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SE Reimer Jan 2014
finger pricked, its running blue,
because the oxygen i breath, is pouring out of you
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Letting The Inner Poet Soar
SE Reimer Jan 2014
(How A Reimer Became A Rhymer)

boarding school
what’s a child to do
assignment from a forth-grade teacher
write a poem that expresses what you love

well, being a fifth of five siblings
(that’s six in all)
and never before
being ever asked
to express anything 
that anyone 
might listen to 
at all,
let alone about what he loved...

and what’s more,
teacher never told him
a poem didn’t need to rhyme all the time,
that free verse would substitute...
just fine for a rhyme
so again i say,
what’s a child to do... but write
(or find a rhyme that speaks his heart).

couldn’t write (or so he thought)...
so find a poem, an inspiration
he must,
to get his poet’s juices flowing,
but where, and how...
and so he asked his teacher.
“Ms. Vreeland, teacher fair,
to find my poet inside
where or where would a child look?
perhaps a script that i could read,
perhaps, perhaps a book... perchance?"

"here, try this," she told him,
"this will help to know the score,
read, indulge, become as one,
and let your inner poet soar."

so, read, he did... and find, he found,
a write that had the very bound,
the rhyme, the sound,
the symbol of a land he loved,
his own by heritage, though not by home,
the pride inside he felt,
victory his, the hand was dealt.
Alfred Tennyson, a Lord they said
his writing rich, his perfect words
this, the prize, a perfect guarantor
in just an instant chosen for
the frame, the whole, 
changes, two, or one... no more
and he’d be done, the perfect crime
did i say crime, no! i meant mine,
for would not *your
changes make it thine?

and here his twisted thoughts he’d wound
became untwisted, crashing down
how and why? quite simply done
because all he changed was simply one
from one word, "azure," 
to one word, "blue,"
who, would think that this, would do?
no one, right? not even you?
not i, for certain, that’s for sure,
yet, it was i, 
the one who swallowed this dark lure!

so, here's Alfred’s version, and next is mine
don't you really love it's rhyme?

The Eagle
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

The Eagle
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the blue world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

and turn this in, he did
and heard from her, she wrote *”Very Good”

but, who knew she’d think that this deserved
an entry in a book of verse
who thought that anyone 
away back home where he was from
ten thousand miles away,
who would ever wonder, ever know?
yeah, you guessed it... busted!
his fingerprints so easily dusted
exposed, cover blown,
bad seeds sown 
came home to roost,

that's not where this story ends
for he is me and that day was born
a poet no, but rhymer sworn
in name for sure, but so much more
for it was this, that opened door
to what he's become
has come to love
and this is when this Reimer
became a lifelong rhymer!
for what's a child to do, but...

become a poet... i suppose!
post script.

i would say more, but why risk incarceration?  dare mention this, to any one... whether true or no, i promise to deny any knowledge of these events...

SE Reimer... who?

a.k.a. Steve
Jan 2014 · 416
the perfect marriage (10w)
SE Reimer Jan 2014

two imperfect people
to give up on
one another

post script:

happy ten-word Tuesday to you, my fellow HP poets.  though she will disavow it, any mention whatsoever... she is far closer to perfection than i... by leaps, bounds, miles!     and i...   i am as lucky, as lucky can be, for she picked me!
SE Reimer Jan 2014
you’ll cross the bridge near the center of town,
from the constable’s door just a few paces down; 
at the bend near the corner of Ash and Vine,
Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe of Verses and Rhymes.
its here you will find it, my favorite store,
its soft warmth beckons through a leaded-glass door;
your arrival here announced with a chime,
at a desk near the fire lays a writing slate.
here, a tall, frail poet sits in his chair
his sweet bonny lass stands beside him in wait,
both greet each guest with deliberate care.
a sign at the door tells of an experience rare,
“pairings of sweets for tooth and ear”;
be it chocolate and wine, for a rendezvous fine,
or crumpets and tea, for a moment of ecstasy,
each tasty treat shared with verse and rhyme
each custom creation, an encounter sublime.
the ambiance... flawless, the company... sweet,
the perfect encounter, is the word on the street.
the shelves here are filled with tastes overflowing
candles are trimmed, the fireplace is glowing
sheets full of verse, of sonnet and psalm  
sales may run short, but the hours last long
yet, each customer’s entrance is met with delight
giving no mind for any work through the night
for payment in full is made with their eyes
the giggles, the dances... the satisfied sighs.
for what would you give to know you’re the one
to restore another’s hope, the place life’s begun
and what would you sacrifice just so you’d hear
each delightful cry, see each joy-filled tear
knowing so many go hungry, and never will know 
the comfort that’s brought from a heart that’s restored, 
for hope is alive, and its hope that is shared
in each word that is writ, in each line that is paired
to each one who finds their way to this couch
whether man, woman, child, need little or much 
a custom concoction to each one unique
for this singular purpose, its a poem they seek
whether free verse or rhyme, a chorus, a song
for a mother, a brother, or a loved one gone on
for some it's a present to a lover or spouse
for others the poem is a gift to themselves
yet, whatever the reason, the purpose propelling
each word is revealing, some even foretelling
for with insight and honesty, and peace of mind,
great comfort and solace they find in each line 
there near the corner of Ash and Vine
at Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe of Verses and Rhymes.
Post script.

though you may have difficulty finding it, this shoppe certainly exists in my mind.  I have always imagined such a combination here, not too far from where I live.
Jan 2014 · 5.3k
lament on maturity
SE Reimer Jan 2014

the air of maturity 
is breathed today
with such rarity 
that what is termed 
the age of majority, *<

is in reality not, 
it instead being 
a place of minority; 
it's occupants being 
the selfless lot who 
give freely of their proffering, 
offering themselves an offering 
and considering themselves 
adequately advantaged 
as they willingly 
position becoming likely 
to be taken advantage 
and taken for granted
hearts ready for breaking 
yet give, love, share
heal, they do, 
and freely so; 
therein standing 
in stark contrast to 
the narcissistic hoards
who protect, 
with pirouetting steps, 
their barren nests, 
empty hearts,
and meager pockets, 
ever failing to realize 
that nature’s law 
bestows abundance best 
at the selfless giver’s behest.
Post script.


