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I always made an effort
To make everything perfect
You sat alone
Driving in your own zone
Blocking my voice with your headphones
Stripping skin off my bones
Leaving me to freeze in the cold
Helped me make my gravestone
Controlled me like a clone
Around you, I was never free
I always loved you more
Then you did me
I stand in the rain
Watching fall slowly around me
You open my locked heart with your key
It seemed impossible
Was I being too gullible
I never know why
But I complied
No second thoughts clouding my mind
I was blind
You won me over too easy
Around you, I felt tipsy.
Maybe it was a mistake
Guess we'll know when I awake
I wish we never have to say goodbye
Because it's so right
The way you smile at me
Makes my life worthwhile
I am wondering why
There is always a spark in your eyes
When you look my way
As if I am the one thing that is making your day
I am a misfit
Standing in a huge world
Shut in a tiny cockpit
Sinking in a tarpit
No getting what I deserve
I may be a reject
Lacking a lot of respect
I am only human
Filled with confusion
Living in an endless illusion
I messed up
I ****** up
I blew my chance
And I will never get it back
He's hurting
He pushed me away
I'm not sure what to say
The fact that I cared
Made him scared
He won't even try
All he said was goodbye
I want to be there
Run fingers through his hair
I'm trying to let him go
My heart says no
The longer I stay
The harder it is to walk away
He's hurting
He pushed me away
I'm not sure what to say
The fact that I cared
Made him scared
He won't even try
All he said was goodbye
I want to be there
Run fingers through his hair
I'm trying to let him go
My heart says no
The longer I stay
The harder it is to walk away
Standing trapped inside
Your real smile makes me go wild
Staring at it for a while
Brings out my inner child
I want to embrace you
You say you are fine but I see right through
Your smile is fake
No one else can see it, that makes me ache
Seeing you struggle with your heartbreak
You always give but people just take
Don't appreciate you for who you are
Watching you bottle up your feelings in a jar
I can not help you from the sidebar
You say au revoir
I wish i'd smile
I wish i'd not think of myself as an exile
I wish i'd tell the truth
I wish i'd embrace my youth
I wish i'd be vulnerable
I wish 'I'd be more predictable
Because behind my steely eyes
A darkness arises
There's something
I am yearning
I am not nothing
Something people don't bother learning
But deep inside far in my mind
The burden I carry weighs down on my soul
Somewhere inside me, I know I will never feel whole
I will feel the guilt, hurt and headaches
But if try to erase those past mistakes
I can learn to smile
And it might take a while
But I know I can somewhere inside
You haven't killed me
But I cry
Every night
I'm only half alive
I am so close to breaking
You have taken everything
I have nothing left
You convinced me I am a deadly sin
I will never be the same
I guess that was your aim
Broke me down shamelessly until I couldn't bear the pain
Filled with nothing but shame
Who's to blame
Or me?
Who followed you blindly
Pain never goes
Light never stays
The only thing that remains
Are you in my embrace
Can't you hear my screams
Oh wait you put them on mute
Thinking this just one of my reoccurring themes
You just sit there and brute
I go out in my costume
Pretending to be what I am not
She is okay, you just assume
There is way more to my story than the plot
In case you forget
I am afraid to get caught
In all those lies I bought
So I sit here and rot
With all of my thoughts
I couldn't be more distraught
Wishing it would all stop
Somebody has to play cop
Before it's too late and I drop
Run as far away as you can
Before I leave you
In a trance
With no chance
You will find it difficult to swallow
Taste nothing but sorrow
Used you like a coupon
Your happiness will be forgotten
Run before all you can do is regret
Blaming me for the neglect
Running away from who I am
Keep on posting on Instagram
Keeping up with social image
Never exploring my limits
Nobody should know I am a mess
Everybody thinks I am #blessed
I must confess
Behind this made-up face and pretty dress
I am distressed
People think I have no problems
Scrolling through and looking at all the models
I have hit rock bottom
Poisoning myself with these toxins
It just makes me nauseous
People just assume they know me
They are obnoxious
Guess I got to put my fake face on
I am far gone
Just a pawn
In this huge game of never-ending chess
I just have to keep on moving on
Accepting I am the black swan
I am the oppressed
People always say there is something wrong in my head
I just lay awake wondering in my bed
If they are right or wrong
I guess I might never know
But I will keep on singing my song
Sitting by the fireplace and drinking my Bordeaux
One, Two, Three
I try to believe
Four, Five, Six
There is nothing left to fix
Seven, Eight, Nine
No one left to confine
Ten, Eleven, Twelve
I can never delve
You walk around in your attire
Igniting my desires
Let me be its buyer
I want you
And I know you want me too
Without you, I am feeling blue.
