4 conquest - http://hellopoetry.com/poem/conquest-1/
exactly what it sounds like
slips - http://hellopoetry.com/poem/viscous-ugly-slips/
3 curdle - http://hellopoetry.com/poem/curdle/
the death instinct, i was mostly thinking about the idea that it's said all those who have tried to commit suicide by jumping off the golden gate bridge have confirmed that at the last minute they realized they didn't want to die.
2 branches - http://hellopoetry.com/poem/branches-2/
wanting simple honest relationships
1 beautiful spores - http://hellopoetry.com/poem/beautiful-spores/
what brings a city to life?
1 aspen - slippery ***** youtube
this is about finding an awesome person and being afraid you can't be the best version of you for them because you're kind of emotionally blocked off at that moment in time when you met them. i think everyone's been there before.
2 hunter culture - this don't need no ****** music mang - holding the severed self
this one is about the way people treat each other in our culture, and the stigma around weakness and ignorance that breeds so much needless hatred. and getting out of the depressing closeminded little town you grew up in and realizing there's more beyond the horizon than this.
3 arrange disarray - without your love
this one is about feeling caught up in the chaos of modern society and having a lot of discomfort about what you see happening to the natural world.
4 leaving what you know - everyone alive wants answers
about metamorphosis, growth, fostering positive change. it was sort of a response poem that formed in my head a couple months ago when i was thinking a lot about the saying "every man for themselves", and thinking about how it's not true because the most effective way to preserve yourself is through helping out others, because we all effect each other, and suffering isn't something that comes in one form, everyone has understood it to some degree. it's also about being belligerent about your general moral values, though. and trying to find a higher ground upon which to improve your life, looking for the people and the place where you belong, while feeling kind of lost in the bustle of everyday and the more stereotypical obligations you have like school, money, job, and so on.