a lament on the lines of: “  for we must give ourselves away to receive the best of life.
Jan 2014 · 2.4k
life’s stage
SE Reimer Jan 2014

first read "Audition" by Lauren Rogers:

far too often, 
audition i, 
my self i daily 
place on parade,
call it a model’s runway 
or an actor’s stage, 
all the while forgetting 
already i’ve been given 
the part of *"me"

having already been deemed
most uniquely
and completely
qualified to play
and having already been voted
most likely to succeed
as an actor of me!
and most of all
having already been handed
the writer’s script,
a whole ream, all blank page
for me to write
and then perform
for each of you
on life’s beautiful stage;
which, begs the question...
who called the audition?
Post script.

inspired by Lauren Rogers, actress, poet, and as of today, a new contributor to HP with her first HP poem: “Audition” a beautifully written poem... may she succeed in her every endeavor!!!
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
impression management
SE Reimer Jan 2014

first read: by Kelly Rose*

do not we all, 
in varying degrees, 
follow the dance 
of impression management, 
projection arrangement 
onto the big screen 
set before us?  
as art imitates life, 
and life imitates art... 
completing a circle 
a cycle of sorts, 
our lives being 
both life and art
you are you,
i am me 
with raw material 
gifted uniquely 
to we
and the rest being 
up to us?
Post script.

inspired by Kelly Rose, Hot Cold Mess...
hers was no doubt a rhetorical question, but it got me thinking, something you don’t really want to do...  and on this particular weekend, it being the first weekend of the new year, a time of deeper introspection than my usual weekend musing, this write, and several more, i am urged, no compelled to share, as an answer... of sorts, to her honest, question.  i pray she forgives the intrusion.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
when is one grown up?
SE Reimer Jan 2014

when is one grown up? 
a question, asked and answered,
in wise words already written, 
for tis when those gifts 
with which we are, 
have been, 
so imparted are 
for selfless ways, 
gift received, 
gift re-gifted,
not only shared 
but given away 
without expectation of 
return in one's own coffers,
on those dear souls 
within one's reach...
tis then the measure 
is measured 
and the cycle complete, 
having ridden, 
far enough down the road, 
for the rubber to have 
not only met the road, 
but even more, 
leaving for others 
who come behind, 
living, breathing matter 
that matters, 
the impartee becoming 
the imparter, 
each being 
its own proof,
proving that, 
yes indeed, 
in deed, 
gift and giver are one, 
and one is all grown up.
Post script.

read including the after reading.

inspired by Nat, who asks the tough questions and "contaminates my brow" with inquisitions more noble than most... poet, author, fellow philosopher... but mostly treasured dearly for friend, which i call him because he has left pieces, nay, chunks, of himself for me to find, make mine, and has expected nothing, but friendship, in return, which, were you to ask me, is my definition of each and every one i call, "friend."
Dec 2013 · 862
A New Year's Blessing
SE Reimer Dec 2013
          ­                  2013 ...

                             .. .pursue
post script.

cheers to the last 10w Tuesday of 2013!  may the coming year be our best... ever!
Dec 2013 · 941
Butter ’n’ Jam
SE Reimer Dec 2013
dearest friends,
thy works along
with many others here
are butter to my bread,
they bring my daily cheer.
and even though
not every poem, 
to my great joy
a few become
my jam instead.
for fifty, sixty,
seventy hours a week,
i toil away my days,
and earn my paltry keep.
with good bread i'm fed
i've no complaint,
but with thy poems
life's dryness flees;
tis each of thee's,
thy words, thy rhymes, 
these cause my pause,
to deeply ponder,
this daily wander.
tis these thy writes,
that tops my bites,
with spread
that makes,
my daily bread
more sweet!
Post script.

this little ditty, inspired by Nat, who i have come to deeply appreciate in ways he probably does not even know, but also to each of you who share with me, with us all, your daily triumphs and struggles, your thoughts and musings, some dark, some bright, the way that you smith these into verse, prose, meter and rhymes...  whether in simplicity or eloquence does not matter much to me, for it is that you share... and, that you care, care enough to write beautiful, encouraging responses, comments, often humorous, sometimes serious, many as ponderous as any prose...
all... Holiday Joys to you with my heartfelt gratitude! 
your writing and reading friend,
Stephen Reimer
Dec 2013 · 469
I Can't Leave
SE Reimer Dec 2013
"We can't stay here"
he says...
as tears trickle slowly
down her face.
Unable to hold them back,
she can only nod,
all the while thinking...
"I can't leave;
leaving feels
too much like
Post script.

last evening's conversation with my wife...
she asks no pity,
but almost five years later she grieves...
deeply... daily...
a dearest son who never said goodbye...
the melancholy of the season
gripping her in its anguished, icy hold.
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
~ life circles ~
SE Reimer Dec 2013
never forgets,
its destiny 
ever fulfilled...
a lesson beheld
in the seedling 
bursting through
the midst of
a garden adorned; 
nature undeterred
by the squirrel's
forgotten love affair 
with an acorn.

though oft beyond
our given years,
in its own way
nature fulfills,
always rewards,
life cheating,
outliving death...
a Picasso returned
from coveter’s theft,
a truth uncovered
for children bereft,
and calm that follows
the fury’s storm.

for spawning salmon,
for migration’s bird,
on Serengeti’s plains
the herds return;
the lover’s heart
longs for home,
to know fulfillment,
to taste once more,
the fruit of promise,
a table replete,
hope restored,
a circle complete.
Post script.

Running out the door this morning I watch a squirrel dashing into the flower bed to bury perhaps it's final acorn of the year.  I chuckle, knowing next spring a random oak seedling will sprout amongst the flowers, a tribute to one of Mr. Squirrel’s forgotten, buried acorns... which prompts this poem about the circle of life; and for at least a moment, the season’s melancholy is broken.
Dec 2013 · 825
the brighter path
SE Reimer Dec 2013
the clarion call
of the goose
in times gone by
the sound
like sweet waters
known well to his flock
a band of brothers
yet today, his call
on the heels
of a sharp report
a different sound
an urgent message
a call to gather
a call to protect
a call to form
a circle of hope
of encouragement
for not just
a better day
but a brighter path
because this journey
when taken in lockstep
wing to wing
together flying high
cannot fail to arrive
more rested
more able
more protected
this brighter path.
Post script.

linked to
Dec 2013 · 525
Lifelong Gift
SE Reimer Dec 2013
she is
the gift
that takes
a lifetime
to unwrap
Post script.

happy 10 word Tuesday and even more...
today i celebrate my dear wife's birthday;
happy birthday, my darling!!!
Dec 2013 · 567
the earth isn't flat
SE Reimer Dec 2013
the blues,
eventually, the song
will end, inevitabily it will;
making way for sunnier tunes,
life's cycles that bring my sadness can be counted on 
to bring my hope... my ever reminder
that life, like the earth, is not flat
and doesn't revolve
Post script.

there are days, sometimes whole seasons,
i must remind myself every moment...
"it's not about you, Steve, it's really not about you!"

