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Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And in a flash of blinding happiness
you turned my "will  I  ever  find  love"
into "she's  a  gift  from  above".
You came into my life
the same way fires rip through forests,
with great power and force.
You turned my doubts into beliefs
and my fears into hopes.
You showed me a side of life
that I didn't understand.
You held my heart. You held my hand.
You pulled me up from darkness
and showed me light
like I had never seen before.
But once you showed me it,
you turned the light off.
You took it away.
You had shown another the light
and they took it from you and now
you're scared that I will do the same.

And in a flash of blinding sadness
you turned my "you're  my  one  and  only"
into  "I'm  so  lonely".
You stole from me something
I never truly had. Now your smile
and laugh are scratched into the walls
of my brain as horrible memories
and it's only late at night
that I can let these memories crush me.
You turned from "she  is  the  one  I  want  to  kiss"
to "she  is  the  one  I  truly  miss".

Daniel McDougall  Oct 2013
Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And at 2am the world
looks a little different.
It is a magical time
where good plans go
bad and bad plans go
good and you can look
around you and not a single
thing will move. It is at
that exact time you feel
like you are all there is.
No other people, no
animals, not a thing.
It is you and the big world.
Such a magical feeling
can surely only be coupled
with a sense of incredible
loneliness, but if you can't
just sit with yourself at 2am
and not feel empty, then
what can you do?

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And if love was warmth,
I felt like I was in the arctic,
wearing very little,
and with very little hope.
Love can be warmth,
but then it can become
the worst kind of cold.
