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Jonny Angel Apr 2015
It ain't right to break
a heart like that,
but who hasn't been tricked
or treated
to that
kind of behavior.
The sad fact is,
that holiday,
if that's what you
want to call,
ain't never going away.
So save your candy
for a rainy day.
Whether you like it or not,
they're going to come,
sooner or later.
Knock knock.
Trick or treat...
Simon Quperlier Jan 2014
we've been in a hot persuit with sorrow,
tempted death with playful beckons,
not fearing of tomorrow, as we instigated war between angels and demons,
then compared pumpkins with melons,
the art of a dedicated farmer,
who only begged for his seeds to grow,
day in day out during summer,
we scampered at the beach then ended in the dhow,
the consquence of a missing skill,
then some of us wept under the moonlight,
with brokenhearts that never heal,
i remember i was hounded by a fright,
as i read the 4th line of this poem,
something beyond my physical potential,
a performance you cant even mime,
then politics, business and anything commercial,
a mere embarassment, traders were mean,
and just to rest the case, 2013 is over,
we have mobilized better schemes for 2014,
we are the movers and shakers.
rafsan Jul 2018
It was something different today.
It made me happier than some of the gloomy days,
We sometimes had in our lives.

Genuinely, I noticed that I love you,
Not because we are perfect in our imperfections,
It was because you are perfect enough for me.
A longing emotion attached to that feeling I had towards you.

Truely, I realised that I love you,
Not because you smile and laugh every time we talk and meet,
It was because the sincerity behind all those actions you did.
A sense of trust and hope clinging to that feeling that I had towards you.

Certainly, today, I figured out that I love you,
Not because of all the brokenhearts we had,
In solitary or in togetherness.
It was because I said your name in my prayers for all this while,
That we will be one forever,
Even after everything has come to pass.

Today I felt the truest and the most authentic,
Indescribable syllabus to the phrases of “I love you”
and for that I thank you.
Darling, can you pls stop making me miss you more? It is becoming unbearable lately.