(and yes, i do love blues... and jazz!! :)
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Calendar of Tears
SE Reimer Dec 2013
Days turn to weeks,
and months into years;
Our calendar filled,
With days that bring tears.

No longer with cheer,
There’s a birthday we keep;
A life sown in hardship,
Is now reaping grief.

His anniversary of leaving,
A dark smear on that day;
Its nothing to celebrate,
But it won't wash away.

Those days that we’re honored,
As his mother and father;
Special cards that he made us,
We receive them no longer.

A day for memorials,
Then picnics and parades,
The summer he loved,
A special hike on Labor Day.

The season to give thanks,
Forces us to remember,
All the years that we did have,
All those happy Novembers.

Finally Christmas comes round,
Full of time spent together;
All our family traditions,
Where he's missed more than ever.

Each day a reminder,
Every memory so dear,
Yet silence speaks loudly,
When laughter disappears.

Then it's time to repeat,
Time to turn a new page,
Time for new resolutions,
Time to hope for some change.

Maybe this is the year,
That the calendar’s our friend,
When peace is returned,
And we look forward again.
Post script.

this was written in late December 2012, just a year ago as part of my struggle to come to terms with life’s curves.  i post this tonight, not so much for me, though my struggle is hardly over...  this is more for a dear soul; an HP friend who like me, is still struggling with loss.  some days are just harder than others; then there are whole seasons that will never again be the same.  tonight, i raise a glass of Merlot for her, not in toast, but in wishing her comfort, peace and rest!
Dec 2013 · 1.7k
my Oregon
SE Reimer Dec 2013
oh, rising sun on east horizon,
shine your light through purple hues;
sunbeam fingers reaching long,
spreading warmth ‘cross mountains blue.
awake, oh towering pine majestic,
for deep below your roots flows pure
crystal liquid falls in dance, 
fills each pool with nature's mirror.
this my Oregon, i call her home,
where skies of grey and winter long
chills milder souls to the bone,
yet hardy stock from which i come
know her best, still to be sung.
her rocky crags where eagles soar,
her mountain lakes, her breaking shores,
her rapid’s ripple, current strong,
her open skies and painted rocks,
from each she springs alive with flame,
floral tapestry, her fields ablaze,
here streams cascade through canyons tall,
tumbling long in waterfall,
through rock and mountain, a gorge cut deep,
a bridge to history, the gods they speak  (1
a people weary, journey long,
struggling forward they sang their song.
first the solo, small band of men
discovery's chorus, brave brethren;  (2
a choir growing, families joined, 
came for land, they stayed for joy 
by beauty smitten, they wrote her lore.  (3
today her wonder, her majesty
sings to her young, *“come, walk with me,
come ******* bounty from forests green,
from lakes, from streams, from ocean deep,
from waving fields of amber grains,
abundant yields, endure my rains.,
come sip my wines, my vineyards flow,
come drink my waters, winter’s snow,
drawn from my wells, my streams below,
my plains and valleys, my hills and dales,
i offer richness within my veil.
when journey’s burden becomes too great
find respite in my sunset’s slate,
my star-kissed skies they offer thee,
my arms, my breast, thy comfort be."
Post script.

i am hardly an expert on this subject, projecting here only my viewpoint and perspective garnered since my arrival in my late teens. hidden meanings tied to Oregon history abound here. for some reference i invite you to join me on a quick journey: 
(i am blocked from supplying the full links below, but am certain this will not deter your uncovering of these snippets :-)
(1  wikipedia.../'Bridge_of_the_Gods_(land_bridge)
(2  wikipedia... /Corps_of_Discovery
(3  wikipedia.../Oregon_pioneer_history
Dec 2013 · 931
repainted canvas
SE Reimer Dec 2013
my dreams walk
the blurred lines
between sub-conscious
hopes and fears
never predictable,
ever straying
tiptoeing further
than i dare think
in waking moments,
from some sleeping recess
the dusty musings
of experiences forgotten,
it uncloaks
a painting masterful
hidden long
and then defiles
its canvas
with the random spatterings
of fearful colors,
running down
fluid feardrops
from frame to easel
and onward to the floor
until it pools at my feet...
where it wakes me
from my restless sleep
leaving me to wonder
just how many more
hidden passageways
and rooms are waiting
to be unlocked...
and then...
Post script.

feels unfinished... but then...
aren't they all
Nov 2013 · 758
Impoverished Heart
SE Reimer Nov 2013

t  h  e 
poorest man... 
money   rendered
his heart impenetrable.
Post script.  
contemplation brings me to change the word "wealth" to "money", for wealth of health or friends does not an impoverished heart make!
thank you, Bala!!!
Nov 2013 · 542
SE Reimer Nov 2013
on the leafy salad of my life
you are the dressing...
for without you its all just
let-us and wish-es!
Post Script.
this, the silly, corny, jumble of thoughts that dropped out as my love told me about her list of preparations for our Thanksgiving Day dinner with our sons and their families. i love every part of her, even those things that used to so irritate me are becoming more and more endearing!!!
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
i choose to grieve with you
SE Reimer Nov 2013
i choose to walk beside you.
we walk this journey together, you and i,
distant by earth’s miles, but not by the heart’s;
each knowing the other, less by the lines of our faces
and more through the footprints we leave on the pathway,
the pools of wisdom we leave beside it
for others to step into, enjoying its coolness,
soaking deeply in its cleansing,
allowing it to wash away the dust, the soil,
the tears of the journey.
here, now and until you need them no longer
i offer you mine.
lift the cup high, over your head and
let them run, splashing all the way to the ground…
let them wash your dusty, weary feet.

i choose to care for you.
those words spoken casually by some,
but intently from one whose compassion
becomes a torrent in seasons as this,
from one who has known the heart break of loss,
sent swiftly to you,
rushing down to a parched valley…
not in voluminous, drowning torrent,
but in rivulets of refreshing all around you;
ointment to apply to your wounds.
let this be salve to your loss-torn soul.

i choose to share with you.
graces, extended to me from others who saw the pain,
the burden, the travail of my journey,
these graces becoming mine to pass on.
words sent in comfort;
arms to wrap ‘round, hold and strengthen;
wisdom to bind up a broken heart…
grieving with you,
my tears i blend with yours
as together we weep.
please, drink these graces,
every drop of peace, hope and comfort…
let these revive your longing heart.

i choose to encourage you.
drink deeply from my well for the journey ahead.
draw from the graces of others all around you.
store it, hold it, let it revive and energize.
draw from the wisdom of the Ancient of Days,
for she lives…
she speaks to all who will hear, who will listen.
let her restore your tired mind.

