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Just a thinker man
14/M/India    14 year old boy from India. Trying my luck with poetry!


Big Virge Jul 2021
By This I Mean PEANUTS... !!!  

But The Nuts I'm Speaking Of...  
... In THIS Poems GUT... !!!  

DON’T Reach My Stomach... !!!  
It’s These Modern Day CHUMPS...  
That I’m...... ALLERGIC Too... !!!  
Because Their Nutty Views...  
Tend To Lead To ABUSE... !!!!!  
Because Their Nuts... BLATANT...  
Are At The WRONG Station... !?!  
And Are Wound TOO TIGHT...  
So Contort Their Minds... !!!  
From Religious Nuts... !!!  
To New Gender Nuts... !?!  
To Young Violent Nuts... !!!  
And The Type of Nuts...  
Whose ****** Stunts...  
When It Comes To Children...  
Should Have Their Nuts …
… NEUTERED... !!!
We’ve Got Conspiracy Nuts...  
Scientific Nuts, Technological Nuts...  
Who Now Want... ROBOTS...  
To Be Their... COMPANIONS... ?!?  
I Mean... Isn’t That NUTS...  
... Or Is That Just ME... ?!?  
Some People Say I’M NUTS...  
When They Read My Poetry... !?!  
Cos They DON’T Use Their Nuts... !!!  
Or That’s Right I Mean Their HEADS... !!!  
Unless Their ***** Gets Some...  
Until Their Nut Gets To BUST... !!!  
Now It’s True That I...  
When I Write This Stuff... !!!  
But NOT Like The Mugs...  
Who Choose To Run Their Gums...  
... Goes With My Name... ?!?  
Or The Way That My Brain...  
Creates This Wordplay...  
I Guess It’s NUTS To Say...  
That Wordplay Bearing...  
The Big Virge Name...  
Is Worthy of Declaring...  
To Be Verse That's... GREAT... ?!?  
Well That’s OKAY...  
Because A Lot Humans...  
Seem To Have NUTTY Tastes...
That I’m..... ALLERGIC To... !!!  
Because I’m From A Pool...  
of Talent That’s COOL...
That’s NOT For Fools...  
Or That’s Right For... NUTS... !!!  
Whose Gums Enlist...  
Passive Aggressive...  
Moves That STINK... !!!
Like... NUTTY PIGS...  
Who Carry... BADGES... !!!
I’m NUTTY Like THIS...  
When It Comes To Scripts...  
That I’m QUICK To FLIP...
Like... Dancing CRIPS...  
Who See Some BLOODS...  
And Then Start To Act NUTS... !!!
And Then Let Blood RUN...  
When They Pull Out Their GUNS... !!!  
It’s A WORLD of NUTS...
When It Comes To VIOLENCE... !!!
Heads of Governments...  
And People Who Judge...  
With WRONGFUL BIAS...... !!!  
Like These... RACIST NUTS... !!!
Whose IGNORANCE...  
Has Spread In Humans...  
Just Like This Virus...  
That Continues To SHUT...  
Mouths And Businesses Up... !!!  
Which May Be Why...  
I’ve Had To Write These Lines...  
Because of Minds...  
Being Locked Inside...  
Now Acting WILD... !?!  
When They Go Outside...  
Or When They Go Online...  
Who Write IGNORANT Stuff...  
That Starts To... EXPOSE...  
That They’ve Got PROBLEMS... !!!  
That Cause ME To Have...  
Because What They INDULGE...  
Is Behaving Like......  
... Attention Seeking...  
.......... “ NUTS “........
I really do have an allergy to nuts, but, I never thought there were quite so many different ones out there in this world !?!
“Gee Bobby, what are '**** Nuts'?”
“Johnny, '**** Nuts' are excitingly new flavor-nuts sold at Walmart.”
“What flavors do '**** Nuts' come in.”
“Several. There's chocolate, vanilla & carp.”
“Can I serve '**** Nuts' on special occasions?”
“You betcha. '**** Nuts' are good throughout the year.”
“What makes '**** Nuts' so delicious?”
“Several things Jimmy, I mean Johnny. The first thing is that '**** Nuts' are batter-dipped. The second thing is that '**** Nuts' are kept fresh in a fresh-lock bag.”
“Can '**** Nuts' be thrown at a wedding instead of rice?”
“Has anyone ever thrown '**** Nuts'  at a wedding instead of rice?”
“Yes, lots of people.”