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 Mar 2015 Serafina Alair
long trenches
dark and cold
for as far
as the eye
can see

where used to be,
grandfather is now
merely a lifeless stone
quite old
for the fallen...
© Adelía
 Feb 2015 Serafina Alair
Her exterior showed defense
Allowing only the boldest to get close
An example of fear
Representing weathered
With a side of independence

So I bit into her pain
To find life inside her hollow
Water waiting to be swallowed
She is a savior in a barren desert
Waiting to give the right man life
 Feb 2015 Serafina Alair
Seize each glad moment
Cherish it before it dies
Smold'ring in ashes
David  copyright  February 18, 2015

— The End —