*all of this…
this is what i mean when i say today,
“i choose to grieve with you”
Post Script:

written first for r, but sent now to Maria, who's grief knows no bounds.  when words fail me, i can offer only tears and my love.

“blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”  matt 5:4

until we suffered the devastating loss of our 25 year old son, i did not know how to grieve.  he would now be 30 years old.  today i know so much more, though i still have so much more to learn.  

a civilized society is not defined by its shiny achievements nor by its soaring, technological advances, but by the way it treats its most vulnerable souls.
Nov 2013 · 338
SE Reimer Nov 2013
faux* lion
faux roar
makes for
one fauxroceous animal
a silly 10w 
inspired by Pradip’s penning of Lion
and to Mr. Hauser... yes, i too make up words. :)
Nov 2013 · 430
Excuse me?
SE Reimer Nov 2013

not really mine to claim as i heard this one growing up... a lot!  and then of course repeated it to my children  (10w).  
happy Ten-Word Tuesday, all!!!
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
Ring Master
SE Reimer Nov 2013
incessant vendors hawk their wares

popcorn, peanuts sold to you

ferocious beast tamed with chair

fortune teller leaves you blue

flirtatious ******* painted pony

promises to thrill, all plunder

not much real here, all is phony 

trapeze artists paint by number 

high wire acts above a net

flying past the bears and seals

photographs to catch the moment

ten dollar dogs to seal the deal

******* up shoes of circus clowns

magician shows his sleight of hand

children smile at painted frowns

the ringmaster this band commands

big top wonder, smoke and mirrors

he beckons crowds to catch the scent

*“oh young at heart, come gather here

to find the truth within my tent”
Nov 2013 · 1.8k
The Old Dented Pail
SE Reimer Nov 2013
He, miles from home is tired and alone, his body worn and ravaged by cancer. This treatment, though over but a moment too late, he arrives at the station as the last bus home rolls out of sight.

The next not till morning, his body fatiguing, his weary head needs a resting place. But like the story of old, he’s turned away; to this disfigured soul seems there’s no more room at the inn this night.

A border house owner, on her front porch she finds him, begging for a place to rest his soul. “I don’t need a bed, I’ll just sit here instead. With a face like mine marred," he said, "I know I create quite a fright."

But with compassion compelling, she finds herself telling him, “Sir, be of good cheer, please stay with me here. I’ll give you a bed for your weary head; yes, here you’ll be safe until morning light.”  

Said he, “Don’t know where to begin, but my condition of skin, gives others chagrin. Please, don’t think me rude, but I won’t need any food; just a small safe corner I would prefer, for in the morn I’ll be travelin’ home."

Later that evening, they talk for a spell. Her respect for him growing, as to his tell she sits listening; finds herself knowing that deep in this heart runs a pure river flowing, a body so frail, his heart has outgrown.

Home, is a daughter, with five hungry mouths; her husband disabled, unable to walk. He their provider with a fisherman’s rod, his own condition an afterthought. No word of complaint, only thankful instead, making her grateful to have heard his tome.  

Sure as promised, next morning she finds him, sheets neatly folded there on his bed.  As he is leaving she hears him asking,”Ma’am, may I return to this room?  While others reject me, you’re willing to accept me; last night left me grateful I wasn’t alone.”  

And return he did, with accompaniment of fish and oysters shelled fresh as his gift.  As his kindness she pondered she couldn’t but wonder at the hour of his awakening, for with shelling and travel, it left precious little for sleep.

Months they passed by and his visits continued and even when absent his thanks persisted, by parcel his gift from the sea would arrive, wrapped in spinach or kale, then packaged and mailed, each one showing his gratitude deep.

“Did you board that man with awful appearance?” a neighbor’s voice broke through her daydreams one day. Truth rose up inside, she had nothing to hide as she answered. “Any losses I suffered are smaller than gains, for lessons like these don’t come cheap.”

“See… these Mums that today bloom in my garden were once merely seeds, easily forgotten. But planted and watered they grew, in an old dented pail most would've discarded. But once strong and grown tall, I gently transplanted them allowing their beauty to beam.”

And here she reflected on thoughts that were tumbling, she found herself grateful for this enlightening: a lesson here offered, one others had missed, this remarkable teacher others dismissed; one teacher uncommon gave her life lessons, these three...

*1. Don’t judge a book by its cover, or silence the teacher before the lesson begins. 2. Let gratitude flow as an unending response. 3. Our Father often places His best seed, in an old dented pail where it grows in test; then gently is lifted to bloom in His garden, its legacy gleaming for all here to see.
Post Script:

Our son Daniel is one who was lifted from the old dented pail in which he came to us.  Today he stands tall, blooming brightly in our Father’s garden, his legacy still speaking to all.  

I did not contrive this story myself, nor is it a new story.  I don’t know just how old it is, but it does seem to have been around for some time.  Its truth many question, perhaps legitimately so.  However, regardless of its veracity, even if simply a short novel written to relay some time-tested truths, I see only benefit in its propagation.  If you’ve never before read it, I invite you to read the story for yourself here:

My poetic version makes some subtle changes, solely for prose, not overall message.  I truly hope you will enjoy this as much as I did, both as I read the original and then as I wrote this poem.  Hereafter, should you visit my wife’s vintage shop out here in the Pacific NW, you will find the following message on a card affixed to each old dented pail you find hanging there:
“LESSONS OF THE OLD DENTED PAIL:  Always remember...
1. Don’t judge a book by its cover or silence the teacher before the lesson begins.
2. Let gratitude flow as an unending response.
3. Our Father often places His best seed, in an old dented pail where it grows in test; then gently is lifted to bloom in His garden, its legacy gleaming for all here to see.

