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AHenwood Sep 2012
I find my self bordering between a Brandeis Blue and a Bright Cerulean,
Not too brilliant like Turquoise, but yet
I don’t find myself as dull as the Cadet shade, nearly Grey.

Although, depending on the circumstance I can exude a shade of Chartreuse,
Which leaves others a bitter Cal Poly Green,
A color which looks terrible on anyone.

My favorite shade however, is of bright Ruby
Brilliant and fierce in all its color, but can suddenly change in one swift mix.
With Black it becomes a tainted ashen Rouge, spoiled and rotten with grief and distaste
Bubbling under your skin, turning into a fiery rampage

Rather than becoming pinkened with a serene Pearl
A complement to the Ruby, flushing it with hearts desire
Soothing it too a point of Lavender, then Boysenberry
And then finally,
Back to my Brandeis Blue.
Lawrence Hall Jul 2021
Lawrence Hall

     Brandeis University Promulgates an Edict Against Thinking

   “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood
    and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education,
     the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”

                                  -Justice Brandeis, 1927

Addict homeless person ******* you guys
Rule of thumb picnic wife-beater trigger
Warning disabled victim survivor
Lame freshman spirit animal insane


Potentially oppressive language gender
Exclusive ableist culturally appropriative
Terminology reinforce systems of violence
Identity-based language gender binary

Brandeis teaches a language of fear -
Scary enough at $60,000 a year!

Justice Brandeis on freedom of speech (

Violent Language | Holding Ourselves Accountable | Prevention, Advocacy & Resource Center | Brandeis University
Ms Levinson May 2015
brandeis is awesome
even though
am not in it
when i grow up am
going to be in it
my teacher
is awesome
she help me with everything
she is my bff
Alan Brown Apr 2017
coats of dust & pollen settle
on an unoccupied desk;
clumps of rust sprout
on faded typewriter keys.

marmalade pages with
elaborate strokes & scribbles
shrivel like mango slices
suffocating in tropical heat.

a dozen lolling envelopes
with awe inciting addresses
from San Francisco to Shanghai
each wither like aging flowers.

the room once gleaming in
luminescence now hoards darkness.
brandeis blue curtains drape
the windows, stifling sunlight.

sober emotions linger
in the thick, musty air;
overripe creativity decays
into the unwashed floorboards.
rhyme, rhythm, & reason
of the mind cease to bloom;
curiosity & inspiration fall dormant
in a chilling, thoughtless winter.

the mind of a former poet
is an unkept garden;
an Eden of ideas abandoned
in favor of myopic trivialities.

though unattended, the
garden is never barren;
cultivate your imagination &
you will always harvest beauty.

**it’s never too late to pick up your pen;
water your mind & your garden will grow!
“Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”- Louis D. Brandeis.

Beware of the uncivilized nation
Where mighty green reigns wildly,
And morals are for the most part ignored,
Corporations won't hesitate to betray you.
Waging a war means increased wages,
Take care, the army will shoot you.

A woman's work is worth less,
"Aliens"are manipulated for cheap labor.
Give the wealthy power
Over the poverty of the weak.
Why are we so prone to
commercialized, cultural conditioning

Debt takes away all freedom.
Keep us in debt
To keep us under your control.
Modern day slavery,
Crown Capitalism the king and master.
Get it, Master Card?
Supported by a fickle impostor
Dressed in robes known as democracy.

The cruel system is designed to
Prolong and maintain already existing problems,
Often exacerbating them,
Even creating new conflicts.

The schools uphold the system,
Student is code for automaton.
Criminal is code for prison's big business.

Through it all, pillage the planet,
Divide, conquer, then destroy everything in your wake,
As if it's the main mission of some diabolical plan.

I don't blame the new student in my class,
Long years ago, who  didn't stand up
During the pledge of allegiance.

Originally written 3/29/11
Revised 10/17/14

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

— The End —