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Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
what is cultural darwinism?
it's something bound
to the overt-extraction
of metaphorical-application
of natural world

examples, onto
           its misapplication
in the ontological world

   the menschweltansicht:
human world view
is not... the natural world

how could it?

  isn't the human world
insulated from the natural
world, but a membrane
of technology?

so... the cultural darwinism
of: the easily said tongue...
why is there a persistence
to extract metaphorical-ontology
from the natural world,
and impose it upon
the human world,
and even suggest:
that man is to behave
as naturally,
as a ******* pack
of hyenas?

            yes i see the natural
      but i am a specimen
of the a-natural,
                    my natural
is very similar to zoological
  which is...

the shadow of the soul
that incubates
the mind,
and doesn't translate
into a body...

- there is a natural world...
but there's also
an ontological world,
in that the natural world
will never fathom
the membrane
of human ingenuity...

but i am still,
dragged to the *******
bottomless pit of
people not reading
enough poetics:
worried about snippets
of bogus journalism
in the grand "o fortuna"
of... an excess of metaphorical
of behavior...

what the hell has
any marxism to do away
with "culture" in the compound
of "cultural-marxism"?
mob rule...

- but what is cultural
   the, "dominant" culture of
spending too much
time looking up a baboon's ***!
that's what!
yes, there is a
                natural world-view...
but its "nature"
is as "natural" to our
per se study within
the base of ontology that:
we're left to exploit
metaphors of the natural world,
and hope to invite them
back into our:
segregation from it...

- but there's also an
   ontological world-view...
and when i call it
an ontological-,
  yes: the psychological study
of man is already bound
to a fondness for the zoological
caged, readily available as:
protesting the need to speek,
when having to deviate
from the cunning (and e. e. cummings'
worth of thought)...

ontology: **** sigma...
psychology? **** psi.

  look... i even prepared
a ******* logo for you...
if psychology is ψ...
                      ontology is Σ...

because when i get worked up,
and i feel my heart become
less of a pouch / cushion
and a vector-like stone...
i know i need to write these words...

i'm just tired of cultural darwinism,
   there was once a natural world
which man inhabited,
but that world is no more...
what was once a natural world-view
has become an ontological world-view:
and the two are different:
because... like it or not...
we're more inorganic entities
than organic entities...
given that:
            no organic entity will
ever study geology,
   o.k. o.k. pseudo-inorganic,
quasi-inorganic, whatever!

            tell a ******* dog to write
   as close as you'll ever get it:
dog's paw dipped in an ink-well,
the paw dipped in ink
pressed onto a piece of paper,
hey presto! woof!

i just don't like where these
ronin metaphor-extractions
were coming from...
        no man would have made
such ontological
         treating himself as a
noumenon / res per se...
or a precursor that was
the Cartesian res cogitans...
to have to subsequently...
expose himself to a poetics
of the ontological hierarchy of:
being worth the acquisitive-
of the metaphors from nature...

i find "too many" metaphorical
extractions from the natural
world view to mould
the ontological world view with...
given that the natural world
view has no buffer zone's worth
of the technological
cut-off point to compliment
itself with a mirroring
complexity to engage with...

the natural world doesn't even
possess a tautological
        which the ontological world
given we're world that:
there are variants of
                   the infinitesimal "nuances"
of an animals call...

hell: as a man, i can make
  infinitesimal nuances
that are: miatakes, as i can make "nuances",
which are a tautology;

but as someone bothered
by ontology:
i "hate" being reduced
to a "natural world"
extraction of: applied metaphors...
which makes...
applied metaphysics... what?
ramble ramble and no seed
  just a wagon of towed
    rotten cabbages to sieve
on the basis of:
   finding that drum-kit
worth of human skulls...
and some prospect of backgammon.

— The End —