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Cedric McClester Nov 2015
By: Cedric McClester

Don’t say,  “Allahu Akbar!”
Because the facts are
That while God is Great
He’s not a God of hate
And if you can’t relate
You have a second rate
Ideology can’t you see
It’s clearly blaspheme

Don’t say, “Allahu Akbar!”
While you blow up a car
To maim and ****
As if it’s God’s will
You won’t reach paradise
Because it isn’t nice
To harm humanity
Read Qu’ran like me

Don’t say, “Allahu Akbar!”
Who you think you are
God doesn’t sanctions you
To do the things you do
You think it’s heaven sent
To **** the innocent
And do it in a Name
That you clearly defame

Don’t say, “Allahu Akbar!”
When you know you are
Just an insane jihadi
Down with al Baghdadi
Who’s merely a snake
So give me a break
Because he’s a viper
Worthy of a ******

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.
Cedric McClester Oct 2015
By: Cedric McClester

It’s not even open to debate
ISIS or the Islamic State
Proselytizes nothing but hate
While trying their best to conflate
Islam with the things they do
Which is forbidden in Islam’s view
Look at the sins that they accrue
By doing what Muslims eschew

ISIS leader, Al Baghdadi can’t wait
To take on the mantle of the caliphate
Even though they always assassinate
Those who assume that lofty weight
There’s death and destruction everywhere
Which is evidence Baghdadi doesn’t care
How he conducts his foreign affairs
And the whole world's acutely aware

Was Nine-Eleven the catalyst  
And the neo-cons the strategists
How did it all come down to this
And who said they’re the pragmatists
Now ISIS has gone full throttle
Because the genie is out of the bottle
But who called them a role model
When their own mothers they wouldn’t coddle

By now the only logical deduction
Is there were no weapons of mass destruction
That was just the introduction
To shock and awe the full production
So now we’re reduced to counting the dead
And all of the snakes from Medusa’s head
The whole Middle East has turned blood red
And we all must sleep in that messed up bed

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015.  All rights reserved.