My best friend’s father
was an apple farmer
who said to his son most days
“By the way
we’ll double up today on the pesticide spray”
“Son double up today on the pesticide spray”
Walter was a miser
who exterminated bugs
ignoring all the warnings
on the pesticide cans
He killed his son Wolfgang but this wasn’t his plan
“We’ll double up today on the pesticide spray”
When Wolf was forty-six
he was feeling very sick
and noone knew the reason
for his terminal disease
the explanation for this cancer causation
“We will double up today on the pesticide spray”
The surgeon asked Wolf
if he was ever exposed
in a significant way
to pesticide spray
It was then Wolf remembered what his father used to say
“We’ll double up today on the pesticide spray”
In his garden of eden
everything was free
My friend brought bags
of apples to me
I ate a few, my family too but many many more he ate from his trees
“Let’s double up today on the pesticide spray”
Just before Wolf died
Walter sat by his bed
To his wife Wolf whispered
these words, he said
“I have nothing to say, tell him to go away”
“He doubled up every day on the pesticide spray”