Wanting to run into your arms
What's the harm?
You are scared of getting hurt
Well so am I
So let's put our differences aside
And live in the moment
Before it's too late
And what we feel gets delete.
You're driving me crazy
I like it like that
Kissing my neck
Your hands trailing down my back
Lying in the sheets
Hearing our hearts beat
The night's bittersweet
Being with you is a blessing
Feeling as if I am in heaven  
Hope it is never ending
But I know you have to leave
At last, they all do
Waiting for you come back
The longer you are gone
Quicker the world turns black
Turns into Armageddon
I love it when you just don't care
I love it when you kiss me like nobody's there
When it gets hard
You are never afraid
You never care what society says
I love it when you do what you want
Even if they said no
Even if later on
They said I told you so
Maybe you should have listened to them
I hate that you just don't care
You should have stopped kissing me right then and there
When it gets hard
You should be afraid
You should care what society says
Run away from me
Run the other way
I hate it when you do what you want
Even if they said no
Even if later on
They said I told you so
I can not try
I need to leave you behind
I hope you can understand
It is best for everyone if you just move on with your life
Loving me is suicide
Listen to the voices inside your mind
What they are telling you is right
Don't doubt
Stuck in jail
I am here to bail you out.
Sometimes I feel you are feeling the same
But then you go and give me fix feelings
What do you want from me
When you stare into my eyes
We feel a spark
Then you go talk about other girls
Pushing me into the dark
I feel like I want to hurl
But I smile and agree
Acting as if I am happy
I can not make a move
What if you disapprove?
What if I am just naive?
What if you are just thirty?
What if I am a mere nominee?
Life is game
To win you must know how to play
Breaking the rules is a recurring occurrence
It is the only way to gain your insurance
Those who play fair
Try to give you their assurance
But will be trapped forever in utter despair
You can never win the game
Without a sense of shame
Without sharing the blame
Without an indirect aim
Cheating or not
The outcome will always be the same
I lay awake thinking about you
Your hands in my hair
Your clothes in my room
Your smile shining so bright
Creates a path of light
In my dark life
Painless sleep
Is that too much to ask?
I sit there weeping
As I drew my bath.
The water slipped through my fingers
Like every compliment I got
Drowned underneath me until I forgot.
Putting a smile on my face
Thought I would get far
Didn't know pretense was phase
I was the complete and utter disgrace
I faked it until I couldn't anymore
I ran and slipped on the floor
Saw all the gore
Sun darkened leaving me blind
Abandoned me
Unlike all my crimes
Voices in my head said I couldn't get away
They were right
Everything in black and grey
I hear the battle cry
I look up at the baby blue sky
Covering my ears with my hand
Make it stop I demand
I stumble to my knees
Wanting you to hear me begging, please
My silent cries echo in your head
But you don't help
You pronounce me as dead
You're like a cigarette
One hit and I’m addicted
Around you, I start losing my etiquettes
My feelings are conflicted
I try not to fall
But I am slowly
You make me feel I am an angel
Without you, I turn lonely
No matter how many people are around me
I always crave your presence
Without you, I am nobody
Being near you is a blessing
I have to stay far
Or you will break my heart
Looking into the night
Waiting for something mystical to occur
Found myself holding my breath
I spin around in a spur
My eyes go all blear
I can not see the truth
What life holds for me
Will I ever be able to
I just want to stand still
Pop another pill
Numb the continuous pain
Dance in the rain
Accept the fear
Maybe even shed a tear
Silent Voices
Without any possible choices
My lips are shut
Another cut
Scars may heal
Doesn't make them any less real
There is no hope
I will always be restrained by ropes
I drift away slowly
You can try to save me
But you won't succeed
I am too far gone
Consumed by all the greed
I can not turn my switch back on
Embracing my darkness
Watching the blood slip through my fingers
My reputation has been tarnished
Pulling all the triggers
Laughing at all the pain
Having no weakness
Is the only way
Why should I change
What can I say
I am deranged
Am I being awful?
