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Sep 2013 · 492
a dose of happiness (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
your sweet kisses,*
each dose increasing in
is it just me?  or does everyone else feel the euphoria I get from a hug, a kiss, a thank you... a wet puppy's nose?  (dang, but I'm a softie on this fine fall day... just don't tell the guys at the office ;)
Sep 2013 · 489
Child Loss
SE Reimer Sep 2013
the anti-club with
lifetime membership;
dues paid daily...
in tears
to Maria, Connie, my wife and all those of you who unwillingly "joined" the anti-club of child loss... i wish comfort and peace to you today. (10w)
Sep 2013 · 737
Dear Father
SE Reimer Sep 2013
(a prayer for my wife)*

Wiping the dust
That collects in her mind
She's cleaning his room again
Trying to find
Something passed over
Some kind of sign
Answers to questions
Dear Father Divine

Like a blanket so heavy
Grief weighs her down
Keeps her from hearing
The happiest sounds
Keeps her from knowing
The pleasures of life
Keeps her from seeing
Dear Father of Sight

Hoping to glimpse
Longing to see
Looking to capture
Her dying memory
His fingerprints fade
His smell almost gone
His laughter grows distant
Dear Father of Song

The fear of forgetting
More real than you know
Erasing the mind
To remember no more
Like waves of the ocean
Clearing the shore
Of footprints we've made
Dear Father of Hope

Dear Lord may she know
Your grace and Your truth
May she find in this journey
Her heart wrapped in Your strength
May the sense of Your purpose
Dispel all her fear
May the joy of Your presence
Dear Father be near.
written awhile back; seemed an appropriate prayer to post this beautiful sunday morning. though broken, we hope!!
Sep 2013 · 461
we are...
SE Reimer Sep 2013
amongst a sea of ships; 


inspired by Maria; her poem Surface Matters got me thinking about how we can hurt others if what lies below our surface hasn’t been processed well. (10w)
Sep 2013 · 4.6k
SE Reimer Sep 2013
forever changed by your life,


i was your father
missing you, son    (10w)
Sep 2013 · 4.2k
Tandem Bicycle
SE Reimer Sep 2013
Everyone’s peddling something, she complains...
And I a bicycle for two, I reply.
You’re so short-sighted, she retorts...
But I may have missed you were I not, I say.
You’re too happy-go-lucky, she quips...
But I think I’m lucky-to-be-happy, I grin back.
You poets are so unrealistic, she says...  
On the contrary, love, we breath life into realism. 
You’ve got your head in the clouds, honey...
But I was just looking for you, my angel.
Sep 2013 · 392
SE Reimer Sep 2013
my heart you reeled in

         without even asking 

my permission
Sep 2013 · 853
SE Reimer Sep 2013
give                     gain
what                   what
you                       you
cannot             cannot
keep                     lose
(10w)   paraphrased quote by one of my life heroes, Jim Elliott.
Sep 2013 · 355
isn’t it...   (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
strangely ironic... 

today death 

d    i    v    i    d    e    s,

but will one day 

Sep 2013 · 315
bare truth... 10w
SE Reimer Sep 2013
the truth is not hidden...

for those who choose it
from comments on soul in torment's beauty runs deep 10w
Sep 2013 · 869
raindrops (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
small raindrops I cry...
much more
than meets the eye
men weep too, but often their grief remains hidden
Sep 2013 · 453
her beauty lies (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
her beauty lies..

skin deep;

her ugly,
to the bone!
(this statement is not gender specific;  i use “her” only for prose)
Sep 2013 · 554
discarded truth (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
truth disguised as clever words,

too oft discarded or deferred
i love wit, clever words and occasional sarcasm, but sometimes it's just better to say it plainly if you want the pill to be swallowed
Sep 2013 · 326
Ink Stains
SE Reimer Sep 2013
"i've learned to love my ink stains..."

shouldn't we all?
inspired by & credit to M. Tamazian
Sep 2013 · 250
If I Knew Then... (10w)
SE Reimer Sep 2013
knowing then
       what i know now...

i'd change

Sep 2013 · 484
Our Journey
SE Reimer Sep 2013
A tribute to the good times,

cannot neglect the rough.

Without a struggle comes no prize,

cocoon would yield no butterfly,

and without the rain the rose would die.

So when I'm tempted to forget,

just how far we've come,

please remind me, dear.

