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Madeleine Howard  May 2013
Madeleine Howard May 2013
All around me
In this woodland
There are paths

Paths to take you out
Paths to take you further in
Paths that lead to paths

I don't want paths
I want to discover
All on my own

I don't want the answers
Inside of a once-beautiful place
I want my own chance

To find my own way out
And discover my own path
Around the trees

I don't want to follow someone
Else's path
It is theirs

I will find mine
One that belongs to me
One that will not allow another to follow
Each of us has an option of paths in front of us
Some choose easier paths others harder paths
Each path we choose leads to another path
Some paths lead to failure, some to success
As we travel the path of life, we will find more paths
If we despair and stop taking paths we achieve failure
If we look for the next path, we continue on the path
We each must choose our own path in life
Our struggles along the paths lead to wisdom
For as we learn from our mistakes, we gain wisdom.