No I am only normal
Why? Because I am mortal
You twirl me around in your arms
Lift me up in the sky
Feeling so high
You exceeded my expectations
I didn't know about the consequences
Like how broken I would feel
When you left me
The tears running down my face  
Becoming as fragile as a vase
Every step I take
Would remind me of all the memories
I can never erase
Even after all these years
No matter how much you hurt me
We can never become enemies
No matter how much we argue
I will always remain in love with you
Suddenly your name on my phone
Doesn't make me smile anymore
Brings back all the memories
Of the pain and the hurt
And how I am the one to blame
You wanted to help
I pushed you away
Left you wondering why you ever called me babe
I was the worst decision you could ever make
The feelings of guilt I can never shake
If only you hadn't jumped in front of that truck
On the freeway
If you didn't get in the way
You wouldn't have to pay
Forever on a holiday
Sitting in the bar just drinking
Tired of waiting for someone who will never come
My brain going overdrive rethinking
I will never reach an outcome
Throwing my glass at the wall
Remembering how it feels to be small
Thinking of where I went wrong
Drowning all of my sorrows and mistakes
Why do I have to be so fake
Looking back and remembering how it feels to have a real smile
Always acting as if I am on trial
But I can not I am too scared
Everything in my fantasy
Just sitting by myself drinking Hennessy
Sitting in the bar just drinking
Tired of waiting for someone who will never come
My brain going overdrive rethinking
I will never reach an outcome
Throwing my glass at the wall
Remembering how it feels to be small
Thinking of where I went wrong
Drowning all of my sorrows and mistakes
Why do I have to be so fake
Looking back and remembering how it feels to have a real smile
Always acting as if I am on trial
But I can not I am too scared
Everything in my fantasy
Just sitting by myself drinking Hennessy
Your messing with my head
Your messing with my heart
Your messing with everything I got
Wish I can turn back time
To where everything feels alright
Waiting for the time to pass me by
Caught between all of my lies
Can't give a single reason why
Blinking tears from my eyes
I love the night
Everything will be alright
It is the perfect time
Seeing all white
Not trying to fight
Who gives a ****
Unleashing who I really am
Stopped acting as if I am in an exam
No need to lie
No need to deny
I can fly
If I only let go and say goodbye
I fall to my knees
You pick me up
Making it easier to breathe
But if I fall down, you are going down with me
Bullets pierce my heart
******* tightly by my arms
Tape covering my lips
Sawed in half by my lips
Cuts covering my feet
Wrapped in a black sheet
My body is a cutting board
My brain can not load
Not processing any emotions
Unshaken by  motion
Voices getting loud
Not hearing coherent sounds
How much more pain can I take
Ignorance is a gain
Can I let go of my pride
My fear of rejection
Staying away from you is like only inhaling carbon dioxide
Love spreading in my body becoming an infection
The longer I stay away
The closer I am drawn near
You stay in my mind day by day
When you're around there is nothing to fear
I know you feel a connection
I know there is a spark when we touch
There is no objection
I crave you so much
Waiting for you to make the first move
Time stands still when you walk in the room
There is nothing you can improve
Freed my heart from its tomb
Kissing you slowly
Tangled up in sheets
Doing the unholy
Embedded in my dreams
Falling apart
Unable to pick up the pieces
Of my broken heart
Hearing the sirens of the police
Running away
Faster than a prey
I can never commit
More afraid than I like to admit
Baby, you want me out
So you scream and shout
Baby, you want me now
So you dream and pout
Make up your mind
Knowing what you want isn't a crime
At least don't string me along
There's a half and half chance you will be wrong
But if you pick right, we will be dancing in a song
Going far into the beyond
I just need a response
