’ve opened up

Every window

To my soul

I’ve opened the door

To my mind

Hoping that she knocks

But guess who is standing there

…I’m not shocked…

It’s my old familiar foe

Writer’s Block
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012

(Poem by Serenus)


Chalk white face

With a blood smeared smile

Dead dark eyes

That beam into the

Soul of a child

A freakish laugh

That sounds off as a warning

Razor sharp teeth

Used to keep

Countless mothers mourning

The monster hiding under the bed

That gives your children chills

Playgrounds keep him fed

And babies are his “happy meals”

He is not your friend

Don’t believe his lies

He’ll eat your kids- alive

With a side of fries

He's a madman -Its apparent

He uses the alias Ronald...

Warning to ALL parents...

Stay the hell away

From McDonald's!
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
Temperamental Times 1
Haiku by Serenus

All the leaves turn brown
When Summer trips and Falls down
Spring screams, Winter frowns

Temperamental Times 2
Haiku by Serenus

Spring and Summer brawl
The death of them both brings Fall
Winter revives all

Temperamental Times 3
Haiku by Serenus

Oh what a ******
It is the end of Summer
Soon Winter’s slumber

Temperamental Times 4
Haiku by Serenus

Middle of the road
A war between Hot and Cold
Spring and Fall takes hold

Temperamental Times 5
Haiku by Serenus

Heat, Wind, Rain, Earth, Ice
The elements of real change
The origins of life

Temperamental Times 6
Haiku by Serenus

Rain washes the pain
While wind stirs the soul within
And time brings sunshine
Just having a little fun with the seasons...will add to this series, tell me what u think
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
You Mind Your Business
And I'll Be Sure To Mind Mine
...We'll Get Along Fine!
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012

(Poem by Serenus)

You put a spell on me

That’s why my vision was slanted

I fell head over heels

A hopeless romantic


By your beauty

Infatuated with your face

Enamored by your aura

Mesmerized by your grace

With eyes locked

Walking arm in arm

Who would’ve thought

I’d be harmed by your charms?

Then your fairy dust

Became a witches brew

Your intentions became obvious

And I lost interest in you

Suddenly I was awoken

The curse was broken

I was no longer a slave

To your poisonous love potion

Frantic -You couldn’t stand it

Me finding out

That you are under-handed

...This is not how you planned it


I use to adore your antics

Now I see you

For who you truly are…


...By your own magic

You're now summoning tears

But I know it's just

Smoke and mirrors

I am now unaffected


And thankfully...

Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
I loved the way the

Slithered off of her

Making me feel like a
grown man

Even though my
actions were young

Yeah I was dumb

And at the time

Dumb was fun

That’s until I was overcome

With her venom

Leaving my body numb

Only feeling the
after affects

Of this meticulous attack

Not realizing I was

I had become an easy

Her voice was so seductive

Telling me I must eat
the fruit

Even though I was

I hungered for the

The knowledge of good
and evil

Marinated in its

Lost in the

Because I chose to
break this truce

Blindly loyal

Constricted by her

Her cold blood warmed

As my cool blood

Crushing everything
that was in me

Consuming everything
that was left

Keeping me alive-Only
so I can be

Cognizant of this

And painful death
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
New wrinkles around
my eyes

Still waiting for the

I never got a chance
to see

Hands worn from
manual labor

Instead of building

Up to all that I
aspired to be

Feet sore with

The same old path

Day after day

Following behind
everyone else

Forgetting to pave my
own way

While the clock still

Calendar pages flip

My dreams break free

From my long lasting

In my mind

I can travel back in

Speak to the inner
child in me

But reality can’t be

So will I ever find


…Tick Tock …

I’ll have to wait and see…
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