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Sep 2013 · 340
Scott T Sep 2013
These French keyboards
Have the n's and m's all mixed up
And you end up typing
I like these French keyboards
Sep 2013 · 258
Scott T Sep 2013
Do you get angry
When others
Don't abide to your moral code?
Because we all have one
And no one is right
From mother Theresa to Charles Manson
And then we die
Sep 2013 · 321
Scott T Sep 2013
I heard a street preacher
Ask a man
If he had found god
And he replied
"I have money and health
I don't need god"
This struck me as very true
I wasn't sure who I hated more
Out of the three
Sep 2013 · 450
A Chinese proverb
Scott T Sep 2013
When the sage points to the moon
The idiot watches the finger
And we
Simply use the finger to gouge out each others eyes
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
Scott T Sep 2013
I catch glances
As I walk through town
Out with their mums
Who pretend to look off in the arbitrary distance
As I scan them
From top
To toe
And then the glances of their proud mums

Old women who huff
As I have the demeanour
Of a stargazing ******

The odd freak
Who cheers me on with his eyes

Machos, who like to hold the gaze
Which I like to hold right back
Thinking of my father in a coffin
To return a calm, worrying stare

Sometimes a fleeting beauty will appear in a metro window
And both knowing of the ephemerality of our encounter
We **** with our eyes
Before she is whipped off
Down the dark tunnels

I can hold a gaze with almost anyone
People are fascinating

I can hold all these gazes
Some men stare back
And I melt
Sep 2013 · 996
Scott T Sep 2013
I'm doing good now
Settled down
With wifi
A phone
A house
A good amount of food
I've stopped smoking
And taken up jogging again
And there is no one on my horizon

But I can't ******* write
Aug 2013 · 482
Scott T Aug 2013
Don't think about how it makes you feel
And then use the most powerful words you know to portray it
Don't write a line, then use rhymezone to fit in with your ******* couplets
Don't use the flowery words of dead poets
I've seen these rearranged a thousand times
Write it how it is
If it is beautiful
Then so will be the thing you write
It is the only way
Aug 2013 · 298
Scott T Aug 2013
If you say I sound bitter
I'm not your baby sitter
I can't tell you that Eden awaits in the clouds
That the perfect one
Is out there
And so forth

We have to sift through the shadows
To find the light my friends
Aug 2013 · 326
Two haikus for a bi dude
Scott T Aug 2013
I am ready now
In whichever form you come
To love you truly

That you love me back
Is my only condition
O perfect lover
Aug 2013 · 298
The meaning of life is...
Scott T Aug 2013
Whatever the ******* want it to be...
Unless you don't want it to be.
Aug 2013 · 1.2k
Scott T Aug 2013
Chaos is my North Star
My god
Because it is only through chaos
That we can burn down the underbrush and weeds
Of old ideas
Old systems
Bureaucracies and impediments
And plant
Hyacinths of truth
But then again
Ask me about all this
When I am 49
Aug 2013 · 456
Delusions of grandeur
Scott T Aug 2013
I had an outer body experience in a lift
While I was throwing up in the corner
I was suddenly the reporter behind me
Looking at a young Nietzsche
Sick and tormented by Wagner's ring in Bayreuth
But this didnt really happen
Because I imagined the reporters
And I didn't throw up
I was only a bit sick at myself
For seeing this
Going up to the 5th floor
In the lift
Aug 2013 · 2.8k
Scott T Aug 2013
Half the poems on here
Are oversentimental love poems
Written by sobbing little girls
About boyfriends
Flowery and and stinking of perfume
While the boys are on pornhub
On the **** section
There is a divergence
Aug 2013 · 179
Scott T Aug 2013
When I drink
My third eye
Aug 2013 · 331
Scott T Aug 2013
The blues is hot on my heels
But if I keep travelling it stays a step behind
And if I drink and smoke it hides in the shadows
And sometimes when I listen to music
It invades me
And finds a good spot
And sits comfortably
For a while
But then it finds me again
Because man is made to suffer
May 2013 · 343
Scott T May 2013
We are born with the capacity to love everyone
To find anything sexually gratifying
We are conditioned otherwise
**** condition
Seek to deregulate
Seek to push
Seek to love
Apr 2013 · 240
Scott T Apr 2013
build towers with your thoughts
and watch them crumble down
between chaos and order
balance can't be found
Apr 2013 · 778
Scott T Apr 2013
Everywhere I go
People try to be my bro
but ive been toughened
by abandon
by solitude
and where some see a neighbour
i see an anchor
and its sad
but i dont have the energy for everyone
and i have to be selective
but then it happens to me
and i howl at the wind
Apr 2013 · 201
Scott T Apr 2013
I am a little bit of everyone i have met
and i dont know
where you end
and i begin
Scott T Apr 2013
“My mama used to say that America's the big melting ***. You bring it to a boil and all the **** rises to the top”

