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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
one of my favourite pastimes? pretty mundane to the "keen observer... sitting on a windowsill, summing up the atmosphere of a strange perfume oozing from the garden in the cool of night, with a glass of a whiskey-ms.-pepsi sharpshooter, eyes closed, tapping to the beat of a song gushing into my ears like a waterfall... how will i ever find the source of boredom, if i find this little theatrical act so appealing, like a cat might find staring blank into a random point in the air, entertaining himself thus?

well... it goes like this... i can't promise a rhyme:
biology denies it, with its public intellectual
rage, coming 8th in a race of 8 runners,
short of communism, i mean: militant atheism -
minus the economics - i mean "militant" -
as far as i know, looking back at history -
atheists didn't exactly congregate, they didn't
attempt a pseudo-religious status roles of
a "congregation" - after all, an internet page is
a ****** place of congregation, given the grandeur
of a ******* basilica... just saying...
well... looks like we're not going to get a rhyme...
so biology denies it, because it can play
with animate bodies, and be the "it" in between
toying with the glue...
  physics? physics just toys with "it" -
              poetically, of course, but it just toys
with it...
     medicine? i believe - the grandfather of
biology, and with much greater respect the branch
of science that is primo realism -
   doesn't even bother "it" - it just wrestles with
death... this wrestling with death saves its
dignity: much too preoccupied...
   and last, but least, chemistry?
         those ******* just ignored "it" and went
straight to the *devil
     so you already know what this "it" is...
        cf. the ****** obvious myth of faust,
  or if not familiar with the eastern version -
the myth of pan twardowski
     (pan tvardovsky) if you're familiar with
the pronunciation of svarovski crystals
(yep, that's called the aesthetic of keeping
the w... swabian... sway... svay? hey?!
   ah... shveeden... or in german: schweeden
bidden... scheisse).

— The End —