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of wealth she said gravely
us    for his reply."It is a great power in the world," he replied."Is it?" she asked. "Ah! Lord Lancaster, 'almost thou persuadest me' tosink to Lady …


Big Virge Aug 2021
It Seems That...
On A... HIGHER Shelf...
Than Their Personal Health... ?
So I Guess They Can’t Tell...
That This May Not Serve Well... ?!?
That Corona’s Around... !!!
Or Maybe It WILL... ?!?
If Becoming... ILL...
Is Something It Can Fix...
By Using Dollar Bills... ?!?
It’s Something I Learned QUICK...
When My Mum Became Sick...
Because Wealth of Health...
Than Grabbing Cash...
Like Some Kind of Street *****... !!!
Now I’m NOT A Man...
Who Ignores The FACT...
That... In This World...
Cash Needs To Be Earned... !!!
To Cover Yourself...
And To Live Live WELL... !!!
But Wellness of BEING...
Leaves Money REELING... !!!
Because When You’re BLEEDING...
It’s NOT MONEY You’re NEEDING... !!!!!
It’s A Level of... HELP...
Where Wealth AIN’T Felt... !!!
That’ll Help You Survive...
And NOT Create Flatlines... !!!
These Days I Find...
That WEALTHY Minds...
Are... HARD To Find... !!!
In These Troubling Times...
Now Affecting Mankind... !!!!
People Are STRANGE... ?!?
And Find Wealth In Ways...
That CLEARLY AREN'T Humane... !!!
There’s A Wealth of Brains...
Being Mentally DRAINED... !!!
... Including MINE...
But That’s Okay And FINE... !!!
Because Where My Wealth Is...
Is In Writing Lyrics...
And Poems Like This...
That Allow My Mind...
To Show A Wealth of Rhymes...
That I Now Design...
That... Lyrically SHINE... !!!
Or The Need of GRIME... !!!
Because My Wealth Is CLEAN...
And NATURAL Like GREEN... !!!
That AIN’T Money Know What I Mean... !!!
It’s The Type That Smells...
of... HIGH QUALITY... !!!!!
So My Wealth ISN'T Seen...
In... CERTAIN Scenes...  
Where Their Wealth of Verse...
NO Longer Serves Hip Hops’ PURPOSE... !!!
To Explain The TRUTH...
To The Young Black Youth... !!!
Whose Wealth Now DRILLS...
And Nowadays... KILLS... !!!
Just Like This VIRUS... !!!
Whose Wealth Has Invited...
... FEAR To Be RISING  ... !!!
Because of Advisement...
Now Needing RETIREMENT... !!!
We Have A WEALTH of LIARS...
Who Are NOT Good Friars... !!!
Whose Wealth Would Seem...
To Now Spread DISEASE... !!!
The Type That Feeds...
On... HUMANITY... !!!
Technological Feeds...
And New World Policies...
To Feed Wealthy Tyrannies... !!!
There’s A Wealth of Dreams...
Now Feeding Nightmares...
To Keep People SCARED... !!!
For What’s Coming NEXT... ?!?
While My Wealth Injects...
... HIGH Intellect...
As Well As Common Sense...
In My Use of Poems...
My Wealth of Thoughts...
Are Those That Are Born...
From A Whole Lot MORE... !!!
Than Inciting Wars...
That Have... NO CAUSE... !!!
My Wealth Enlists...
My Mind To THINK... !!!
That Life Now Finds...
Itself In A Bind...
of DECEIT And LIES... !!!
And VIRUS Vibes... !!!
That Are TAKING LIVES... !!!
Well APPARENTLY... Right... ?!?
My Wealth Invites...
The TRUTH To SHINE... !!!
So REJECTS... Denial...
Like We Should Paedophiles... !!!  
And NEW AGE Styles...
Now Confusing Young Child...
From Masks To Gender...
To The Type of Agendas...
That Are Fed By PRETENDERS...
And IGNORANT Mentors... !!!
My Mind Now INSISTS...
On REJECTING These Things... !!!
So Instead Now PERSISTS...
In Creating Scripts of Poetic Lyrics...  
That Seek THIS THING...
Where WISDOM Lives... ?!?
Because Now I Think...
That Where Wisdom Exists...
“Where My Wealth Is”...
Wealth can be found in many ways, other than those, connected to having money !
Life is the treasure and knowledge is the fire to kindle and wisdom the outcome to distill it

Poverty is taking away food from a fellow human being
Poverty is not being grateful that you have slept having eaten a comfortable meal
Poverty is going out there with a poor self image and using the presence of others to mask your inadequacy
Poverty is not knowing how divine you are, your soul content

Poverty as a woman is not being able to say how you feel and what you feel because you are afraid of rejection or disappointment
Poverty is trying to make a guy feel insecure because you yourself are insecure
Poverty is trying to have multiple ****** relations to either draw a man or men towards you or simply for the sake of trying to fuel your self esteem
Poverty is dreaming and letting the birds talk about it as a could have been
Poverty is stabbing a person you love dearly in the back
Poverty is blaming society, culture and circumstances at home for not progressing forward
Poverty is killing because you are stuck in unorderly primitive and unruly state and you do not know tranquility

Poverty is wanting things to remain the same because it protects you from growth and the awe of advancement
Poverty is living in the past and endlessly trying to change the present
Poverty is not knowing what to say because you have forgotten how to compose yourself in the presence of others
Poverty is thinking for short term satisfaction breeding inevitable lack of long term contentedness

Wealth is inviting the future fearlessly
Wealth is loving abundantly
Wealth is joining the heart's dance by yielding to emotions of pure positive vibrations
Wealth is making the heart intelligent so your desires are not  of a marginal durability
Wealth is seeking the truth because it will wash away the lies and test your bravery as it opens up the wounds and the pain of reality
Wealth is knowing that in giving a lot and asking less more than half the time; you remain abundant
  Wealth is imagining what a future 'you' would be like and in pursuit you strive to make your future self proud
Wealth is having an open mind and seeking first to understand than to be understood
Wealth is trying to find better solutions for either parties, a higher way; which healthily benefits either parties

Wealth is having someone who will support you no matter what
Wealth is sticking to divine principles because they will stand no matter what
Wealth is treating another better than you treat yourself and in essence you treat yourself as the greatest being
Wealth is being patient and persevering for good things because you will honour them as you understand what it took to earn them
Wealth is making a promise and keeping it, it boosts the progress of the whole Universe; even the promises we make to ourselves
Wealth is cleaning up after ourselves and engineering our personhood to not rely on insubstantial and baseless objectives and mantras
Wealth is taking a stand for one's own life and not waiting for a hero to pull up the yardstick
Wealth is going to the dam with a  broken rod and teaching yourself how to fish until a master comes and philosophises your decorum, approach, conduct and credo on the whole process of being independent and going out into the world,
Wealth is unlearning all of the miseducation that we have been fed since the day we were born and relearning and rewiring our psyche to be conscious and cosmically aligned with our divine purposes and use the resources around us to make the raw a tangible gem and vice versa.

Say no to poverty.
Live a sincere life of truth and meaning, we only have so much time to pay off our debts until we're rich enough to give back to the world again.