The Berlin wall is rubble
The invisible hand plays our symphony
CEOs are 4 times more likely to be psychopaths than the general population
And I can't see any humanity
Please cut uni fees.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Scott T Mar 2013
Writing a poem
Is like having a ****
Dec 2012 · 391
Sleep poems
Scott T Dec 2012
Too many **** poems
About not being able to sleep
Wide awake
Open eyes
And thoughts
The usual ****
Why not talk about the thoughts?
It’s like writing a story about a pen
Or painting your brush
Nov 2012 · 725
Scott T Nov 2012
There is a time for speed stream of consciousness jack Kerouac **** and there is a time where you are so close to realizing there is no meaning of life you need K to turn your life into a symbolist poem. On k you feel like le bateau Ivre, on k all your thoughts are symbols blurted out at a volume which makes you loose your voice the next day. All the stupidity and everything you hate about anything is celebrated in a New Orleans funeral style dance on your tomb way. Your life becomes open source to a whole new creation in front of your very eyes. Spasticus autisticus.
Scott T Aug 2011
The cause
You stand for
Breathe for
Live for
Fight for
**** for
Isn’t there
You’re just using it to get others on your side
Be it
The ideal isn’t achievable
We have yet to meet god
We have yet to be free from ourselves
We have yet to live without greed
So you are just allowed
To keep on going
In power
With no clear finish line
Aug 2011 · 910
I know it's over
Scott T Aug 2011
Shot nerves
I need a girl
But you disgust me
Why can I not

This gap
I’m right in front of you
But it’s so wide

I have charm
I can make you smile
I can make you growl
for more
But I don’t want to

Glad to be unhappy?
Fasting subconsciously?
Maybe i'm happy with a missing piece
What future pleasure is there to be had
from a finished jigsaw?

O, mother
I can feel
The soil
Falling over my head
Jul 2011 · 613
Lonely love
Scott T Jul 2011
Its been years now
That she hides the bruises on her cheeks
With cheap concealer
To hide the violence of which her marriage reeks

It's been years now
That he wakes up every morning
And looks down at her skin
And feels nothing

His affection comes in spells
Ten minutes generally
Hers is well long gone
A speck you cannot see

They don't have love for each other
So why don't they just leave?
I guess this world's kind of lonely
For something to be worth this much grief
Jul 2011 · 894
Scott T Jul 2011
I follow the canyons you have dug
Following the bottom path
Looking up at the high water mark
knowing that i will never reach
Trudging on and on in your shadow
The goal is visible
Although an invisible spec that i will never reach in the time i have

At some point
I stop
Clamber over the edge
And stare at the wrinkled surface of my life
Which is riddled with the long
And shallow paths of other men
Which path will i choose next?
Jul 2011 · 1.2k
La femme parfaite
Scott T Jul 2011
Quesque'il faut pour ce cœur tourmenté
C’est une femme, une ancre à laquelle s’attacher
Cette femme, un fantôme qui trouble mon sommeil
n’est jamais à mon côté quand je me réveil

Je me gaspille tout seul en faisant rein.
Doucement vient la vieillisse, la peur, le chagrin.
La cure se trouve dans la femme parfaite
qui sait trouver l’ancien ordre et le remettre

Une tache de merde aura cette pauvre femme.
Sans grand chose en échange, balayer mon âme
Pour trouver son ancienne splendeur
Obscurci par le temps et la douleur
Scott T Jul 2011
At the cross roads
Down on my knees
If you love me Jesus
Wire me some money

Dank to think I can sort out my woes
Cause? : the bitter scratch of time
Stronger than the thoughts of man
A healing flow, sublime.

I’m more right than Maggie
The masters bigwig voice
They just drool to make me a tool
But I have a choice

Really on my own here
All made of stars
The commute and infinity
The universe and cars

Four walls follow wherever I go
Maybe I created these four walls?
Could the collective of humanity
dream past the halls of fools

Mighty moloch man eater
You furnace of society
Guzzling skeletal men
Chained by bureaucracy
Jul 2011 · 578
Why write?
Scott T Jul 2011
Telling me to write it differently
But can you carve my feelings?
Because the words I chose so carefully
Are part of my minds reelings

I’ve lain myself down for all to see
Although hidden a few brush strokes
I am these words, these words are me
Or is it all a hoax?

Why write down in rhythmic structure
Simple workings of the mind
When all they are is basic thoughts
Written behind the rules of rhyme

Pretending to rhyme a with b
when im fitting problem and solution
Pretend to write a simple poem
When im clearing my confusion
Jun 2011 · 1.0k
Midnight train
Scott T Jun 2011
I was happy on the train last night
On my own in the clinic white light
With earphones in and eyes closed
I smiled

Stewing in my loneliness, warm
With the country unraveling, free form
I couldn’t explain why and that was why
I smiled

I counted my problems and found four
Realized they didn’t matter anymore
Because time was on my side
I smiled

Zipping past personal dramas
Speeding past sleeping farmers
Coming back home to my bed
I smiled

I took the long way home that night
Stepping under multicolor street light
Got home and gazed and the ceiling
I smiled
Jun 2011 · 689
Ying et Yang
Scott T Jun 2011
Moi: blanc, pur, droit.
Toi: noir, impur, a plat.
Une guerre, une embrasse, une rencontre
Une éternité, sévère, sans importance
Jun 2011 · 595
Lost love
Scott T Jun 2011
Discarded and disheartened
Torn, stamped and pushed away
I sit and think, bruised and broken
But what is there to say?

I should of known it wouldn’t work
I could have seen the signs
But I can’t decipher your silence
And I still can’t read your mind

But you haven’t broke my heart
Merely left a splinter
So thanks for having been here
My warmth through the cold winter
Jun 2011 · 635
Torn in half/Cut in two
Scott T Jun 2011
Torn in half and cut in two
Searching or lost
Depends on point of view

Needing to be complete
We search on
Fight and compete

No wonder so many combinations don’t fit
For lovers and perfectionists
Too much choice to claim that that one is 'it'

— The End —