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PK Wakefield  Sep 2012
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
it is funny


because                                       ,

(careful and new Spring
) is

autumn, thing. well

almost maybe

do you suppose, Dust

for ****** old maid

that passes quicker into nothing

it is funny

that because, lady

your fruit is nice and ripe
though for second
and forever won't


do you suppose?
PK Wakefield  Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
heavy all the quiet laying music thickly between livingdying November

is suddenly stirred

at foot through many

running and laughing children

(wisps of growingfrailing stuff innumerably sheathed in a smalling pat of pale light)they

charge and roll up a hill by the school yard, boysandgirls together

boysandgirls together up going

                                                                     a hill

(whose mothers stand at the bottom and try to catch them when they fall

— The End —