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Odoba Rosemaria
22/F/Bexley, Ohio   
RAL Dobbins
Georgia, United States    I'm a young artist. I'm an illustrator, a poet, and a story teller. Fill me with ink and pixels, and I'll stand here. Pax mea.
Michael-Kent Dobison
Near enough to Nowhere...    " Love just is. There is no opposite, there is no equivalent, there is not comparison. Love IS " I care not to divulge the ...
Lorenzo Dobson
I live for love.
Ambrial Dobbins
25/F/Lake Charles    I will share your love.
I'm a young writer and everyday I'm learning to be a better poet (at least i hope >.<). If you read my poetry and don't ...
Long Beach, California    i have sexual thoughts that destroy every hope of me to not be like my father.
My passion is moving me forward onto that place filled with lush greens, and I can see the stars even with my eyes closed. Hello, ...
Rolly Redoble Bolina
Iligan City    My life is full of dramas... I live I laugh I cry
Accra, Ghana    I'm still under construction
Beau Dobson
Isabella Dobrovic
Ohio    My name is Isabella. I am a young and aspiring author/poet. My feelings towards writing and journalism are powerful. I've learned every literary tool all ...
RE Dobbs
I live in my own, little, world but it's okay.. they know me here.
Danny Cordoba
18/M/Tokyo    Having to face the reality of growing up and becoming an adult is hitting me hard. I have never really had to make decisions, always ...
Dobby Guise
16/F/Richmond VA    If you never fall short then how can you be human?

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