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Coeur des Etoiles
From the depths of my heart, I choose to illuminate.


MoonChild  Aug 2013
MoonChild Aug 2013
J'ai goute' des 'etoiles,
I'm tasting stars,

Pour them unto me
milk and honey not enough
Succour me with love
not well worn phrases,
I drink of you,

J'ai goute' des 'etoiles...
emily Oct 2013
the blue-black night danced over our bodies, the moonlight waltzed in through your car windows. i tremble to the rhythm of your breath as you learn my legs with urgent fingers.  as your skin adheres to mine, i feel the wanting electric coursing in currents through the rush of my blood.  we are a tangle of killer chemistry & searching mouths.  so you bite my bottom lip & that is so ******* rad.  our clothes are nothing but pretext.  there is no stopping the way you puzzle piece me together.  your every touch is an absolution & i want it all.  the wind shakes free the dying leaves & we sing each other lullabies with fiery kisses.
martin  Mar 2013
martin Mar 2013
Je suis seule
Je suis enceinte
Le vent me dit
Rentrez, vous n'etes pas assez forte
Je reste ici

Les etoiles seront mes copains
Le ciel mon abri
Je dormirai avec les pierres
La pluie me lave

Mes souvenirs, l'amour
Sont perdus
Je n'ai pas besoin de l'argent
Demain n'existe pas
Seulement le silence
Et un papillon
(corrections welcome)
I am alone
I am with child
The wind tells me
Go home, you are not strong enough
I remain

The stars will be my friends
The sky my shelter
I will sleep with the stones
Washed by the rain

My memories, love
Are lost
I have no need of money
Tomorrow does not exist
Only silence
And a butterfly