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Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
Seeing red,
Feeling so blue.
My heart rate spikes then falls.
I wish I could understand how you feel,
But you never tell me.
I look for all the signs that you give,
But never catching any.
Why can't I understand.
I'll drive straight off the edge before I ever understand you.
I'm taking my life by not living it at all,
And I do so by trying to figure you out.
My darling,
Why most you tease me,
You pull the leash and make me follow along,
But I never can.
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
A child pale with fright,
And a slowly fading light,
A room bleak and swarmed with black.
A mother who's care for her child slowly starts to lack.
The demons start to show.
As the parents fight starts to go,
The child whispers, "No more, please'
But only to see the father stabbed the mother with the now crimson keys.
Witness to it all,
The child tries his hardest not to bawl,
But he does so in vain,
He watches his mother beaten with fist and blame,
The child sees the wounds bleed.
To his father, he tries to plead,
The child's eye, now impaled
He now has a "trophy" to show how he had failed.
Now he sees nothing right,
But sees all that is left.
Seeing the scars that show on his mom,
Scars that are mental, don't show on the boy now so calm.
I have been fortunate enough not to witness my parents get into fights or see my dad abuse my mom, but just because I never witnessed it doesn't mean that I am not aware of it. I am against it, and will never wish to be one of those people who abuse their spouses.
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
I loved her.
I loved.
Such a fickle word, the word "love".
One moment it is the most beautiful thing we hear then at the next it is heart crushing.
And that crushing feeling sends us rushing.
Rushing to the bed to cry.
Maybe even making us hope to die.
But I digress.
And slowly start to feel less.
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
I lie down on the verge of crying, having the tears lie upon my eyes.
Not wishing to leave knowing the fate that would soon follow.
Knowing that once they leave my face they will be forgotten and dead
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
I wish I died at birth,
So I wouldn't feel the sorrow that has been handed to me on this earth.
Death spits at my face,
Now I just want to find my final resting place
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
My health is declining.
It falls to my heart beat's timing.
Let me die,
It isn't like anyone would cry
Scott Shaffer Dec 2013
A heart which love has torn,
And sorrow that has been sworn,
No one cares to mourn,
Why am I so forlorn?
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