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"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." - Camille Pissarro I write - and so do you. …
Leslie Zhang
California    broke unstable loser
Alex Zhang
Chrysalism - look it up, and look up
Chi Zhang
18/M/Guangzhou, China    A man with no story to tell. He has only scars to show.
Yixing Zhang
korea    kush so dank got me laid out seeing the astrals. third eye open wide feelin toasty. blazed strong got em calling me slumped boy.
Jenny Liu Zhang
21/F/Los Angeles    Jenny Liu Zhang is Chinese-American.
Kevin Zhang
16/M/Clinton, MS, USA    Just a 16 year old with perhaps too little time....
16/F/bay area    awk teenager :) / only love here pls <3

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