For the complete story follow this link... “
(the link of course leading to the entire poem and the original story on her own blog)
SE Reimer Nov 2013
Post Script:
"inspired" by one Nat Lipstadt, a writer who inspires... no induces... no withdraws (yeah that's it) much deep thought from this self-called writer.  see

(is there a limit to the number of postings for 10 word Tuesday?  :)
Nov 2013 · 487
Plagiarist’s End
SE Reimer Nov 2013
they  found  him  lying... 
beneath the weight 
of  stolen 
copycats never win (10w)

though these words are true, i sometimes wonder if Solomon was right... is there ANYTHING new under the sun; are any of my words really my own?  or did i read them somewhere and then they jumbled, tumbled out rearranged as "my own?"
Nov 2013 · 748
SE Reimer Nov 2013
facing one’s fearsome demons,

                                                 not unafraid... 

                                                   ­              but resolute

                                                               ­                 and unswayed!

fear is an end unknown; courage decides how the finale is written  (10w)

happy ten-word Tuesday everyone!!
Nov 2013 · 2.2k
SE Reimer Nov 2013
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine,
Air, space, land and sea;
Sailor, Corpman, Airman, Soldier,
Pilot, Ranger, Medic, SEAL,
or Merchant Mariner;
Barbary, 1812, American Revolution,
Civil, Spanish, Texan and Mexican,
Korea, Vietnam, 
Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Khaki, green, white and blue,
Ship, tank, plane... all boots.
Knife, pistol, bomb or rifle, 
Weapon, bandage, or Bible instead,
Each one’s veins filled with red.

Hostage rescue, protect and shield,
Capture, conquer, overcome, never yield;
Freedom, heartbreak, loss and grief,
Foreign, home, border, sky,
Ocean, desert, mountain, plain,
Water side, hillside, bedside, grave.

Parent, child, father, mother,
Auntie, uncle, niece or nephew,
Sister, brother, spouse and lover.
May your sweat on furtive brow,
Rouse our tribute, take knee and bow.
Buried, missing... wounded all,
Respect, endure, honor, release,
Forever may you rest in peace.

To each of you
Who’s paid a price,
With years, with limb, 
With blood, with life,
For each of these, 
Oh, warrior ferocious,
Wrapped around 
A heart that’s precious;
My voice it sings,
Let freedom ring;
My heart, it bleeds, 
My eyes, they weep;
My hand, it rises in salute;
And my soul is filled 
This day for you
With pride that swells,
With love that beats,
A song of deepest, 

**Oh Warrior, you this day I salute!!!
Post Script:

In tribute to: 
- The 238th birthday of our United State Marines Corp
- Each veteran on this Veteran’s Day, here now and those no longer with us
- To a son who serves today, protecting combat skies

This country has fought in many wars. I mean no slight, or disrespect in any omission whatsoever, whether in field, unit, uniform or war (giving highlight to major US conflicts only).  Each of us knows, deep in our hearts, that not all wars are just (read St. Augustine and St. Aquinas’ Just War concept here: ) and not all wars bind us together, but on this I hope and pray we can agree... the men, the women trained and sent are deserving of tribute, having given everything.
For, “greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”  

This write then doesn’t pay tribute to war, to their command
nor the reasons for each one, be they righteous or no;
it pays tribute only to each military man and woman,
their heart and their soul!

at the suggest of fellow poet, Wonderman Poetry, i have updated this write to include the Merchant Marine corp, an entity i was previously aware of in name only, but after some quick reading here, have learned a thing a two and must concur with my fellow poet. thank you, my good sir for your suggestion!
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
marriage isn’t for me
SE Reimer Nov 2013
recently a writ appeared
a read between the lines
a tale i found on Huffington
or was it New York Times?
it was one of those captions, 
you know the kind, that 
just slightly raises the eyes 
gives only mild surprise.
about an Adam’s words to his Eve.

“i’m so sorry honey; 
i truly didn’t know, 
marriage isn’t for me, dear.
sorry, i just realized now
what i should have long ago.”


so what would you think
as you read between these lines?
what would we care
its just another one of those
shrug the shoulder moments, right?  
not his thing, apparently.
but read on I say 
because there’s far more here
to this story than meets the eye;
before you judge too harshly
put yourself in the shoes of this guy.

here the story begins to unfold
seems son had been to talk with dad
about depression, about regret
about his attitude, and
like any dad that's worth his salt
well, dad, he talked of gratitude
said, “son, marriage isn’t for you, see”
and then he went on to explain

it’s never for you, 
yeah... it's for she
it's for the children
for a family
it's for a future
it's about giving
it's about sacrifice.

so, when you throw all that in the mix
there’s really little time left
to think about you.
marriage is never about getting
it's always been about giving;
and here’s the twist,
it’s the best part of all...

in all of your giving
in all of your loving
what you’ll receive 
what you’ll get back in return
is everything you always wanted,
so i’ve decided, yeah i can learn
i can be as smart as he
i can change like he and say,
*marriage isn’t for me... dear!
Post Script:  
although i truly do wish this idea was my own, alas, i cannot claim it.  though the story line is not mine, this poem is and is my translation of what Seth Adam Smith wrote in a blog that is going viral. see it for yourself here...
seems people really are interested in relationships that last after all.
Nov 2013 · 2.5k
SE Reimer Nov 2013
heart adornment,
unknown, unseen, unappreciated,

I         A
V                W
E           A
N  Y

happy 10w Tuesday, all!!  :)
Nov 2013 · 765
falling back
SE Reimer Nov 2013
”tonight we fall back,”* 
she calls from the kitchen;
as another year of savings 
comes to its end.

but what she doesn't know 
can't comprehend is
her partner’s been scheming 
to create a new trend.

the time is approaching
he hardly can wait
to make his announcement
to change his own fate

he knows it’s his moment
to make his debut
to shine in the sun, yes
they’ll adore him, he’s sure

for in secret he’s plotted
their rules to bend
their idyllic practice 
he’s about to upend.

those roll-over minutes 
that each Fall they give back
he’s been saving them up 
for a trip to his bank.

he watched everyone else 
as their hour disappears
while he’s saved up his minutes 
for twenty-three years.

so this Monday’s the day 
that he’s cashing them in
a whole twenty-four hours
a full day to spend;

in trade or as barter
he could gift them for free
to spend how he wants 
any which way he please.

