Many Oceans of light
Came from the silence that you gave .
And love with all its colours
and all its pretty ways
Spread longingly before my eyes
half Blinded by her sight
they danced as one before me
in radiant sunlight .
How could I have not seen this coming ?
How stupid a man can be
For Then everything turned black ,
and now in darkness ,
she still holds on to me .
Only now she only shows me what I cannot see ,
and not her glorious beauty that once was everything .
when her radiant beauty lay before my eyes .
Spread out like fruits in a basket all layed out on the grass .
Not withering or dying ,
but with vibrant colours spread before my eyes .
For at last I find .
How naked in it’s sunlight ,
but how blessed Is the prize .
How blessed is that sunlight ,
when in the dark I can only fantsize.