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I never wanted to go splashing and crashing over the top of a rainbow..
Julie and me sailed off across the jellybean sea to a land..(and here I'll agree this sounds a bit grand. )

But under nursery rhyme trees where lollipops grow out of grandmothers knees and lemonade pop,pops up out of the ground with a lemonade pop popping pop kind of sound and where chocolates galore can be found on the shore by the lakes of cream cakes.. we will stay to play every day...and the night never came and each game was brand new..

Wouldn't you want to stay?

Well..wouldn't you?

But the time finally arrived though we had hoped it would not and wiping snot on my sleeve (because boys do that)
We built a matchbox boat and got ready to leave...ready to sail on the sea of despair
I will,I will be going back there to the land of sunshine,funtime..

..and whether it's the jellybean sea or an ocean floating in marmalade tea..
Julie and me will cross it together..

..eating love hearts and living,

— The End —