or, when all of his friends 
have to roll out of bed
he’d have twenty-four hours 
to roll over instead.

its not counterfeit money 
he’s sure that it's not
he’s just saving his own
that yearly he got;

it can’t be a crime 
its not like minutes he prints
he’s just exploited in full 
their time-savings mint.

so if ever you’re time-broke
you might heed his advice
your roll-over minutes 
you will save if you’re wise.
for a glimpse of how i detest this falling back and springing forward stuff, see my post six months ago... cheerio!
Nov 2013 · 2.4k
he married up
SE Reimer Nov 2013
thirty-six years ago 
by their count 
just last week
a german girl 
with irish roots
swept lanky, 
blue-eyed lad 
from off his feet

she with hazel eyes 
that change by whim 
of brunette hair 
and silky skin
his arrival fresh 
from land afar
as appearance goes 
not foreigner 
yet foreign still 
in his homeland 
to he it was 
but fairyland

first sight a playground 
football game
same name but different 
than he’d played
their first date 
a corner burger stand
suited him, though 
not very grand

what she saw 
is still unclear
this blue-eyed lad 
from yesteryear

suffice to say 
he’s grateful she did 
and she still does
and to this day
has kept up her promise
to honor forever
and always love

and he 
knowing some say 
marriage is not their cup
he knows
(this blonde 
and blue-eyed lad)
he knows for sure...
he married 
sweet sixteen carried a different meaning...
the year of his resident arrival on US soil,
a novelty to him, and he to all who came to know him in those early days;
October 23rd, 1977,
the date of their first date,
each year passes with little fanfare by anyone else,
but the two of them,
who now more in love than ever before,
look knowingly at each other and say,
"remember when?"
Oct 2013 · 506
the wrong end?
SE Reimer Oct 2013
why do we so over emphasize





credit given to Ann, who started this mind thinking on this ten-word-tuesday.
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
Ode to Joe’s
SE Reimer Oct 2013
Today I write an ode to Joe’s
Procurator, seller, and trader 
For my better half it is your coffees
For me, your store entire, for
Your bounty fills my refrigerator
Treasures spicy from India, Japan
Brought to us by your Trader San
From south of the border 
Travel goodies galore-a 
Compliments of Trader Jose
Then there’s Trader Giotto from Italy
Without a doubt, his yummies call me
There are Jo-Jo’s, curries, oh cho-co-late sweet
And did I mention lotions for feet
There is Pilgrim Joe’s and Trader Ming’s
Who bring to us the finer things 
The wines, the drinks, the healthy oils
I dream at night of all your spoils
By way of mention, I cannot forget 
Baker Josef who serves to us
Tasty bagels, delicious baguettes
Arabian Joe’s and Joseph Brau
Bring us falafels and rings in our beer 
Oh, Trader Johann's and Trader Jacques'
For bodies clean and lips that are fresh
Your Joe's Kids keep mummy's happy
Trader Darwin's help us all stay healthy
Did I, could I, miss anyone? 
Don’t want to leave out even one
Your marinated meats, your frozen treats
From Diner Joe’s there are lunches quick 
For us working stiffs, his heat-n-eats
Oh, pumpkin scones and cereal O’s
I should not forget your sample bar 
Where tastys await to test for my plate
And did I say how amazing you are?
While others sell just fluff and stuff
Of your yummy goodness
I cannot get enough
So if one day soon the Joe’s disappear
I’ll not fret, no i’ll not fear
On me for sure you can count the cause
Right down to your last breadcrumb
For shelves will be bursting in my garage
Where I'll be holding them all, without ransom
Post Script

Dear Trader Joe’s, 
I assure you I am no threat, quite harmless really; this is merely poetic expression. I promise I would never harm your traders for that would make me a traitor of another kind, a sin second only to harming Santa Claus...
and what peace-loving, child-hugging, lovable lad would ever do that.
Yours Truly,

Dearest Reader,
If you don’t have the Trader in a neighborhood near you, I truly feel only the deepest of sadness for you, for I say eat Joe’s...  or do not eat at all.
A TJ’s Fan

for those interested:
Oct 2013 · 799
autumn-colored memory
SE Reimer Oct 2013
these golden days 
with cool, crisp air
finds me dreaming 
of days more fair
when our golden boy 
raked golden leaves
your work now ceased
you rest in sleep

i looked out today 
on an autumn-colored lawn
but you’re not there 
they say you’ve gone
where once you stood
on grass so green
now lies a stone
you rest beneath

the seasons change
while I cannot 
for without goodbyes
my heart’s in knots
my fall is passing
my eyes still weep
my winter dead ahead 
while you rest in peace

*rest, my sweet son 
rest in peace
today the sun came out for a few late afternoon hours to highlight the autumn colors collecting on our green front grass. seeing it, i grabbed my camera to snap a photo and while doing so was instantly taken back to a similar fall day four long years ago, our Daniel’s last Fall, when he enthusiastically raked these vibrant colors of orange, red, gold, brown and rust, into mounds of beauty cascading across the yard. we memorialized the moment that day with a cherished photo of he in his wool stocking cap, rake in hand amidst a sea of color.  

like color contrasts create turbulent beauty, so life when contrasted with loss shows the beauty that was, making the ache all the more poignant.
i miss you... terribly, Son!
Oct 2013 · 3.0k
making love
SE Reimer Oct 2013
a dear friend asked just yesterday
how does your marriage last
thirty years and counting, friend 
would have to challenge even the best
two words said i
that's all it takes
“making love” a marriage makes
but please consider my definition
before you reach the wrong conclusion

they call it making love
but when synonymous with
one night stand
a party grand…

inflicts only a world of hurt
a soul bruised and burnt
call it what you want
but for certainty
love making it is not

you may disagree with me
but you’ll not disagree with this
the objectification of
our dear and fairer gender
never built a civilization
a community
or a family
only a heartache

love making then is work
love making begins
by dating those we love
not just for the win
but for life

more parts are we
than only one
love making it cannot be
until all three
a body undressed
a soul vulnerable
a spirit transparent
are undone completely

love making
the complete package
the whole enchilada
it’s a full meal deal
and inseparable from
sending cards
holding hands
tender whispers
kissing softly
hugging gently
need i go on?

because when done right
amazing are the nights
but oh, even so much more
are the days,
the months
and the years!


