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Jun 2015 · 508
C Jun 2015
Her vanity ;

Used eyeliners
Polished golden rings
diamond watches still ticking
Her favorite oud scents still preserved in their boxes
Pocket sized pictures of us as kids framing the mirror ,

Her vanity
Doesn't know
Jun 2015 · 308
C Jun 2015
Oh i forgot to say ;

It was a lie
I never got over you
I couldn't love you less
It just never happened and
I'm not sorry for the lie that kept you close .
Jan 2015 · 371
C Jan 2015
The corners of her mouth tuned ,
Slowly pressed her cheeks and revealed her teeth .
In her eyes was a glint that made my mind blink rapidly ,
It silenced and paused our surroundings .
They’re nothing but haze now
Setting a series of ripples across the calm waters of my chest
A rush that is shredding my soul
yet embracing it with warmth
As I reach the crest of whatever that was
I can see myself in the reflection
Of her eyes ,
scattered in denial that a simple curve of her lips was an allure
That draw me into her.
May 2014 · 356
C May 2014
Before I close my eyes and surrender in peace you should know,

That I never liked the color grey till I met you.
And snowflakes never interested me .
Drawing used to consume my time
And writing was just a remedy.
Love seemed wicked
And friendship temporary.
I hated people
And my secrets were just mine .

I lived restrained in my own mental
Bars that I've locked myself behind
You bent the metal and held my hand out.
To find a beautiful world of us.
now i leave it all to you
            And close my eyes.
May 2014 · 534
C May 2014
I would want to spend my every minute with you,
I would rather read the expressions of your face than do to a book.
Count the freckles on your back than do to a star .
Hold your hand than do to a warm cup of coffee on a frozen night.
I would want you to spend your every minute with me,
But none can .
You cant because you're with her
And i cant because
You smile when you say you love her.

So i will read my book closely and imagine your expressions closer,
I will count the stars as if they were your freckles and the night's your back under the dim light
I will hold the cup of coffee and pretend its yours .
I will smile when you tell me you love her .
Apr 2014 · 339
C Apr 2014
Told her life's a river ,
Water keeps running
And even dead fish follow the stream.
She said,
Life's not a river it's a ******* ocean ,
With its storms
And tides
You just have to ride the waves.

But still I felt floating on a water surface and everything seems so dark.
Apr 2014 · 453
C Apr 2014
A five hundred piece puzzle is what I am . and i never get the will of solving my self out because there's only 499 pieces of me.

Till i found you, i found the missing piece.
I am five hundred again.
I still haven't got my pieces together but you can call me complete.
Apr 2014 · 343
C Apr 2014
For the first time, i saw you
And i wish I didn't
because ,
I wish i sat closer to you
held your hand
hugged you
talked more
looked in your eyes
Or even felt your arms around me
I wish I thought of me
Or considered my own feelings
I didnt
I put you ahead of me
I wanted to see you smile
Even though im hurting me
I saw your eyes sparkle
I saw it in your words
And the tremble in your voice
You kept your gaze on her
When I just wanted a proper goodbye
But i walked away either ways
I knew it never would be me
And if we went back
I know that I'll always place you ahead and me behind.
Cause No matter what the cost was
i wanna see you smile.
I know it never will be me .
Apr 2014 · 408
C Apr 2014
Don't talk to me .
I'm insane
i want something then i don't
i can't tell if i love you or i don't
its killing me to not know what i want
its like I'm detached in a way or another
im me but then I'm another who stands in my own way
im confident today and I'd go **** in front of you but just a few seconds later I'm covered all in black arms wrapped around my chest insecure
i can talk a lot and be all over the place and on that same day be gloomy sad and have teary eyes
am i me ? or am i that other person ?
I'm always on a struggle to know me
but i never figure me out
i've reached the point of not trusting myself
because I just don't know
what's wrong ?
My mom thinks I'm crazy
my dad thinks I'm still a teenager
my sisters don't respect me
and my friends find me weird
my closest friends think I'm mysterious
and I ? well I think I'm .
I don't know what I am
let me ask her .
why ? because somewhat i found that she's that one person
that helps me get rid of my demons
oh yeah haven't i mentioned them ?
they're about as many as the hairs growing off your skull
and **** do they talk !
I don't fight them I'm tired of it
and i've fallen many times trying to
but now their noise kind of is my silence .
I don't know your type of silence .
yes I do put  a dot after every sentence you know why ?
because Im afraid the words get unleashed .
there has to be a stopping point for them
because if not then i don't know .
I'm dying or maybe I'm dead .
why do i not know why am i struggling
maybe its just me
maybe its just me
maybe its just me
its just me
its just me
I don't know me
i never will
i give up
Apr 2014 · 538
C Apr 2014
Funny that
I don't feel jealous ,
I don't crave your kisses ,
I don't miss your hugs or gentle touch ,
I don't need your calming voice ,
and certainly don't need you every single day.
  Pathetic that
I try to make myself believe
that it is funny .
I am jealous
I crave your kisses
  I miss your hugs and gentle touch
I need your calming voice
    And certainly need you every single day .
Feb 2014 · 373
C Feb 2014
I have tamed my demons way too many times
yet they don't understand
that this time,
this love ,
just isn't meant to be .

They don't understand I'm keeping it in
away from the light
away from air
and whatever's keeping it alive.

I never meant to **** a soul
but this one
is mine
and killing it
wouldn't be considered a crime
so let me .
let me go gentle into that good night.
Feb 2014 · 348
C Feb 2014
he says she can read through a person's eyes .
I wonder ifhe sees through mine ?

Leaving the sorrow , the pain , the wounds , the heartache and tears I've only shed yesterday .
Would he be able to see the lust or what they call love ?

I know my eyes will look away when he looks into them ,
My heart beats will race ,
And my blood will rush through my veins ,
But will he still be able to tell ?
Or will I be able to tell?
Feb 2014 · 467
C Feb 2014
Last night ,
I smoked my first cigarette .
like a newborn holding his first milk bottle ,
I didn't know how to hold it right.

I did it in hopes to forget ,
erase the memories ,
burn them
by filling my lungs with smoke
just the way you breathed your love into me.

As I let the fumes escape through my lips,
an illusion of you formed in front of me .
but soon the smoke scatters to air.

I thought I smoked your memory away ,
but  I left with a smell that will remind me
of my failing attempts .
Feb 2014 · 317
C Feb 2014
Like an ocean wave
She approaches and leaves
Her stay never fulfills my crave
when she's gone
I know it won't be long
Cause like the wave
she approaches and leaves .
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
C Feb 2014
How about
We play pretend
You pretend that I'm not there
And I'll pretend you're all I own
You Pretend that I'm just a friend
And I'll Pretend you're everything else
We'll pretend that I wake up to see your eyes
And I'll pretend that I sleep in your arms
Let's pretend that you're you
And I'll pretend I'm me
Playing pretend with you
Feb 2014 · 335
C Feb 2014
In a bubble
She crosses halls
Mingles silently
Walks up the curb
And down
She captures eyes
Barely the hearts of the observants
Not a single hiss,
Not a mutter nor a shrug
And she walks away leaving their eyes with nothing
Nothing to look at
But she leaves my heart
Hanging a few inches above ground .
Gravity has no hand in this
Only she does.
Feb 2014 · 347
What's love after all.
C Feb 2014
I don't get the butterflies you get in your stomach when in love cause what I feel are razors being shuffled up inside. How come love feels right to you? It's not ...
It's a case where you hand your beloved a knife ,
A gun ,
A weapon ,
And point it at yourself.

It is suicide
Beautifully embellished .

— The End —