Dear Lawrence, I have enjoyed our conversation and you have been kind in every direction.
A law-ful person, with reve-rence for what is right and good, with much rich experi-ence, wit and humour in every appera-nce, with such writing elega-nce reflected in every sent-ence, without pret-ence, one with infinite patie-nce, forebeara-nce, tolera-nce in every insta-nce, without impude-nce or arroga-nce nor annoya-nce, done with arroga-nce and nonse-nce, with laughter like a child in inno-cence, a Man Renaissa-nce and of great significa-nce, morality's quintesse-nce, all this you are, dear Law-rence-- everyone is inspired by
your prese-nce!
yours of no conseq-ence
Peter, Melb
* a real person