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 May 2012 Searich
in the quiet moments after
dust has settled
passions have been felt
looks have been exchanged ...... creeps in the longing

emotions acute take their own pound of flesh
appetites are lost
breathing is shallow
colors are muted ...... muffled are the heartbeats

reunions become life-affirming events
spirits are higher
laughter is joyous
love is intense

Solution is obvious:  you.
 May 2012 Searich
crafted painstakingly from tears and laughter
placing adjectives like pieces of a mosaic
staying detached from the message until after
finality of images make an impact
with a flash of recognition

of all the words I string together
fragile feelings next to hard thoughts
as a strand of pearls, linked by knots
wanting the beauty and the lustre
to rub off on you

I will say "I love you" until my last breath
be it a whimper or a shout
but to really know what's in my soul
to know what I'm about
just read, read my poems
 May 2012 Searich
shadows are cast even in sunlight
apex of light, brilliance notwithstanding
there exists a room closed off

no light penetrates
this room, coccoon-like in velvet inky
darkness safely tucked in

remembering shame so powerful
when he pulled me onto his lap
saying, 'you did this'

darkness in the middle of the day
will never see sunlight or
let any light in to stay
 May 2012 Searich
take away this pain!
hold me in your arms again
you're my everything
 May 2012 Searich
when I dream
it is of you - not of him
not of past loves, or those I thought
were love

your dreams
are of her - faded distant long-ago times
even though she
broke your heart

which breaks mine anew
 May 2012 Searich
space between words and expectations full
crowded with mental pebbles worn smooth
inscribed by love, worry, pain, lust, undeniable
endless unspoken messages to choose
even when eyes meet, slight nods of understanding
do we wonder if that space has been filled
or does it lie in wait, still
 May 2012 Searich
looking for you in shadows and shade
in between the distance
hoping the love we made
with its breathless insistence
wasn't a fad for you
looming large overhead, worry
no response becomes a response
now you're always in a hurry
pulling back, hiding, wants
silence out of the blue

where did you go?
 May 2012 Searich
through the thin veneer emotionally shellacked
lies appear, distrust with doubt, faith begins to crack
illusions formed in moments desperate for your truth
fall along the wayside like the years of misspent youth
hope no more for a time in minds eye I am seeing
put away the dreams I hide inside my very being
the last vestiges of trust I had have crumbled into dust
oh cold hard life, you win again, face you, yes, I must
 May 2012 Searich
we're desperate for connections
yet we build roadblocks of icy indifference
a challenge to see who cares enough
to knock down our walls of fear

substitute ***** of fluff for love
purring, licking, dependent lives
warm on our feet and toes as if
that could thaw our numb hearts

I found you, I see you, I challenge you
and at first you responded with joy
free from encumbrance of memories and pain
relieved to be breathing, to have life again

retreated now back into your world
where you think it's safe to hide
peeking out at me, beckoning 'come closer'
yet behind the glass you stay inside

I need you.  I want you.  I've said it plain
I throw myself into your walls, over and over
successfully you've built them even higher
closed off again from all desire

why is it now when you feel guilt?
as though I've had none all along
ignoring the knives that cut my soul
bleeding emotions through words and song

I'm desperate for your connection
the only one who's seen me truly
I've opened my heart, left my walls
waiting for you to return
 May 2012 Searich
puff of breath when you gently place your lips
next to my ear
and exhale
that sends electricity straight
into my being

jolt of lightening
when eyes meet, arcing intensity
white hot and blue
without saying a word
just smile

not always ******, more about
connecting, thrilling
recognition of
same spirit, same passion
living in the purest form

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