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Brycical Apr 2013
Someone once said,
"A good pun is it's own reword."

But a bad pun
makes me want to strangle a newborn kitten
and then dropkick it into the Cretaceous Period
where it will hopefully be eaten by a Velociraptor
then **** out in a pool of molten lava
and preserved under the earth for the rest of time
but forgotten and ignored by all.
Julia Mullin Jun 2014
After a long day of making candles, the candle maker decides to bring a candle to life as he rests for the evening. After some time the candle begins to talk and asks the candle maker what its purpose is. The candle maker let out a slight chuckle and says, “Isn’t it obvious?”

The candle feels a bit disappointed by the answer and decides to reword the question, “Why did you light me if you are only going to ***** me out?”

The candle maker realizes that the candle doesn’t know its true nature and decides to tell the candle its true purpose. He moves the candle to a table next to a window and parts the curtains. “See the stars way up there? Some of them already stopped giving light, but from here, I can still see them.”

The candle’s light flickers for a moment and says, “But I’m a small light, nobody is going to see me.”

The candle maker smiles and says, “You’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter if your light is dull in comparison to a star. What does matter is that light is infinite and even though your wick is snuffed, your light will go on forever. You see, light moves in and out of small things to give them energy and then escapes fully intact. It’s the key to life. Without it movement would cease. So you see little candle, your light is important and will never vanish.”

The candle wanes as the night progresses and then finally says, “Thank you candle maker for giving me life. I know it’s about time for me to go.”

The candle maker smiles and says, “Bless you little candle as you journey through smaller things.” The candle maker pulls air into his lungs deep and exhales over the little candle’s flame and says, “Good light little candle. Good light.”
brandon nagley Jun 2015
As Elvis put it,

A little less conversation
A little more action please.......
This is not about ****** it means for everything love wise lol for you who don't get it