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H A Vitatoe
43/F    Words, Rhythm & Rhyme is available on Amazon
Madeleine Toerne


Just Alice Jun 2012
Too many people walk staring down
Watching their feet hit the pavement
Heel toe
Heel toe
Heel toe

It's all the same
Over and over again
Why is it so intimidating to look up?
Are we afraid that glancing forward will cause us to

We watch our feet
Heel toe
Heel toe
Heel toe
We watch our feet out of fear of what we will see
   when other's see us

Have you ever looked into the eyes of a complete
   stranger intentionally?
Held that stare for mare than a second or two?
What we fear is their judgement
For that extra second we hold their stare
We are
   evaluating them
   sizing them up
   giving them purpose
   or lack of it

That is what we fear
Their judgement
   than verdict

That they, this stranger sharing our path,
   will pound the gavel over our soul
And pronounce us guilty

Their judgement proves all too significant
It will be what defines us
That is why we stare down at our feet
As they go
Heel toe
Heel toe
Heel toe
Ottar  Sep 2013
I am the owner
Ottar Sep 2013
Look at a toe,
your own toe, look pick one and stare,
Your toe is nice,
your toe is neat, they make the foot complete
But each toe,
has his or her own personality,
a poem about toes beyond banality,
times  ten
toe jewelry,
toe jam, toe spacers,
pointed toed shoes
without laces, to which
your toes
make faces,
a grimace here, a corn there,
and blistering anger comes to a head,
nail polish, and remover,
a different colour every other day
to sooth her,
toes trap sock lint,
but whatever your toe state is,
whatever you dress them in
or how often
you walk them undressed
(your toes I mean)
I must admit all of your
toes are much prettier
much more handsome,
more idyllic
than mine,
I am the owner
of the ugly toes.

Some toe thoughts. So toe the line, bet you can't wait till I pick another body part to ...