I know it's scary to be strong
If you fall
We fall together
Just give me a call
Love like ours can not measure
You pushed me away
You pulled me near
I tried to pray
No matter what I do I always felt the fear
Always fell down the stairs
I started running and running
The world started to look less cunning
Then all I saw was red
I was free
I was finally dead
I was as happy as I could be
That didn't last long
You were way too strong
You see I thought running was the answer
I couldn't be any more wrong
The thing is I did not know you were a necromancer
Climbing the mountain
One step at a time
Watching the fountain
Bringing joy into everybody's lives
I pick up the pace
Thinking I could reach faster
But it wasn't a race
Only led to disaster
Lost my footing
The ground was pulling
I was pushing
Fell into the fountain
Looked up and saw the mountain
Drowning the happiness
Absorbed all the emptiness
Consumed by darkness
Reaching down inside of me
Evaluating all my insecurities
Judging myself every step of the way
No matter how hard I tried I cannot run away
I will always be a stray
Never accepted in society
Consuming me was all of my anxiety
People thought my life was perfect
If only they knew I am an addict
I watch you silently from the other side of the room
Aching to come near you
Stand by your side
Hear what stories you are telling
Those feelings, I denied
I am a puppet on the string
You might not know it
But I am controlled by your every movement
Your beauty is inhuman
The way you stare into my eyes
Chuckle at my jokes
My stomach fills with butterflies
Igniting my hopes
I want to trail my hands down your body
Hold you tight in my embrace
When you ask me something, the only thing I can say is oui.
Falling under your grace.
You are the one I want to impress
You are the one who makes me feel whole
These feelings I cam not process
You make me feel safe like home.
These are more than words on a page
They are alive
Holding my demons captive inside
Unable to ever die
They strive
They thrive
Makes my thoughts go into overdrive
They will always survive
Move and wither for attention
Waiting to be mentioned
Trapping me into another dimension
I need an intervention
I lost my best friend the day I made that choice
It's torture that she can't remember my voice
All the pain I caused will always eat me up inside
You were there for me
Turned a blind eye on my flaws
Followed all the law
A strong sense of the cause
I'll regret forever that I hurt you
You held me together with your glue
You always came through
My decision is the reason you are gone
And I wish you could hear this song
Of the hurt, pain and the rain
But maybe you, not remembering will be a gain
Watching him from afar
Watching him smile burn brighter than a sun
His laughs echoed down the empty walls
Keeping me from having a great fall.
He is making me hold on to my sanity
Without him, I could be doing all sorts of profanities
Wanting to trail my hands through his hair
Reminds me of how I cant and the despair.
He turns around to face me with his piercing stare
I wish I could touch his face I swear
All the hopes and dreams we could share
So many words and gesture I can use to show him I care
But I can not I am too scared
Everything in my fantasy
Just sitting by myself drinking Hennessy
My heart stops beating
Words can't escape my mouth
I stop dreaming and reminiscing
Feeling myself drown
Noises getting too loud
I look down under me into the deep sea
Waiting for somebody to notice my plea
Cross my heart
Hope to die
Soul's tearing apart
People telling me I am the bad guy
Pretending I am strong
Acting as if I have no fears
They all knew I was wrong
They are lurking near
Gripping me by the hair
Pulling me under
Come with us, they dare
Doing their best to make me suffer
I try to scream for help
They silence me till death
Not allowing me to even yelp
I can feel their breath on my neck
Their hands trailing down my body
Picking apart my judgment
Making me into their zombie
Throwing me into their mental dungeon
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