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Beebz The Queen
losing myself in your love again, as if it wasn't enough before.
on the corner writing poetry and stories next to a gun shot.


L Begonia Oct 2017
sometimes, when my depression sinks in i won't shower for days
i'd rather smoke **** and sink into my bedroom
i let my mind melt, bees circling the inside of my brain in a low hum

when they hum too loud, i smoke again
George Gagnidze Sep 2019
The green mosquito came to visit me at night
I was her breakfast and I was her delight

"Bz bzzz bz bzzz bz bzzz" - she said to me
I only answered - "Let me be"

The green mosquito landed on a juicy spot
I wasn't sure if i'm annoyed or not

"Just get it over with" - I thought - "Bon Appetit"
I felt her tiny little weightless feet

"Well, pump away" - I told her - "be my guest" -
"I hope you like the taste and let me rest"

And then she fed on me, and flew away
Her life is short and I am still okay