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Sits in the straight-backed chair
opposite the door in the wall,
shotgun across his knees,
glasses on the end of his nose,
and rubs at an itch above his eye.

They will come by night
when the building settles
around the central stairwell
and all the old ghosts
have returned to their bones.

They will come by stealth
and tiptoe, with torchlight playing
across the graffiti, and shadows
dancing over the cigarette butts
and beer bottles  They will come with
the Lord in their right eye and the
Devil in their left.  They will be
gentlemen about it of course, but
force of arms will be with them and a
terrible righteousness

He does not think he can keep them out
and he is not sure he can take them with him.
In fact he is not even sure he knows
what he is doing. His heart is weak and
his head is heavy and he can't see so good
anymore. If only he had a dog. If only he
had a radio and music, something old and smooth
and sad. If only he had a smoke.

Midnight passes with the moon,
and behind him the curtains stir
and a paper bird takes wing.
It is surely past time. He is thirsty
and his bowels ache and his legs are cramping.
How long does it take three dread men
to climb some stairs. His fingers twitch and he
hears a rat's sound. Death comes slowly.
Show me your poems, he said,
leaning into the dark.
Show me your poems
and I'll show you a world.

No need for that, she said,
leaning into the light.
No need for that at all.
Here, I'll show you a world.
THERE is a queen in China, or maybe it's in Spain,
And birthdays and holidays such praises can be heard
Of her unblemished lineaments, a whiteness with no
That she might be that sprightly girl trodden by a
And there's a score of duchesses, surpassing woma-
Or who have found a painter to make them so for pay
And smooth out stain and blemish with the elegance
of his mind:
I knew a phoenix in my youth, so let them have their
The young men every night applaud their Gaby's
laughing eye,
And Ruth St.  Denis had more charm although she had
poor luck;
From nineteen hundred nine or ten, Pavlova's had the
And there's a player in the States who gathers up her
And flings herself out of the room when Juliet would
be bride
With all a woman's passion, a child's imperious way,
And there are -- but no matter if there are scores beside:
I knew a phoenix in my youth, so let them have their
There's Margaret and Marjorie and Dorothy and Nan,
A Daphne and a Mary who live in privacy;
One's had her fill of lovers, another's had but one,
Another boasts, "I pick and choose and have but two
or three.'
If head and limb have beauty and the instep's high and
They can spread out what sail they please for all I have
to say,
Be but the breakers of men's hearts or engines of
I knew a phoenix in my youth, so let them have their
There'll be that crowd, that barbarous crowd, through
all the centuries,
And who can say but some young belle may walk and
talk men wild
Who is my beauty's equal, though that my heart denies,
But not the exact likeness, the simplicity of a child,
And that proud look as though she had gazed into the
burning sun,
And all the shapely body no tittle gone astray.
I mourn for that most lonely thing; and yet God's will
be done:
I knew a phoenix in my youth, so let them have their
ek is moeg
en ek will alles

al die omkraplikheid
al die stres
al die frustrasie

ek wil rus
op eilande
van verwonder

sade saai
met vrede

i am tired
and i want to spit
everything out

all the discomfort
all the stress
all the frustration

i want to rest
on islands
of wonder

sow seeds
with peace
©jeannine davidoff 2011
i suddenly have a new poetic persona : ) loving it
 Oct 2011 scribler
Alice Summer
The gray fades in the colours
And there I stand in misery
I want to fade from this
Into the life and colour I wished for
Everything I expected
I didn’t know what I was looking for
And I ended up
Somewhere I didn’t want to know
And now it’s too late
Everything has passed
And I missed everything I ever wanted
It’s long gone
And I’m stuck here
I want to go on
Not stay here
It is all too late
Way too late for me
Regret is a powerful emotion.
 Oct 2011 scribler
Edith Wharton
Hunters, where does Hope nest?
Not in the half-oped breast,
Nor the young rose,
Nor April sunrise—those
With a quick wing she brushes,
The wide world through,
Greets with the throat of thrushes,
Fades from as fast as dew.

But, would you spy her sleeping,
Cradled warm,
Look in the breast of weeping,
The tree stript by storm;
But, would you bind her fast,
Yours at last,
Bed-mate and lover,
Gain the last headland bare
That the cold tides cover,
There may you capture her, there,
Where the sea gives to the ground
Only the drift of the drowned.
Yet, if she slips you, once found,
Push to her uttermost lair
In the low house of despair.
There will she watch by your head,
Sing to you till you be dead,
Then, with your child in her breast,
In another heart build a new nest.
Come and travel with me
Together we will journey to lands never imagined
We will see sights that could never be
Side by side our creativity shall be awakened

Take my hand in yours
I will show you everything you could dream
We will crawl through the rabbit hole on all fours
And we shall follow the river downstream

And if ever we reach the end of the ledge
Hold my hand tight as I cling to yours
Then you and I shall soar over the edge
Safely carried across to foreign shores

Then when our adventure has reached its end and we lay
I will look into your glittering eyes, and you into mine, both hoping to stay
And as we rest in our bliss
I shall summon the courage and lean in for a kiss
 Oct 2011 scribler
First they were useful
seemed like the needs
felt like best friends
smoke, drinks, those smells-
seemed so awesome;
like the uncontrollable ****** desire
in the dark wild night-
as if nothing in the world does matter
first these were life saving
then became life;
now they are stronger
than the self
more potent than my extreme power
a strong toxin;
poison already injected
life is faint
life is scared
every effort breaks
like pieces of glass;
a scream for help
seems like an invalid's frail body
life is confused and desperate
and there is a void of nothingness-
only those smells remain.
at first it was fun, an adventure
now it's a tragedy, a lost battle
a kiss of death.
Quite unexpectedly, as Vasserot
The armless ambidextrian was lighting
A match between his great and second toe,
And Ralph the lion was engaged in biting
The neck of Madame Sossman while the drum
Pointed, and Teeny was about to cough
In waltz-time swinging Jocko by the thumb—
Quite unexpectedly the top blew off:

And there, there overhead, there, there hung over
Those thousands of white faces, those dazed eyes,
There in the starless dark the poise, the hover,
There with vast wings across the cancelled skies,
There in the sudden blackness the black pall
Of nothing, nothing, nothing—nothing at all.
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