Please remind me that you love me,

sweet promise whisper in my ear.

Repaint the mem'ries 'cross my mind,

kaleidoscope of precious times.

Remind me that our journey,

of a thousand miles began,

these many years ago now,

the day you took my hand.

Remind me that each day,

is just another step,

toward dreams and goals and promises,

that together will be kept.
one of the earlier poems i wrote for my wife... had to be twenty years ago now
Sep 2013 · 387
Kiss the Moon
SE Reimer Sep 2013
As rays of daylight slowly fade,

And sun concedes its final grip,

Nature strains to kiss the moon.

And find the warmth of lover’s lips.
tonight's moon reminded me of this write, inspired a few years back.  sadly, i cannot include the photo I took, that inspired it.   just love the Pacific NW this time of year!!
Sep 2013 · 631
Her Painted Chest
SE Reimer Sep 2013
In her painted chest lies beating,
Heart aflame in passioned love.
Words confess its she he's seeking,
Verse in prose is ink on wood. 
Know it's burning, read his longing,  
Fire intense, unquenchable;
Feel him bleeding, time is fleeting,    
Awake our dreams for earthly good.
My dear high school sweetheart and wife of 34 years has saved every card and letter the two of us have ever given to each other. I can recall this collection growing yearly, until it grew to a size far larger than its original shoe box. Some years ago I found and gave to her as a gift a painted wooden chest; she immediately turned this into her “treasure” chest, and since has stored our cards in it.  Our cards to each other are impassioned, at times explicit and always quite expressive of our love for each other; you could say its for “our eyes only”.  My contribution to this chest is inspiration for this write a few years back.
Sep 2013 · 327
10w confession
SE Reimer Sep 2013
not ten, but three
confess more simply,

I choose thee
credit to soul in torment for inspiration
Sep 2013 · 370
10w forgotten song
SE Reimer Sep 2013

sing me 
Sep 2013 · 1.9k
His Waters Still
SE Reimer Sep 2013
Beside His still waters,
He leads me I'm told,
From mountains of triumph,
To valleys below.

Yet each river I walk,
Cool waters so sweet,
Flows to an ocean,
Churning and deep.

It's mouth opens wide,
Like a traitorous friend,
Emotions poured out,
It feels like the end.

Fresh swallowed by salty,
As in life so endured;
Anguish consuming,
Joy flooded by tears.

Yet through my distress,
In lesson replete, for
There’s growth at the mingling,
Of bitter and sweet.

His sunshine and rain,
My weakness unseats.
His springtime and harvest,
His plan He completes.

And its here that I realize,
There’s no end to His will;
For whether ocean or river,
They are His waters, still.

post script.

written in a very dark period of our lives, while still reeling from the loss of a son, this simple muse was not in itself an answer, but rather a small piece of a much larger truth, one a guy named Job came to realize eons before i...   simply stated, i do not hold the keys, nor is it even mine to claim i should be able to understand the ways of my creator.
Sep 2013 · 561
SE Reimer Sep 2013
Today as we tended,
Our garden of tears,
I considered so many,
Forgotten by years.
Ashes to ashes,
And dust to dust;
What more is left,
After moth and rust,
Have taken their toll,
On this fragile frame.
Does their memory live on?
Or just their name?
Etched into stone,
On a hillside of green,
Pushed aside by the living,
Generations between.
When flowers no longer
Are laid at their grave,
And visits made only
To a name on a page.
And all they accomplished,
Left to cynics and critics,
Does life really matter?
Or how it is finished?
Yes! Each matters to God,
Though forgotten by man;
Each remembered by He,
Who laid out earth’s plan.
And purpose fulfilled,
For which we were born,
Passes death’s veil,
A crown to adorn.
In that day we'll know,
Then His plan will be clear,
When sinners called saints,
To their home He draws near.

post script.

