It’s water under the bridge, the one we’re standing on
Didn’t last long, stopped like a song
Now we’re moving on
The water’s long gone
and we’re moving on
Perpetual motion, every thing,
the people we see, the queen and the king
the rooks and the knights, the blacks and the whites
When we try to stop time, we find out it’s a crime
In a dream you came, in a dream you went
I wanted to make up, and I tried not to wake up
but the morning insisted, I open my eyes
so I did, and I cried
We saw something float by, with all of our eyes
We disagreed, a branch or a tree
something dreamlike, a flash of moonlight
No matter now, it gone anyhow
The jury is out, everyone’s gone
and it’s time to move on
Sean Hunt Dec 5th 2017