**go make love!
a couple of words added, and credited to a man with Soul!

Post Script:

to any naysayers...
please know that i know this is an opinion rendered by this writer
it does not reflect the views of the sponsors, advertisers or management of this station
furthermore, while i may feel sad for those who believe otherwise,
i neither judge nor hate anyone who calls it something different.
i merely hope to challenge those beliefs and suggest
that a less painful path lies just over yonder hillside
Oct 2013 · 2.7k
oh, san juans
SE Reimer Oct 2013
oh, san juans, your riches beckon
your wealth, your beauty calls
your waveless, salty waters blue
my heart since childhood draws
your waters lap at darkened rock
'round islands, bays and inlets fill
with returning salmon teeming
your breaking waters thrill
your tide, oh ever river changing
charges muddy oyster flats
your thriving pods of orca leap
o'er spray in mid-air acrobats
from seabed swift, cold and deep 
the lushness of your green hills rise 
your sun falls fleet like shooting star
your sparkling waters mesmerize
sailing craft from ’neath horizon
angels spread their wings of color
skirt your shoals and ply your straits
find safety anchored in your harbors 
oh, san juans, your wonder waits
your treasure and your magic calls
your waveless, crystal waters blue
my heart since youth still draws
calls me to return each year
to dip my paddle deep
when life averts the journey there
in dreams you beckon while i sleep
Post Script.
Twice in my early childhood my family vacationed in the San Juan Islands.  I say vacationed, when it was really to visit some of the dear church folk that supported my parent’s missionary work; but to me it felt like a vacation to another world!  
I recall being smitten by its ruggedness and remoteness, the enchantment of each island we passed; a world where a wave-less, salty, blue ocean laps the dark rock of the many bays and inlets of green forested islands; and the novelty that a ferry was the only way we could make the trip.  I remember exploring the tide pools with my brothers.  I remember crabbing with our father and gathering oysters from the rocky shores of Orcas Island.  I remember shucking oysters and our father frying them, something that outside this experience we rarely saw him do.  I remember fishing for flounder and cooking them up on the grill back at camp. I recall a time when we landed a pregnant ocean perch instead.  Were we ever surprised to see her give birth to a few dozen live babies among the floor boards of our little dinghy! We scooped up as many as we could reach and released them back to the ocean along with their mother.  One catch for thirty; a catch to remember for an 12 year old and a good lesson on the cycle of life. 
As I grew old enough to understand where this enchanted world was I determined to return.  Once married I made it a mission to share the beauty of the San Juan Islands with Becky and our children.  Our first visit back to the islands as a family was back in the late 1980's; she and I and our three sons.  Today, my children remember it for many of the same things I recall thinking as a child- they remember its rugged beauty, the adventure we took as a family, and yes, the novelty of the ferry ride across a waveless, salty, blue ocean.  

We’ve returned many times since then, and each time we’ve explored a little deeper and farther, and still we have yet to find an end to its richness.  Nowadays it's mostly just my wife and I; our tandem kayak accompanies us on the ferry ride over and begs for the taste of blue water and the hunt for a glimpse of one of the resident pods of Orca. On one particular paddle, while enjoying what we call a sunset cruise (a kayak paddle in summer twilight) out on Haro Strait, searching for Orca we didn’t find that night, we instead were mesmerized by a rather spectacular sunset and as she set she became a star, giving us front row seats to a star show. You’ll see in black and white on my home page banner what was a stunning show.

I wonder sometimes, if we lived among the islands, would its enchantment fade?  I’d like to think not.  For us, like a pilgrimage back to yesteryear, the San Juan Islands of Washington’s Salish Sea, a place that never fades or grows old.
Oct 2013 · 1.6k
The Junkie and Her Fix
SE Reimer Oct 2013
When addiction runs deep,
Like the blood in our veins,
Its impossible to kick,
Unlikely to abstain.
For we are what we love,  
And we love what we are;
It’s said that an apple, 
From its tree won't roll far.

Her parents were junkies,
Generations gone by,
So deep in her blood,
It’d be cruel to deny.
I’ve found in resistance,
I beat my head on a brick,
So no longer at odds,
I embrace life as her fix.

“Honey, can you fix this?”
She says, smiling at the sale.
At the lamp I look closely,
It stands tired and frail;
It's brass tarnished dark, 
Its wire is frayed.
In my head I say, “No," then,
“Sure babe,” someone else said.

Believing I’ve dodged one, 
I breathe a sigh of relief;
We return to our Jeep, and
Drive away down the street.
Then I glance in the mirror,
And what do I see,
It’s that LAMP in my back seat,
Staring smugly at me.

“This dresser will be cool,
In robin's-egg-blue;”

Just describing the hue,
I see her almost drool.
“Yeah, natural on top,
It's frame painted, then glazed...
You’re the best at glueing drawers!”

She adds icing with praise.

“Look, here’s a chair I found,
with pretty calico;
If you fix it's broken arm,
You’ll be my hero!
Cuz I am sure it will fetch, 
Ten times what I've paid.”

I’m a wage earner no longer,
She pays me in accolades.

That bowl with mustard yellow,
Picture frames of wood & plaster;
An old tin box, and this small broach,
A barrel chest with leather straps.
A jewelry box, 
(A lover’s locket found inside)
Each purchase she makes,
Adds satisfaction, and pride.

Her addiction runs deep,
She’s my bargain-maker;
Not a corporate girl, 
But she’s a mover and shaker.
Yes, she's my ******,
And I am her fix;
Together we’re a duo,
"Can we peak in your attic?"

