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I watch you silently from the other side of the room
Aching to come near you
Stand by your side
Hear what stories you are telling
Those feelings, I denied
I am a puppet on the string
You might not know it
But I am controlled by your every movement
Your beauty is inhuman
The way you stare into my eyes
Chuckle at my jokes
My stomach fills with butterflies
Igniting my hopes
I want to trail my hands down your body
Hold you tight in my embrace
When you ask me something, the only thing I can say is oui.
Falling under your grace.
You are the one I want to impress
You are the one who makes me feel whole
These feelings I cam not process
You make me feel safe like home.
Cross my heart
Hope to die
Soul's tearing apart
People telling me I am the bad guy
Pretending I am strong
Acting as if I have no fears
They all knew I was wrong
They are lurking near
Gripping me by the hair
Pulling me under
Come with us, they dare
Doing their best to make me suffer
I try to scream for help
They silence me till death
Not allowing me to even yelp
I can feel their breath on my neck
Their hands trailing down my body
Picking apart my judgment
Making me into their zombie
Throwing me into their mental dungeon
No matter how much I try
I'm breaking inside
Seeing all black and white
Shutting out the light
Embracing the night
Jumping from heights
Losing my might
Seeing eye to eye
Always feeling high
Soaring through the sky
Telling all sorts of lies
Making others cry
Shedding my shell
I'm going to hell
Sound the bell
Dropping all bombshells
Saying my farewell
I call you, don't answer your phone
When I knock on your door
You never seem to be home
In need of some money
You are suddenly poor
Calling me honey
Do not call me that
Then walk all over me as if I am a doormat
You use me
Abuse me
Guess what
Now you lose me
Finally ran out of luck
I was too good for you
I must confess
You could never pull through
You were a mess
More than I was
I was blinded by lust
We're flying
Your lying
I can't take it anymore
You call me a *****
I stare at you in disbelief
Moods turn to grief
We reach the ground
You turn around
Follow me with your head down
I try to leave you behind
You beg me to forgive you of your crimes
I shake my head
Your heart turns to lead
I try not to cry
You look at me dead in the eyes
"Your dead to me" you yell
I slowly fall down in a deep dark well
Bullets pierce my heart
******* tightly by my arms
Tape covering my lips
Sawed in half by my lips
Cuts covering my feet
Wrapped in a black sheet
My body is a cutting board
My brain can not load
Not processing any emotions
Unshaken by  motion
Voices getting loud
Not hearing coherent sounds
How much more pain can I take
Ignorance is a gain
Climbing the mountain
One step at a time
Watching the fountain
Bringing joy into everybody's lives
I pick up the pace
Thinking I could reach faster
But it wasn't a race
Only led to disaster
Lost my footing
The ground was pulling
I was pushing
Fell into the fountain
Looked up and saw the mountain
Drowning the happiness
Absorbed all the emptiness
Consumed by darkness
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