(this note added Memorial Day, 2015)

as we paid tribute again today, i was reminded of this write from several years back.   my son is laid to rest near an older section of the cemetery and on days like these when many pay tribute, the line between markers laid over 50 years previous that bear no flowers and those laid more recently and are adorned lavishly, is a stark reminder of how long after we are gone our descendants will remember us. it is easy to look at this with cynicism... and then i remember , its not my memory that really counts anyway... a most comforting thought in an otherwise dark moment.
Aug 2013 · 535
SE Reimer Aug 2013
The teardrops that fall,
Like ink from your eyes,
Etch indelible words on this heart;
In your fountain they mingle, 
With words from your lips,
As an “I love you” softly spills out.
Cool, water-filled pools,
Carved deep into stone,
With the force of a waterfall;
Forgiveness restores,
As on hot coals it is poured,
Who knew tears were so powerful.
Here the soft, soothing sand,
Entices our bodies to dance,
You melt the heart of this warrior.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Her Love Courageous
SE Reimer Aug 2013
A mother’s love runs deep, is strong,
Her child’s death it does not sever,
Instead their bond draws like a noose,
Her love becomes to her a razor.
Bruising, wounding, cutting deep,
Her beating heart she fears may burst;
Yet throw it off she dare not think,
For that would be a pain far worse.
So goes on her love courageous,
Burden borne her choice to keep;
Eternal flame within her burning,
‘Til she too finds her final sleep.
Aug 2013 · 1.3k
So Hard To Let Go
SE Reimer Aug 2013
I remember the day,
When first we met;
Your face I can see, 
I'll not ever forget.
Hearing you cry, 
I sang your first song;
I was just learning,
How to hold on.

Off to the playground, 
I think you were three;
While crossing the street,
You hung on to me.
When pushing your swing,
I'd always say,
I'm right behind you, 
Son, I'll keep you safe.

For years we work hard,
Learning how to hold on,
And then in a moment,
Childhood is gone.
No longer their fortress, 
Our arms they outgrow,
We find we're not ready, 
It's so hard to let go.

We took you to college, 
We set up your room.
Had we prepared you,
Or too much assumed?
As we drove down the freeway,
Hope wrestled with fears,
Our struggle to let go,
Was a battle with tears.

Now at your graveside,
I've come here to grieve;
Your protector no longer,
Now you're watching me.
Though Heaven now holds you,
And though His hope I know,
It makes it no easier,
Its still hard to let go.

For years we work hard,
Learning how to hold on,
And then in a moment,
This life is gone.
No longer their fortress,
Our arms they outgrow,
We don't get to choose when,
It is time to let go.

I still find this painful,
It's so hard to let go.
I'll never be ready,
Though it's time to let go.
Aug 2013 · 386
Leaves We Are
SE Reimer Aug 2013
Leaves we are,
You and I;
Our life in seasons,
Passing by.
From spring's romance,
To summer's dance,
Our bond of love
Grows stronger still.
In fall's delight,
With moonlit nights,
Through better and worse
Our hearts hold tight.
When winter's cold
Has made us old,
Two lives entwined until...
Our love in death fulfilled.
SE Reimer Aug 2013
when the misty morning swirls 
does it compel your eyes to spill
cleansing tears of darkness
haunting years of pain
to your memory does it bring
the way you hoped it might have been
had life not vanished in the wind
her words still lingering, speak again
can you still hope for happiness
dreams that lift and don’t depress
for in her song her essence lingers
words like sand slip through your fingers
there they tumble; here they gather
rising waves that fall in lather
oceans weeping at the seashore
each a kiss in liquid poured 
an embrace in thunder unfurled
when the misty morning swirls
Aug 2013 · 643
A Golden Love
SE Reimer Aug 2013
Should I not earn another penny,
I am richer far then they,
Who search the world in fervence for,
What fame and wealth can never pay;
In you I've found a friend so pure,
A golden love, immortalized;
In your embrace this poorest soul,
Becomes the richest man alive.
Apr 2013 · 389
SE Reimer Apr 2013
still i love you
need you always still

be still my beating heart
our lips to lock until
early light of dawn
when these aging eyes are drawn
to gaze once more
into your ageless love

still and always, yours
this heart is still
Apr 2013 · 801
Daylight Savings Lament
SE Reimer Apr 2013
Springing forward this last Sunday, 
A most confusing act;
For reasons clear no longer,
Our sleep we so impact.
Bodies still adjusting,
Long after clock's re-set;
A change that's so alarming,
'Tis trickery we can't abet.
They say that we'll get over it,
Our sleep won't always lack;
But by the time we're rested,
Sadly, we'll be falling back.
as you might guess, i detest the switch both to and from "daily savings time!"  look for my solution in six months, a poem about the "falling back" part.

— The End —