In my chair as I write this,
I feel something, turn and see;
And there pinned to the cushion, 
Is a price tag poking me.
Now I’m nervous as a cat,
Wouldn’t want to fall asleep;
For fear I could wake up, 
In the back of someone else's Jeep!
My wife, born to parents who met at an auction, grew up in her family’s business,; some call in antiquing, some collectibles, some estate sales, but we call it junking.  After years away from the business, she has returned to selling at vintage shows.  We tease and kid each other, but make no mistake about it, she is excellent at what she does, particularly in restoring wood furniture!  I love working with her on those pieces that require four hands.
Oct 2013 · 357
Dear Lord...
SE Reimer Oct 2013
hold my wife,

tightly please...

so she won’t *punch
i promise, she is anything but violent,
but the thought of it was... to my funny bone ;).  (10w)
Oct 2013 · 661
return of an unnamed river
SE Reimer Oct 2013
a soft gentle rain
is falling tonight
rain falls on my face 
rain falls from my eyes
the river that flowed 
so richly and deep
only appeared to run dry
as one gone to sleep
but it's flowing once more
rain fills its banks 
i’ve prayed it's return
for this i return...
sometimes, just sometimes, wishes (and prayers) do come true.
welcome home my friend, we've missed your sweet waters
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
farewell to an unnamed river
SE Reimer Oct 2013
farewell to an unnamed river
that flows so rich and so deep
consummate wordsmith 
your waters will never run dry
spinner of mesmorizing tales
lover of tributes and words
kin to my homeland
i wish you well
my never-met, poetic friend 
following you (though at a distance)
has been a pleasure
i wish you well
stay safe, my friend
if you've followed this river, you've loved its water!
join me in wishing him back
in the meanwhile, stay safe, my friend
Oct 2013 · 516
the rainbow
SE Reimer Oct 2013


turned on its head;

**cast in beautiful, living light
10w...   credit to Soul for inspiring me to see the light this morning!

post script:  sharing with someone over the water cooler this morning at work, I realized in their confused expression that not everyone might get the innuendo in this pen.  the story of Noah and the first rainbow is one which illustrates the transition from wrath to forgivness, juxtaposing the most lethal weapon of man at that time (the hunting bow) to a symbol of peace - that same weapon hung up, perpetually on display in the sky after a rainfall - metaphor of wrath (war on mankind) never to be repeated.
Oct 2013 · 892
SE Reimer Oct 2013
did you ever ride a shooting star
have you ever touched the moon
has the milky way unraveled for you
all her pearls and sweet perfume
do the constellations rise
at the setting of her sun
have you ever found a love 
who you knew would be the only one
long before you'd launched your ship
before you'd even set your course
you knew deep within your heart
you'd been drawn to her like gravity
*... quite by force!
how does an eighteen year old make a life-mate decision?  can he claim any credit, any whatsoever, at that age...  a teen male at that?  or does he just admit to anyone who wonders, she is a gift from God who gave him everything he didn't know he wanted in a wife!
Oct 2013 · 537
the fan
SE Reimer Oct 2013
i found someone 
a fan for life
she keeps no score 
this friend, my wife

she is, “my goodness” 
my, “God knows when”
my inspiration 
she is my pen!!!
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
the wordsmith's ballad
SE Reimer Oct 2013
wax runs slowly from his candle
as ink flows freely from his pen
daydreams stretched out on his anvil
where each word he hammers into rhythm

with skill he’s tooling an ode of mourning
beside his fire lies a sonnet undone
paintings of prose around him are scattered
and unframed verses his walls adorn

a haiku sweet graces his table
a ballad long covers his floor
his home already filled to overflowing
one wonders if there is room for more

he’s unable to sell them, try as he might
though each skillfully crafted is a work of art 
still driven he labors long into the night
his blood turns to ink as he pours out his heart 

down at the market where men sell their wares
poems fetch only a penny a line
he’s chosen a craft that a pittance pays
he’ll have to settle for a book of rhymes

his inkwell low he walks down to the store
where he refills his stock of whiskey and wine
exchanging his farthings for bread and butter 
and a chance at a glance of a fair lass fine

she, his inspiration, and fuel to his fire
yet she’ll ne'er know, she’s his psalm to be sung
so on marches time and their verse can't be written 
for his words flow on page, just not from his tongue

so the wax keeps running from his candle dim
the ink from this wordsmith continues to flow 
his daydreams he hammers over his anvil
but prose they might have written we’ll never know

post script.

this one didn't start off as a lost-love poem.  funny how that developed as i wrote it.  it began more just as a reflection of the art of wordsmithing, and how much it is that we hammer, bend, spin and curve all manner of words to make these things we call poetry.  language... what a gift we have to convey our love, our anger, our disappointment, our expectation to those around us.  a beautiful thing!!!
Sep 2013 · 519
The Point (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
Death sentence,
is   not... 
it's more 
of an


Sep 2013 · 971
Love's Harbor
SE Reimer Sep 2013
searching he finds her, wounded daughter, his wife

there on a wind-punished coast

at the edge of an ocean, some call “despair”

bruised and torn, lost and alone

heart at the edge of eternity’s precipice

he calls to her as she lay

only lifting her head, too feeble to rise

he kneels at her battered side

her dress is in tatters, 

with soil and blood spattered
he reaches gently to touch her cheek

his smile reassuring

like harbor to her storm-tossed ship

voice quiet and soothing

he beckons her weary soul

strong arms now surrounding

cradles her heart pounding

love, his potent elixir 

fuels her smoldering lantern

the light of his spirit

enveloping, warming her

healing, transforming her

breathing life into her darkness

stirring her soul

kindling a fire long cold

his life-giving water 

he whispers, gently calls her

refreshing, awakening, re-fueling

she drinks deeply as he pours himself out

then slowly he gathers her into his arms

"you’ve been sleep walking, my love

let me hold you, my dove"

he carries her back to their bed

where murmuring softly she says

"dark i’ve been dreaming

i awoke myself screaming 

i was lost and alone, 

all bruised and torn"

drawing her close, he’s stroking her hair

*"i know, darling, he whispers
i was there"
to my love, my only, forever and always!!
Sep 2013 · 705
On Falling
SE Reimer Sep 2013
i ponder with wonder the posture created
when tripping forward brings me to my knees
how it allows me to rise up, my body less scathed
so much more quickly reconciled
than when a fall sends me tumbling
to my left, right or backside
perhaps the message is…
*"fall forward, my child!"
‘tis the season to be on a fall kick.  

post script:  the "falling forward" concept is not new to me;  i shared this message with my own children when they were younger, and since with many of my peers.  its just that recently it seems it has taken a whole new meaning.  perhaps it is that as I look back I see the glaring contrast between those times when in falling my knees were the last place I found myself, as compared to those fewer instances when a posture on my knees brought me more quickly to my senses and to the gracious solutions offered by our benevolent Father.  it is He who says to me in a soft gentle voice, "fall forward, my child... I will meet you there"
Sep 2013 · 355
I Removal (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
f a i l i n g


f a l l i n g

the biggest difference…

is the **“I”
most of the time I just need to get my self out of the way and not take my “I” so seriously
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