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anu  Aug 2018
Learning ABC......
anu Aug 2018
Always smile
Be happy
Care for everyone
Do good deeds
Empower yourself
Find time to keep yourself happy
Go steady
Help without expectations
Ignore bad criticisms
Keep Calm when angry nags you
Look ahead in every situations
Manipulate everyone's goodness
Nag yourself to reach your goal
Obey wellwisher blindfoldedly
Poke yourself for good voice
Quench the thirst of longing hearts
Rear your sweet hearts
Select the right ways of expressing one's feelings
Thank God for all his blessings everytime
Unlock all your queries with the consent person
Value every learning
Walk in your own way of Justice
X-ray someone's flattering words
Yearn  to imbibe all these learned ABC...s
Zap the world of positivity with zee zee and zee.....
Teacher who taught me this ABC.....were  MY SAMIYANADHA
( Note is not give for flattery but a way of expressing my gratitude )

Hope will yearn and zap soon ....